What's Up Wednesday; March 2022

I feel like this month has just flown right by!  We had a pretty good month even if the weather has been all over the place. We have just a few more weeks until Alec's April vacation and I am looking so forward to sleeping in.  
What We're Eating This Week: 
Chicken parmesan in the air fryer with whole grain pasta and salad

Burgers/hot dogs fries and salad

Spinach and cheese ravioli & sauce (I'll make pesto pasta for Alec since he doesn't eat ravioli and loves leftover pesto for lunch)

Unstuffed cabbage soup with cornbread

Ham steak, twice baked potatoes, and green beans

Steak & Cheese grinders with raw veggies and dip (or maybe salad): We often used leftover pot roast and just shred it up with some cheese, I cook up onions and mushrooms and each person picks what they want on their sandwich. 

What I'm Reminiscing About: My girlfriend and I have been talking about our time homeschooling and how quickly it all flies by. Her one and only is headed off to college soon and we've been reminiscing about all the times we've spent together. 

Bowling birthday party:

College class we took together:

Countless hikes and park days:

Pizza making class and touring the permaculture garden:

Newport mansion at Christmas with them:

Touring Newport in the winter and learning about it's history:

What I'm Loving:  I've been forcing myself to use my photo ball more often this past month and I am loving the photos I've been taking!

What We've Been Up To: Oh so much hiking,  working on finishing up our school year, Evan's last MRI, a few RZR rides in the mud and snow... the usual.  

The MRI machine at our hospital is permanently located in a trailer set adjacent to the building

What I'm Dreading:  Our taxes... we've been warned that we are going to owe a whole lot of money this year with the selling of the businesses.  I hate tax time in a normal year even when we get a return. LOL. 

What I'm Working On: Lots and lots of scrapbook pages and cards! I'm hoping to get up a separate post with all the scrapbook pages and maybe even the cards too soon. Here are a few of my favorites:

What I'm Excited About: Alec participated in a SkillsUSA baking challenge this month and it sounded like it was such a great experience for him.  He came home with all the food he made too (though much of it had a rough bus ride home and looked the worse for wear it still tasted good!).  He made some scones too but they didn't survive the trip at all.

He had to decorate a cake according to the specifications he was given:

It says "Happy Birthday 223"  (223 was his competition #)

Make a pie with a lattice top crust and another pie crust with a fluted edge

The pie tipped sideways on the way home and broke/bent much of the lattice work

A braided bread and some lemon scones.

What I'm Watching/Reading: on Netflix: The Adam Project, Inventing Anna, Is It Cake?, & Friends From College. On HBO Max: Fresh Prince of Bel Air (with the boys; it's been a fun family show and I am loving reminiscing with my husband), The West Wing, & The Gilded Age.  On Hulu: Burn Notice & The Catch as well as our regular weekly shows like 911 and 911 Lonestar, etc.

I read 11 books this month (my full review will be up soon) & I really enjoyed them all. 

What I'm Listening to: I began listening to audiobooks on my commutes to Alec's school this year and have been listening to lots and lots of celebrity memoirs.  I'm currently working my way through the Brat Pack-- Rob Lowe, Andre McCarthy, Demi Moore (I read her book a few summer's ago), etc.  I am loving this "new" look at all these actors and actresses I feel like I grew up watching. 

What I'm Wearing:  Our weather has been all over the place this month! We've had everything from snow and ice to sunny weather in the mid 70's so my clothing has been all over the place too.  But I did get to wear my flip flops twice!

I love this shirt

Check out the v-back with tie detail

What I'm Doing This Weekend: I don't think we have any big weekend plans.  I'm sure I'll be taking Alec to karate and grocery shopping at some point. 

What I'm Looking Forward to Next Month: Alec's April Vacation, a seal watch boat trip, and Ian turns 18! 

What Else is New: Nothing.  

Linking up with: Spread the Kindness, 


  1. The MRI in a trailer is crazy! Love those cozy looking sweaters.

    1. LOL; it's more amazing that our small town hospital has one now!

  2. Replies
    1. Yeah, we really did. It didn't feel like it though.

  3. You should make a calendar with all of your hike photos. Good work on taking photos of your outfits, I am terrible at that!

  4. Alec is such a talented baker! All of his creations turned out beautiful! We've been watching Fresh Prince with the kids, too, and it's been so fun watching it all again! Our kiddos love it!

