Friday Favorites: The Last Full Week of February

 We had a fun week with some pretty nice weather mixed in here and there.  Though as I am waking up today I fully expect to find a few inches of snow already on the ground.  Alec has yet another snow day since his school decided to make that decision yesterday afternoon based on the weather forecasts.  We're supposed to get anywhere from 4-8 and possibly up to 10 inches of snow and ice today.  

We got our new furniture in!  The basement is all set up now and I am LOVING it!  

We found out that not only did Alec get into Skills USA but he scored TOP IN THE STATE on the baking test he took! Yep, I am totally bragging and not feeling the lest bit bad about it.  So proud of this kid and how hard he works when he wants something.

He has been practicing making frosting flowers whenever he has a spare moment now-- he'll have to perform three baking tasks and one of them is baking and frosting a cake.

Sunday, my husband, Ian and I went to a Camping/RV show to look at trailers and toy haulers.  We had a fun time and went out to lunch at Outback on our way home.  It was such an enjoyable and relaxing day. 

We hope to buy one in the next year or two and know that for now we just want something small for weekend trips. This is the one we're seriously considering.

 But this is the one we both fell in love with! It's HUGE and something we're already thinking we'll upgrade to after my husband retires (assuming we like having a trailer for travel).

Monday all the boys had the day off from school; they worked on a bit of schoolwork anyway and in the afternoon we went on a nice long hour walk.  The sun was shining and near 50 and it felt great to get out and get some fresh air. 

While it wasn't nearly as warm or sunny on Tuesday, I did convince Evan to go on a 45 minute hike through the woods; most of the trails were clear with just a few spots of ice left.  It was a bit chilly but we saw some ducks and a few other signs that spring may slowly be making it's way to our corner of the globe. 

Wednesday was so warm that I even broke out my flip flops for the afternoon!  Partly sunny and in the mid 60's I could not resist dragging Evan on one last hike.  The trails were pretty flooded and muddy but we both agreed it was worth the warm weather.  

Linking up with: On the Edge, 


  1. Oh Wednesday was dreamy wasn't it??? I was so busy with work that I didn't get to take a walk- I was bummed! Congrats to Alec- no surprise at all- he is so talented! :)

    1. So bummed you didn't get to go for a walk on Wednesday but Aruba weather will be perfect for that!

      Thanks; my mom has been predicting that he's going to win! I don't know about that as I have no idea what this competition will be like but I know he's going to have an amazing time making friends with other bakers from other schools!

  2. The new basement looks amazing, enjoy!
    An RV sounds exciting too.

  3. We've had weather like that here too. Super warm Monday and then cold the rest of the week, plus snow yesterday! My husband wants an RV at some point too. I had gone to an RV show just before the pandemic started!

    1. It's crazy how the weather fluctuates so much from one moment to the next.

  4. That is awesome that you got new furniture in the basement and it looks great! Have a nice weekend Joanne.

  5. Congrats to Alec! That's awesome!

  6. Congratulations to Alec! What a great accomplishment, and definitely deserving of Mom's bragging! The furniture looks great in your finished basement. It looks very cozy!

    1. Thanks! He is so excited.

      The furniture is so cozy and I am loving snuggling up by the woodstove.

  7. Congratulations to Alec! That is incredible! I'd be bragging about him, too!

  8. Joanne,
    Thanks so much for stopping by my Christmas blog for my Jan. Rudolph Day post...I jut posted Feb's post...Congrats to your son!! That is a great accomplishment!! Love your new furniture and how it looks in your finished room in the basement!! Nice!! Stay safe, healthy and happy!!

  9. Congratulations to Alec. He has some amazing baking skills. The RV's look like lots of fun. Have a wonderful weekend!

    1. Thank you so much. I can't wait to see/ hear about what he gets to make for this competition.

  10. Your new furniture looks great. Congrats to Alec. He reminds me of my sister. She went to cooking school and zoned in on baking and loved it. I love how talented and precise he is!

    1. Thank you! He's already said he'd rather pursue a career in baking than in cooking. I can't wait to see where he takes this.

  11. Hasn't the weather been all over the place?? Congrats to Alec - what fun! I think his flowers already look like first place winners! Enjoy that basement - look fantastic!!

    1. It really has!

      Thank you so much; I can't wait to see how his decorated cake turns out. I'm enjoying our basement right now with the snow coming down outside it's nice and warm here.

  12. That basement looks huge! Is that now your living room then? Congratulations on Alec! And what luxurious camper(don't know if that is the right word) is that!

    1. Pretty much! LOL. We do have a living room upstairs but we all like this furniture a lot more.

  13. Your basement looks AMAZING! No wonder you are loving it. It looks so cosy.
    Well done Alec, that is a great achievement! He is so talented!
    What a great week. x

  14. The basement looks great! My parents were high school teachers and heavily involved in Skills USA when I was growing up. I remember them taking many trips to Nationals in St. Louis, Missouri! Good luck to your son! Hope you have a great weekend!

    1. I had never heard of it before Alec started school last year (and they only held it virtually last year so culinary wasn't involved). It sounds like such a fun competition.

  15. I can see why you love the basement now Joanne. and congrats to fabulous for him (and worth all of the time).
    There are a couple of people I know who live the RV life down here. You should come visit and can talk to them about it.

  16. Congrats to Alec! That's a fantastic achievement. Your basement looks great and hiking photos are beautiful. Thank you for linking up with #weekendcoffeeshare.

  17. Bragging is perfectly fine :) and how fun with the RV. I love RVing.

  18. Love the RV pictures and the detail of showing you where the USB chargers are. We have a camper van and huge envy over the space an RV affords.

    1. I didn't even notice the USB charging indicators! I'm sure when we're finally ready to buy we'll be looking over everything with a fine tooth comb.

  19. Congrats to Alec! Love the basement setup.

  20. The basement is looking great Joanne and congrats again to Alec - his icing flower is amazing and so is being top of the State for his baking.


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