Not Just a Mom-- Day in the Life

This month's Not Just a Mom is all about a day in the life.  I don't know about you but I LOVE these posts!!  

I hope you'll head over and check out my co-hosts day in the life posts too and if you wrote up one of your own please link it up with us below. 

I picked a random day last week (Wednesday to be exact) and recorded our day as best I could.  Somehow I always forget to keep right on taking photos and notes up until bedtime.  I do really well until lunch but then the afternoon madness creeps in and I'm just too busy to stop and document. 

5:00 woke up; though about working out and ended up laying in bed scrolling through my emails on my phone before pulling out my computer for a bit of blogging.

5:30 Finally dragged myself out of bed and began getting dressed, doing my hair and taking a mini break at 5:45 to walk to Alec's room and make sure he was up. 

I made my bed and make sure the closet, master bath, and our bedroom are all picked up and ready for the day with curtains opened before heading downstairs.

6:00 I'm downstairs and pulling out food for dinner.  I made sure to pull out Evan's schoolwork the night before so I don't have to do that this morning but I did empty the dishwasher and start packing Alec's lunch-- really I just pulled out leftovers from the other night and set it on the counter not knowing what else he would want; he usually packs his own but I could tell he was moving a bit slower than usual today.

While he ate breakfast and brushed teeth I hopped back on the computer to link up to any parties for the day.

6:30 We're out the door.  I ask Alec most mornings if he wants to drive driving just to the end of our private road and today he actually said YES for the first time.  So he drove us up near the mailboxes and did a great (if very slow) job.  I'm hopeful these baby steps will help him gain confidence in learning to drive. 

I was so excited that it was so light out when we left the house! And yes, that is ice on the road.. it was warm (for us) but still very cold! 

7:00 I drop Alec off at school and switch on my book on CD for the drive home. 

7:30ish  I pull into the garage and stop to listen until the end of the section I'm on.  Having Rob Lowe's voice in my head has not been a bad way to start my day!

It's already 22 degrees and I'm reconfiguring our day to make time for a hike!

Once home I pull together a huge salad for dinner and start writing up my grocery list. I know when I'm using up the last of the veggies we need to stock up again real soon; this salad will last about 2 days. 

8:00 I sit down to eat breakfast; leftover pumpkin/veggie frittata with turkey sausages (3 WW Points total) and call Evan down to eat and get schooling.

8:30 Evan works on his lessons while I blog, brush teeth, and start some laundry.  I also check in with Ian to see what his schedule is like for today and ask if he thinks he's going to need my help with anything.

9:30 Evan and I headed out on a hike while Ian stayed home for his English class (he packed his schedule with all online or live remote classes this semester). 

Hiking is an icy mess; so much so that Evan falls and I slide at least three times... still we keep on going.

11:00 We arrived back home and I cut up the last of the fruit then made myself a bowl of fruit/ yogurt/ granola for an early lunch around 11:30.

12:00 I left to head out for a haircut and by the time I finished there I had to drive in the opposite direction to pick up Alec. By the time I pick up Alec I'm on my last CD.  Luckily I have my next book Greenlights by Matthew McConaughey all ready to go. 

My hair dresser styled it curly this time

2:00 2:30 I picked Alec up from school and we headed home-- he drove back home from the mailbox to our house and managed to park perfectly in the garage!  I think this weekend I'm going to talk him into going out on the actual real roads and giving it a try. 

3:00- 3:30 I helped Ian fix any grammar/ spelling mistakes on his paper for English and then he submitted it.

3:45- I ran down to wash and chop potatoes for roasted potatoes. I set both the potatoes and the teriyaki chicken in two sheet pans and set them in the preheating oven. 

4:00 I was back upstairs to help Ian with his Economics lessons; it's a fully online course with no real teacher that teaches (there is a teacher to put assignments online and grade their work but no one actually teaching the class and he's struggling with some of the concepts-- heck, I'M struggling 1/2 the time!). 

5:15 I start yelling for everyone to get dinner on the table; we were supposed to eat at 5 and I lost track of time.  Working together we got all the plates and food out and Alec wolfed down his meal then headed back upstairs to dress for karate. 

5:45 We had cleaned up the kitchen and just as Alec and I were getting in the car my husband came home and offered to drive Alec to karate.  I headed upstairs to fold clothes instead. 

I always prop open an book and read while I fold clothes-- I wash one person's laundry at a time so I don't have sort as I fold. We each have our own hamper in our rooms.

6:00 I did a bit of blogging, took a shower and changed into Pj's, then worked a bit more on the blog. 

8:00  I watched TV before bed. 

9:00 Went to bed but watched an episode of Burn Notice before falling asleep. 

I hope you'll join us next month when we share our reading habits.  

You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!

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Linking up with: Spread the Kindness, 


  1. Looks like another productive day!

  2. You go girl. Looks like a great day!

  3. If you only wash one person's laundry at a time, do you not worry about colour sorting? I would be worried the dark jeans/sweats would run all over the white socks. Also, I am NOT looking forward to teaching my kids how to drive. I think that will be Dave's job!

