My WOTY-- 3 Month progress

Today is the 22nd and that means it's time to reflect on my WOTY: Step with the one word community at Lisa's notes.  I think I've been doing pretty well with it this past month! 

I've been counting steps each day with my activity tracker and have written them down on my sentence a day posts; most days I reach if not exceed 10,000.  But it is very dependent on the weather  and on my children's schedules.  I have realized it's not a perfect count of what I do but it should be pretty close.

my busiest day

Of course with the beautiful weather we've been having this past week, it's been easy to reach my step goal each day.  Evan and I have been hiking with or without our hiking group.

I read two books with the word step in the title: 

A Thousand Steps & Two Steps Forward 

I've already begun searching for a few books to read next month to keep my word fresh on my mind. 

Alec has been driving us home from school each day and this is a huge step for both of us; I don't even stomp on the floor or clutch the dashboard anymore! 

We've been planning Evan's high school curriculum; looking ahead to the next step in homeschooling.

How are you doing with your word of the year?

Linking up with:


  1. Wow! You are amazing! You have inspired me to truly take my daily steps to the next level! Will love following along :)

  2. Awesome! I'm glad you're making such great steps forward in walking, reading, homeschooling and in being a student driving teacher. Great job!

  3. Very cool, I am not that connected to my word - which happens to be connect!

    1. Oh no! I find Lisa often has helpful tips-- things like reading a book with your word. I honestly used to do quite poorly at keeping my mind on my WOTY.

    2. Hello Dara! My word is also connect (well, connected). I created an affirmation that I repeat each morning, so at least I start the day connected. From there, it may be hit and miss, but it's something.

  4. You're doing great! I love seeing all those steps!!

  5. Great job staying focused and active with your word. I need to find a hiking trail that ends at a coffeehouse. Maybe I'd walk a bit more.

    1. Oh I bet that would motivate lots of people! I read a blog with one family that just moved to South Korea and they have so many cute little food/coffee huts alongside a lot of their hiking trails and I thought that was just genius!

  6. You are so good at this. My word of the year is extra, but I need to incorporate it into my daily life even more!!

  7. Wow! I would say you're definitely meeting the challenge of your word of the year. Congratulations!!!

  8. The weather absolutely has so much to do with whether or not I get my steps in. You are doing so good and I’m proud of you!

  9. Good job on all those steps! And hooray for beautiful hiking weather! What fun it would be to have a hiking group:)

  10. You are doing fantastically well with your steps. It does make it easier to get the step count up when the weather is nice. It has been lovely here for the past week or so.

    1. It's been more of a struggle this week with cold, windy days and lots of rain.

  11. Way to go. I need to be better with getting my steps in. I used to be so good with it. 16k is a lot!!!

    1. Thanks! I thought so too and then one day my mother in law said she had over 20,000!

  12. Joanne,
    Good for you on doing so well with your Word...Mine is Thrive and I feel I have done well with thriving so far...I am doing things I love to do...been able to do a bit more crafting than last far so good for me I think....Thanks so much for taking the time to stop by!! Stay safe, healthy and happy!!

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. Love the update! So glad you are keeping up your steps. Your hiking and outdoor adventures inspire me to get out and go when I can. I have been working on my word" Growth" by growing emotionally...learning to live in the moment, doing things just for "joy" instead of doing them because they are productive or I "should" and learning to live authentically. Can't wait to see what you have in store for Alec for high school. I have one I am still homeschooling and we just started Middle School :)

    1. Sounds like a lot of progress with growth!

  15. I am so proud of you for all this hiking! Also, it's wonderful that you keep calm at least on the outside when Alec is driving. Good luck to Evan on his high school curriculum!

    1. Thank you! I often try to hide my anxiety from the kids as I figure they're busy fighting off their own. LOL. He is pretty nervous driving but he really does keep getting better and better.

  16. That's awesome that you reach 10,000 steps on most days. My goal is to reach at least 5,000 on most days. :) But my real goal is to get up and walk around for 5 minutes every 30 minutes or so during the day. As they say, sitting is the new smoking. I love the ways you are keeping your word fresh, Joanne. (And good luck with the teen driver step; that's a big one! lol).

    1. Thank you! Luckily the teen driver is quite ambivalent about the whole thing and we're in no rush.

  17. Step is such a great word, and you are doing very well with it. What did you think of Two Steps Forward?

  18. A great word of the year Joanne. I really enjoyed your words and the visuals. I was never comfy as the parent of a learner driver so my husband did that! Denyse #WOTY link up

    1. I wish my husband would take over: I've asked him a few times as I am not a real confident driver myself but my husband is rarely home.

  19. Doing so well Joanne with your WOTY and it's great to have somewhere like our WOTY link up to share our progress or learnings. Thanks for joining us and I will check out the books your mentioned. Keep stepping out! #2022WOTY link party

    1. It is great to have this community to share with; otherwise I don't think I'd be thinking about my word nearly as much.

  20. I love the books with your word Step in them. Thanks for joining us in the link party Joanne.

  21. I can imagine with spring coming, and nicer weather, it's easy to reach the daily step target! You have some lovely areas for hiking there.

  22. Steps that lead forward are always in the right direction. Love that you found books with steps in the title. I hope they inspired you to take more.

  23. I seriously need to do more steps. Thanks for the inspiration.

  24. Nice work, Joanne! You seem to be right on track. Your hiking sounds delightful. I'm looking forward to more of that now that I am retiring. Riding with a new driver behind the wheel is a BIG step. Good luck!

  25. How wonderful that you're engaging with your WOTY in multiple ways.

  26. Joanne that is such an amazing accomplishment - keep up the great work! My husband and I just started walking again but our numbers pale in comparison to yours (we're just thrilled to get out of the house!) CONGRATS - not only for your continued FRESH start - but also for being one of our Friends of the Week at Friendship Friday at Create With Joy!

  27. Wow, Joanne--keep up the good work with walking 10,000 steps and more! I once had a FitBit that encouraged me to do that and I was completing many hikes, but then it broke, and then the pandemic hit, and then I did not need more excuses to become a couch I really need to get motivated again.


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