    1. Aw, thank you! We think he's pretty talented too.

  5. All your food pictures made me so hungry! I also love all the nature pictures! I wish I could have those views here in California! Have a lovely week!
    PerlaGiselle | iamperlita.com

  6. So many things in this post! First and foremost, that bowling alley is fantastic! I've never seen one before with windows.
    Second, I've enjoyed homeschooling more than my daughter has, but she wants to return to public school next year, which makes me a little sad. I'll miss having her in the house with me every day.
    Third, that picture ball is fantastic! So lovely.

    1. It's the oldest, continuously run bowling alley and it was on the top floor of an old mill; they had people hand returning the balls! It was really neat. I know what you mean about missing your daughter; it's so weird only having one son that I homeschool now! I do miss the other two and all the fun we always had together.

  7. Gosh, there's so much to comment on.
    First that photo ball. I've never seen one of those. Can you tell us more about it??
    And your son is so talented with his baking. I'm assuming you guys get to eat it too??

    1. I just google lens ball one day and found a few on Amazon that were fairly cheap. They are glass balls made for photography. We do get eat a lot of what he bakes and we try to share with lots of our family and friends too.

  8. I agree with you...this month has flown! I love that photo ball though I haven't a clue what it is! And the fungi picture is gorgeous! We watched Inventing Anna...what an odd show it was. We just finished binging the Harry Potter movies after watching the reunion special. And, we're also watching The Gilded Age...I can't make up my mind about that one!

    1. I'm not 100% sure what I feel about The Gilded Age either but I am only a few episodes away from finishing it up. I'm watching The Thing About Pam right now and it's like a train wreck I just can not look away from. It's based on a true story like Inventing Anna and once again I am finding myself Googling all about it!

  9. That bowling alley looks SO cool- love the photo ball- hope to see you get some pics during the summer in front of the lake too :) All of the baked items are beautiful- sorry they got ruined but he is such a talent!

    1. Luckily he couldn't have cared less that things got ruined on the way home; he was totally focused on what he scored... which we're still waiting to hear!

  10. Okay an MRI in a trailer is hilarious (kind of!). I was like, "What is that?" so I'm glad you explained the picture. And ENJOY your April Break. I am excited to hear about the seal watching trip -- that sounds like an adventure!!! And Alec's baking skills are incredible!

    1. I just hope our trip isn't cancelled again this year; last year it was much too windy to get out in the bay.

  11. It sounds like you have a tasty week of meals planned and it looks like you had some great adventures while home schooling.

  12. That photo ball is so neat! Such creativity in your family from the baking and photography!

  13. I love that you make a lot of different foods for dinner. I liked looking at all of the nature photos from your hikes. I also love your sweater collection. Thanks for the blog visit Joanne and I hope you have a nice day.

    1. I try make sure we have a large variety each week to ensure that everyone has at least one mean they'll really enjoy.

  14. i have never heard/seen a photo ball before but those photos are amazing

  15. That cabbage soup!!!! Looks so good
    OK - that old bowling alley... so do the people have to pick up all pins & set themselves each time? ... need a young person for that job - my back hurts thinking of it!

    1. It is so good! It's one of my favorite new soups we've tried. Those are the workers that stand behind the pins and reset them and send the balls backs to the person bowling. Everything is done by hand since it was before the automated machines.

  16. Alec’s baking skills still just amazing! And that cabbage soup looks so yummy! I always love your sweaters and it’s still so cold here I need them!

    1. Thank you! It's been freezing here this week too.

  17. Alec's baked goods look delish - even after the ride home! And I really like your outfits...especially that next to the last one with the blue and white!

  18. For what it's worth, I HATE doing taxes, too! I feel like we're always moving, too, and that throws a wrench in things as a freelancer and photographer. Maybe one day tax season won't be so daunting haha I love all your homeschool adventures! They make me excited...though I'm honestly a bit scared to take the plunge!

    1. It is such a scary leap to take but I am so glad we did. There were days that felt like they would never end but here I am staring the ending right in the face and I can't believe how fast it flew right by.

  19. The pasta looks yum! The photo ball pictures and the pics from your hike are all beautiful!

  20. Oh my goodness your outside pictures were all beautiful! They make me want to go for a hike today.

    1. I'm hoping to get out for a hike today; it's been nearly a week that we've been stuck inside and I miss traipsing through the woods.


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