    1. It really depends.. since I only wash each person's clothes once a week I usually have to do two loads anyway. Both my oldest and my youngest literally own nothing white (even their socks are black and gray) so they get two loads of darks and I don't sort theirs at all. My middle son has enough to one white load (his culinary uniform has 4 pieces a day mixed with his karate uniform that's a full load) and one dark. I sort most of my clothes by light and dark but my husband again tends to wear mostly darks so I don't sort his. If someone gets a new pair of dark jeans or a black sweatshirt I will even wash that all by itself just to make sure if it does run it's not ruining anything.

      I was so thrilled that Ian mostly knew how to drive and I didn't have to teach him anything; I am HATING teaching Alec to drive as I am not a real confident driver to start with but despite asking/nagging my husband he has made no moves to teach Alec so I am biting the bullet. He asks great questions while he's driving but I usually can't answer them until I am back behind the wheel myself the next day/time we drive. I just keep thinking baby steps will get us there. Plus he will get 10 hours of drive time with his driver's ed. teacher and they should help move him along enough I feel more confident letting him drive every day.

  4. I love the facts of listening to Rob Lowe and Matthew McConaughey books on tape! Sounds like good days.

    1. I have been loving that! Now I'm on the hunt for other audiobooks to enjoy once I finish up with McConaughey.

  5. I loved following along in your day. Aren't audiobooks awesome? Happy Valentine's Day!

  6. I love these posts too! I do not envy you having to teach/learn economics! And driving lessons too! Great hike photos, glad you stayed on your feet!

    1. Thanks! It's quite a feat when it's so icy out.

  7. That is so smart to prop open a book while you do laundry! I've never thought to do that before. I still read all of my books rather than listen to audio books, so that definitely makes it more difficult to make time for it.

    1. Thanks! I tend to prop books open everywhere; while I'm drying my hair, brushing my teeth, cooking dinner, etc.

  8. I like the idea of one person's laundry at a time. I usually at least have the two boys' clothes separate but yesterday I didn't and I mixed up some of their pants. Oops.

    1. My youngest two used to pick out matching shirts and trying to do their laundry at the same time was a nightmare! My husband and my oldest tend to have most of the same clothes too now and even wear the same size.

  9. I love posts like this. I have done a couple in the past and think it is a great insight in to peoples days.
    You sure do pack a lot into your day x

  10. pumpkin/veggie frittata sounds and looks so good. i am not looking forward to teach my kids to drive. i dont have patience for that. I keep saying that I am going to do laundry by person but never end up doing it that way

    1. I was pleasantly surprised with how well the frittata tasted with pumpkin in it; it made it nice and creamy.

  11. I love day in the life posts! I also loved both of those audio books! I am looking for another great memoir to listen to. Do you have to do any instruction for Evan’s homeschooling or are the lessons pretty well explained/laid out for him? I am always so curious about homeschooling since I am a public school teacher. It sounds great that everything can be tailored to exactly what your child needs. Happy Valentine’s Day!

    1. I am really not liking Matthew's book AT ALL. But I am determined to at least finish the first disk before I give up on it. Most of the time Evan's schooling is easy enough that he can just read the instructions and work independently but if it's a new math concept or for his spelling program we'll work together. I was a public school teacher before I turned to homeschooling and it took me a few years before I could fully embrace homeschool methods and shake off my "teacher" tendencies. With homeschooling it's a lot more facilitating than leading and I don't always remember that.

  12. Audiobooks are the best! They are the only way I can get reading in sometimes! I love your dedication to getting out hiking even in the cold. Your pictures show how beautiful it is in the winter-- it's worth braving the cold to see the stillness of nature in the winter.

    1. Thanks! I think it is worth braving the cold for the peace and quiet too but some days I really have to work at getting myself out there.

  13. You sure do pack in a lot in one day Joanne! I enjoyed reading about what goes on in your life.

  14. Wow - those icy roads! I'm not sure I would want to drive past the mailboxes!! That was one busy Wednesday:)

    1. LOL! I just keep reminding him to go slow; that's really all you can do with ice and slush.

  15. Now that is a busy mum day. Good on your son for getting the confidence to drive. I would find that a challenge on ice roads. Thank you for sharing your post for Life This Week. I enjoy seeing your blog’s post pop up in the link up. Warm wishes, Denyse.

    1. It definitely adds a level of challenge and there are whole weeks where I don't even let him try driving but I figure if he can learn to drive through the winter he can drive any time!

  16. Wow! You had a long day! Teaching kids to drive makes me a nervous wreck and I always passed that job on to my husband. I love how you got to hear audiobooks all through your day. :)

    1. I keep trying to get my husband to teach him (since he was the one that taught me!) but so far he hasn't taken him driving once. Luckily Alec is not real gung ho on driving anyway so we're just taking it real slow and easy.


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