10 on the 10th; April 2022 The Diamond Edition

 I know I don't usually post on Sundays but I already have 2 posts for publication on Monday!  The 10 on the 10th with Marsha and Leslie is just too much fun to pass up.  This month all the questions center around diamonds and quite a few of them really made me stop and think!

1.  My birthstone is a ruby; I like that in most settings it is a lighter red than the garnet but if I had my way my birthstone would be either sapphire or the blue topaz since blue is my favorite color.

The only piece of jewelry I have with my birthstone

2. I'm not really sure I was the one dealing with it but the hardest thing we've had to do in the past year or so was figuring out how/ when/ etc. to sell my husband's company.  It was so stressful with so much family involved and just trying to figure out all the legal/ financial aspects... we spent many a sleepless night trying to hash out what the best plan would be and we're still not even 100% done with it but most of the hard stuff is over (we hope!).  

3. My bestie, I would have to say, is my husband.  Having met him in grade school and having him by my side since we both turned 16 he's the one I turn to for everything.  I have many female friends and enjoy hanging out with them but for sure he's my best friend. 

Photo taken at my high school graduation

4. I didn't even know she was an actress! LOL.  The only image I have ever seen of Marilyn is of her in the white dress standing on the grate/vent. 

5. In spring of 2012 I began researching homeschooling and by June had decided to give it a go with my three boys-- they had just finished up 2nd, kindergarten, and 1 year of pre-school.  I dove into homeschooling and blogging with my first post: Preparing to Homeschool.  I used to blog under My Homeschooling Journey and swapped everything over a few years ago when it was obvious that our homeschool journey was nearing it's end. 

Looking back on that post makes me tear up a bit; I can't believe it's been 10 years and honestly it was the best decision ever.  Homeschooling worked out better for our family than I ever could have imagined. 

6. The ONLY song I can think of with Diamonds in the title is Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds... I was always told that this was a song about LSD but when I googled that I found out I was wrong!  But I will admit that I was never a fan of the song at all-- regardless of what it means. 

7. I'd much rather splurge on an experience because I am all about experiences but my husband wishes I would splurge on a new car.  He's been trying to get me to buy one since pre-pandemic lockdown of 2020. (preferably a Tahoe-- I'm sure he'll wear me down eventually because I just don't care about that kind of stuff)

8. I have only ever had 2 diamond gifts-- a small set of earrings my husband bought me our first Christmas together and my wedding ring.  I love my wedding ring with it's heart shaped stone. 

9. I do like diamonds.  I think the classic white stones go with everything and they do sparkle so very much which I just love. 

10. I'm pretty much a fan of anything that sparkles so I'm good with traditional white diamonds or colored stones... a mix of both is just perfect! 

Linking up with: Spread the Kindness, 


  1. We are homeschoolers as well!! I absolutely love it. Best thing we have done. :)


  2. I loved your answers. I homeschooled our daughters as well. How cool that you and your hubby have known each other since grade school.

  3. Loved this!! My birthstone is a garnet and I have a ring similar to yours!! Thanks so much for stopping by!! I hope you are enjoying the weekend!!

  4. What interesting questions and answers. x

    1. It was fun! They were definitely different questions than I am used to.

  5. Thanks, Joanne, for playing along! I loved reading your answers. I didn't know your husband had sold his business...is he retired now? Isn't it weird to think that 2012 was ten years ago? It truly seems like only yesterday and forever ago! I think it's hilarious you didn't know Marilyn Monroe was an actress. Now, you'll have to watch a couple of her movies! If you want dark, watch "The Misfits" or "Niagara". If you want funny, try "Some Like it Hot".


    1. Nope, he's much too young for retirement. The company he sold to negotiated a contract with him so he's their new VP of something or other... I'll definitely have to check out some of her movies.

  6. Lucy in the Sky With Diamonds ISN'T about LSD? Wow! lol. I still have to answer these for my blog as well.

    1. Right?! I had always heard that's what it was all about but I guess in several interviews the Beetles swore up and down it had nothing to do with drugs but was based on a picture one of their kids drew.

  7. Hi Joanne, the 10 on the 10th is fun, and of course 'diamonds are a girl's best friend' as Marilyn sang. Yes she was an actress LOL :) My birthstone is a peridot which I find quite unassuming and dare I say bland? I'm not one for too much bling but we all need some sparkle in our life don't we? My engagement and eternity rings are probably the only real diamonds I own. Enjoy the sparkles of life! x

  8. After reading this, I want to answer some of these diamond questions. I liked your answers and I always forget Marilyn was an actress as well.

  9. Interesting to learn more about you Joanne. I am not a diamonds girl at all. In fact, working in a jewellery shop when I was at teachers college, I knew what kind of an engagement ring I would choose and in the year I became engaged, went back to the shop and got the model ring (it had a diamond in it) made with sapphire. My favourite. I also dislike gold so have white gold for my wedding ring etc and silver for mostly everything else.
    You are showing your age....lol...about Marilyn Monroe. She had a sad life really. I am glad you found homeschooling worked for you and your boys.
    Thank you so much for linking your blog post up for Life’s Stories my fortnightly blogging link up at Denyse Whelan Blogs.

    I appreciate your support and continuing blogging connections and friendships.

    I will be back with the next #LifesStories link up on Monday 25 April 2022.


    1. My original ring (that the diamond fell out of and we had to replace completely since the setting was broken beyond repair) combined gold with silver since I tend to wear both equally. But they didn't have that option years later when we shopping and I settled for the gold to match my band.

  10. I love that your husband is your best friend. That's such a wonderful thing! I'd have to say the same about mine... he's the first person I turn to for anything and everything!

  11. You wedding ring is absolutely beautiful! My husband and I have been together since I was 16 too!
    Suzy xx


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