Friday Favorites: We Have a Black Belt in the Family

 We had a great week and by far the most exciting thing was that Alec finally got to get his black belt! His karate studio was supposed to have a grading back in December and we knew he was getting his black belt then but between covid and a car accident (for his teacher-- she's fine now) the grading kept getting put off.  Well, this week it finally happened and he could not be more thrilled. 

With no school last Friday the boys and I all slept in and enjoyed a lazy morning around the house.  We were up dressed and ready by around 8/8:30 and Ian began working on his paper before we all piled into the car to meet up with our hiking group.  After a few last minute texts the night before trying to figure out where to meet up that wouldn't be icy, steep, or dangerous we settled on the paved walking trail along the river. Neither of the other families had ever been so we settled in to walk all the way to the end and back again. 

After walking for nearly 2 hours my boys once again talked me into eating out for lunch.  We went back to the Railside Tavern and I had a very delicious salad.  It was such a fun day!

We ended our afternoon playing cards and Rummikub with my mother in law.  

Alec drove us home from karate on Saturday and while he was so nervous driving on the roads (and we had a line of cars behind us at one point since he was driving pretty slow) we made it home in one piece and he did really well. 

My husband and I celebrated Valentine's Day a bit early. On Saturday we went to the movies to see Marry Me and out to dinner at Texas Roadhouse (everywhere else was completely booked!).  We had picked out flowers together Friday night while grocery shopping too-- aren't they pretty?

My valentine nails

It snowed all day on Sunday so my husband and I changed our plans from hiking to heading on the RZR for a ride.  It was a lot of fun (even if we did wish the windshield wipers and heating kit would come in real soon). 

We stopped periodically and he'd wipe down the outside while I wiped the inside!

We woke to a 2 hour delay on Monday!  I loved getting to sleep in a bit and having plenty of time for a workout before waking Alec was really nice too.  It was so pretty with all the snow everywhere.

Evan and I went snowshoeing in our woods on Monday (though he opted to leave his snowshoes behind in the snow when he saw that the snow wasn't quite as deep as we thought).  It was actually pretty slippery with a layer of powdery snow over the old packed/icy layer but we had fun and enjoyed the fresh air and sunshine. 

He blends right into the trees!

Thursday night Alec had his karate grading and got his black belt. 

It was so warm on Thursday so Evan and I headed out hiking as soon as Ian headed off to school.  We picked up my mother in law along the way and only managed to hike for 45 minutes or so since all the trails we tried to hike were so icy.  

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  1. Congrats to Alec- what a wonderful achievement! Love that sweater on you too :)

    1. Thanks! I had gotten it for Christmas but with the cutouts near the neck haven't gotten to wear it much.

  2. Congrats on the Black Belt! You live in such a cool place with the woods and the hiking opportunities!

  3. Congrats to Alec on earning his Black Belt! Sounds like you had a wonderful weekend full of family time and hiking in the crisp, winter air.

  4. Congratulations to Alec on his black belt! That is a huge accomplishment and something I'm sure he's had to work really hard for!! Love all the snow pictures! As usual, we've had none so far this winter. Boooo.

    1. Thank you! We were trying to remember how old he was when he first started karate and we think he's been working his way through the rankings for 8 or 9 years now.

  5. Congratulations to Alec!
    Your wintry pictures are so beautiful.

  6. Woooo, Alec!! How exciting!!


  7. Congrats to Alec - that's exciting!!!!
    love your nails!!!
    & that covered bridge - so Madison County vibes!!!

    1. Thanks! There is something pretty magical feeling about an old covered bridge.

  8. Way to go Alec!! So many gorgeous outdoor adventures.

  9. Congratulations Alec. Well done.

  10. What a great week. Well done to Alec on his black belt, that's awesome!
    Loving your Valentine's Day nails, very pretty. Have a fab weekend. :)

  11. What a nice week! Your Valentine's flowers and nails are so pretty! And congratulations to Alec on his black belt! My sister has a black belt in tae kwon do and I know how much work goes into achieving it!

  12. Congrats to your black belt! Boy, that brings back great memories. My son made it to brown belt - before he graduated, moved on, etc. So much fun time spent in the dojo!!

    1. Yes, lots of fun dojo memories here as well. All three of my boys took karate for a bit but Alec is the only one that kept it going all these years.

  13. Congratulations to Alec! Black belt is a huge achievement. Such a good week you've had. The flowers and snow scenery are beautiful. Thank you for linking up with #weekendcoffeeshare.

  14. Gosh, that's a lot of snow. But I'm in love with your nails. I really should get mine done one of these days.
    And super congrats to Alec!!

    1. Thanks! I love these Color Street nail wraps; they make it so easy to do my own nails and still have them looking so cute.

  15. Congratulations to Alec! That's an amazing accomplishment! What lovely walks and rides you have!

  16. Congratulations on Alec! I tried to explain to my hubby how you live and with the at home teaching. But it was hard to explain. I hope you can write a post about how and where you live.

    1. I will try to get a post like that up soon, Nancy. Thanks for the suggestion!

  17. Well done Alec with his black belt!
    hehehe! My girls are always talking me into eating out for lunch. Your's looks delicious!
    You have had so much snow, we had a little today but it didn't settle. x

    1. I'm usually much better at resisting but lately eating out sounds so appealing. I'm just in that winter funk where I am sick of being in the house and cooking all the time.

  18. Congrats to Alec!

    Love the snowy landscapes. Sometimes I miss living in snow country... then I remember what it's like to shovel it and the nostalgia passes :-)

    1. LOL! I'm pretty sure I'll feel the same way (I'm already working on getting my husband to retire somewhere without snow).

  19. It's SOOO hot here atm and has been for weeks and weeks - I'm enjoying your snowy pictures as a refreshing distraction. And congrats to Alec on his black belt - quite an achievement!

  20. Sounds like you've been having a good time, and congratulation to Alex for gaining his blackbelt and we wish him luck with his driving. Our son got his learner's permit about a month ago and then nothing. Bribed him to sit in the driver's seat and turn the key and one of his youth leaders took him for a drive last week. Meanwhile, our daughter who is two years younger and is going for her L test next Monday and she is so keen. I don't know how this is going to play out. I don't want our son to feel bad, and am hoping his sister might encourage him to get moving. Hope you have a great week.
    Best wishes,

    1. My oldest could not wait to drive and my younger two both couldn't care less about driving. I was the same way growing up; I didn't want my license either. I think it's just an individual thing. I was 18 before I ever drove and even then I tried to NEVER ever drive probably right up until the time I got married. Best of luck to both your new drivers.

  21. Congrats to your son. That is so awesome. I love your nails. How was the movie? I think it sounds like a good one. YOur salad looks amazing.

    1. Thank you! I thought the movie was cute; it reminded me a bit of Notting Hill where an everyday regular Joe falls in love with a star.

  22. Love the pictures of the covered bridge and snow. The one of you in front it so cute!


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