Photos of the Week: March 5 2022

 I am fairly relieved to have photos for all the prompts this week as I didn't take many photos at all this week!  

– Window View – Quarterly-- Taken from the closet window.

– Topped off-- I topped off our bird feeder and 2 seconds later a bird landed to begin eating.

– On time-- Despite stopping to get my car washed, I was still on time to pick up Alec.

– Starts with P-- The Pink blossoms of my cactus are loving the bright sunlight this week. 

– Your Choice- A not so typical morning where I'm blogging and both boys are doing school work at the table. 

Linking up with:


  1. Makes me remember I need to get my car washed!!

    1. Of course the car was immediately all dirtied up by stuff on the road but it felt great to have a clean car for a few moments.

  2. Such a pretty picture of your Christmas Cactus.

  3. These are great! And what an amazing view you have from your closet!! Love the pink cactus and cute bird!

  4. I think I would be spending all my time in the closet!! Love the pic of the birdfeeder and your fabulous cactus.

    1. LOL. It does look out on our driveway and our shed too but I took a more creative side view.

  5. Gorgeous photos!
    It is wonderful when the birds come to get food. x

    1. Thank you! I keep joking they are eating me out of house and home this winter as our feeder is empty every 2 days.

  6. Hello ♡
    You have a wonderful blog. Great post, it's very inspiring here and I love this style on blogs :)
    Amazing photos!
    Regards nice and warm from Poland ♡

  7. I like that photo at the end! it's good to spend time together as a family even if everyone is busy each doing their own thing :)

    Hope that you had a good weekend! Was a hot and sunny one here :)

    Away From The Blue

    1. It really is; we have spent so many years gathered round this kitchen table doing our schoolwork.

  8. Fabulous photos, Joanne.

    You have such a lovely view from your closet window!

    Happy Monday!

  9. Love your cactus! I have a few of them too but no flowers at this moment.

    1. For some reason this one just keeps right on blooming! My other two don't have any at all.

  10. Those cactus blooms are so beautiful. Such a vibrant color!

    1. Yes, I love that bright pink. My sister bought it for me several years ago and it always makes me smile to see it in bloom.

  11. a nice collection of photos - love the pink blooms and yes I need to have my car washed too

  12. I like all these pictures. These blossoms are pretty and lovely.
    Have a great day!

  13. My "topped off" picture was the bird feeder as well - great minds! Love your window view, and your morning at the table with the boys.

    1. Thanks! Only our birdfeeder was completely empty without a single seed left by the time I remembered to top it off.

  14. Great images from the week!

    Thanks for sharing your link at My Corner of the World this week!

  15. I like your closet window view and your pink cactus.

  16. I love your bird feeder shot. I need to add some bird feeders near windows. Just have to make sure their 'squirrel proof.'

    1. Yes, we have had a few squirrels try to reach ours; they can't but it's fun to watch them try!


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