Friday Favorites: Winter is not over yet

 We had a pretty good week despite some pretty cold temperatures and another snowstorm. 

Friday Evan, Ian, and I met up with our friends for a hike around purgatory chasm.  It was pretty icy and snowy still but we had fun crunching through the snow and we all made it through our 45 minute hike without any mishaps.  

My nice warm hiking outfit-- lined hiking pants with turtleneck & wool sweater

Saturday after Alec's karate class Alec and I headed out roller skating with some friends of his.  I brought my skates too and skated for nearly the whole 2 hours.  The rink was packed and I was so happy to have made it through the whole open skate time without any falls or injuries.  

I spent most of my day on Sunday working on some scrapbook pages. I hadn't used my Cricut in awhile and I was thrilled to see that there is now an "offset" button which I can use to put a background on all the words/titles I cut out.  I used to have to use a different program to do that and it took me forever. I managed to get 8 page titles done in just a couple of hours. 

We had my mother in law over for dinner Sunday night.  We grilled steaks, played cards, and ate ice cream sundaes.  It was wonderful.  

I wore one of my favorite sweaters on Sunday-- I just love both the color and the style of this sweater.

Monday Evan and I headed out on a nice long walk. The temps were in the mid-50's and I didn't even need to wear a coat!  Most of the ice and snow was melted on the wide open airline trail so we walked for an hour; dodging what ice and snow there was. 

We tried walking a different airline trail on Tuesday too but barely made it 25 minutes-- it took us 8 minutes out and 17 minutes back.  The wind was blowing so bad my eyes would not stop watering and it was so cold they were starting to freeze my eyes!  Not a favorite but man did we make a ton of jokes on our way home. 

Evan's recheck with the ENT went great.  This latest MRI shows zero changes from last year's so we don't have to go back again unless something new crops up.  They've determined the pulsating in his ears is do a congenital thing that he "should" outgrow completely and since he is already noticing improvements in hearing the sound less we are all taking this as a good sign. 

 Ian had no school on Wednesday and Alec only a 1/2 cay dur to the snowstorm. I am so over the snow by this point in the year but I do love how quiet and pretty it makes everything while it's coming down.  It didn't hurt that we woke to a beautiful snow covered world with bright blue skies and sunshine.  I ended walking around our property for nearly 40 minutes after dropping Alec off at school on Thursday to take photos before all the snow melted. Scenes like these are always my favorites!!

I did my nails a new fun color! I am digging this deep blue.  And in prep for our winter storm on Wednesday I pulled out this dark blue sweater (and turtleneck) outfit to go with them. And another deep blue sweater for our (slightly) warmer weather on Thursday. 

It warmed up into the 50's by lunchtime on Thursday so the boys and I met my mom at the river trail for a nice long walk.  We walked for an hour and half and Ian even took off his sweatshirt to walk in his short sleeved shirt.  Most of the snow was melted and we had a nice time together.

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  1. We got 3 inches last night. Love your cozy cute sweaters! And blue nails.

  2. Love that royal blue nail and sweater combo- the 50's must have felt like a heat wave on your walk...I feel spring coming! :)

    1. It sure did! They're saying it might even reach 60 this week!!

  3. The weather is so wacky. I love Purgatory Chasm!

  4. We had another snow day this week too and the roads are bad this morning! I love that blue toned photo of the lake in the snow!

    1. Thank you! I loved that too; it was taken during that blue hour of the morning.

  5. I love that deep blue sweater on you! Such a gorgeous color!

  6. It seems like you had great time. These pictures are beautiful. I like your beautiful sweaters too.

  7. Look at all that snow. It sure is pretty, but I'm sure you're ready for spring. Have a wonderful weekend.

  8. We're getting snow this weekend & I'm so over it too - & we dont get anything like you do - I cant imagine.
    I love that long hiking trail. YAHOOO for walks with no cokes
    Glad to hear everything is going well with Evan's results!

    I thought of you - I just joined WW this week so I'm going to be looking through some of your past posts for ideas :)

    1. You should also check out Coffee and Cocktails at the Casa; I have gotten a lot of food and recipe ideas from her. Best of luck with WW! I really like it a lot.

  9. Pretty scenery and sweaters! Spring is just around the corner...

    1. I know.. each snow and ice storm is melting away quicker each time.

  10. Those are proper sweaters! So cozy and warm. Beautiful nail colour. I've got green at the moment. Have a great weekend.

  11. The hike sounds like fun and it looks like you had the perfect outfit for it.
    That's great news that Evan's ENT appointment went well.
    The photos of the snow are beautiful x

    1. We are so happy to not have to go back and that all is well. Even knowing it would be, it was a relief to hear it.

  12. You got some great hikes in this week despite the crazy weather! And your dark blue nails are so pretty!

  13. The wind can make it so miserable. I swear, I think the wind is worse than the cold.
    The nails look so great Joanne. I have some like that and I need to put them on,

    1. Yeah, I think the wind is worse than the cold too.

  14. The snow is still beautiful. I love it.

  15. Beautiful winter scenery and hiking trails. You did very well with all your outdoor activities and great news from Evan's ENT appointment. Thank you for linking up with #weekendcoffeeshare.

  16. I love seeing all your snow photos and your warm outfits (SO different to our STILL very hot temps here in Western Australia). I can't imagine weather being so cold that it freezes the water from your eyes.....maybe our hot weather isn't so bad after all.

    1. LOL. I can't say I'm a huge fan of real hot weather either but I do dream of it during winter.

  17. I love your favorite sweater, too! And, I will never tire of looking at your photos of the snow and ice! But, then, I don't have to go out in it!

  18. I agree about being over winter but the snow is so pretty! Love your blue sparkly nail polish. I get jealous of all of your hikes! The weather hasn't been great on the weekends for us to get outside....and I don't like the cold very much! Can't wait for spring! Hope you have a great weekend!

    1. It really has been quite cold! We're hoping to get out for a walk this afternoon but the wind is crazy here and just standing outside makes my eyes water right now. I am so excited to hear we might have temps near 70 by the end of the week!!

  19. Sounds like a great week! Glad to hear that Evan’s MRI went well! It snowed a little bit here yesterday, and I am so over snow too, ugh!

    1. Thanks! It was such a relief to have that behind us.

  20. Hi Joanne,
    I'm a bit over all the rain we've been having here like you are with your Winter. I really loved the snow photo with the lake. It was breathtaking.
    Hope you have a great week.
    Best wishes,

  21. I had to look up what an airline trail was. Also, love that light blue sweater and your nails. I just did shamrock nails. I haven't done nails in awhile. I know your tired of snow, but those last pictures of the lake and the glass ball were beautiful. Well, hopefully he outgrows the ringing sooner than later. That would be frustrating. Perhaps a chiropractor or massage therapist could help?

    1. Airline trails are fairly new to us too but basically they took old railroad tracks out and made nice, long, flat trails for walking. They're perfect for when we don't want anything strenuous. It doesn't sound like anything else would help him because they are pretty sure the sound is caused by his blood vessels/veins being smaller on one side of his head than the other so the "sound" he hears is just his blood pulsing through near his ear on that one side. Since he's young and it's a biological thing his brain will adapt and tune that out in another few years. Blood flow to the brain also slows down once he makes it through these teen growth spurt years and that will help too.

  22. Your photography is just gorgeous! Always enjoy catching up on the little "slices of life" that you share! :-)


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