My WOTY: Step

 I almost thought I was going to spend my year without a word as nothing was coming to me.  A few times I had a word that I thought would work but I wanted something that really grabbed me... then I was sitting at my computer one day and it just came to me.  STEP.  I love that it has so many meanings and ways it can apply to my life and my year. 

Step: an act or movement of putting one leg in front of the other in walking or running OR a measure or action, especially one of a series taken in order to deal with or achieve a particular thing OR a stage in a gradual process.

I already have quite a few ideas for how and where I can apply this word to my life this year.

I want to focus on my steps and get walking/ moving even more than I currently do.  

As my boys are getting older I have had to concentrating on side stepping-- moving from a more direct parenting role to  walking along side them as they move out into the adult world and make choices for their futures.  I have been working on making this a gradual process and it's not always easy but I am so grateful that my boys and I have such open relationships that we can really talk about what we're thinking and feeling. 

I'm also taking a small step back from my blog this year and only posting a few days a week instead of 6 days a week. 

I want to step out of my comfort zone and try new things-- recipes, experiences, etc. 

I'm excited to see where this year leads me and how my word comes into play! 

Linking up with: Spread the Kindness,


  1. Oh I LOVE this- yes- what a perfect word- can't wait to follow along!

  2. This is a great word for the year and post! Ironically, I shared my word for this year on my blog today too. How funny! I feel like we have so much in common, as my boys are all adults now and I've been practicing that side step role for a few years now. It was a gradual process for me as well, so when it was time for to step aside, it was easier. There are so many times I want to say something and so many times it's like the Lord Himself closes my mouth. My word is more of an inner process this year, but other years it's been more of an obvious thing. Thanks for sharing!

  3. Joanne,
    LOVE your Word for the Year....Thanks so much for visiting and commenting on my post about my word which is Thrive. I am done with just surviving...Happy New Year and Good luck and I can not wait to see how you apply your Word...6 times a week!! That is a lot...I used to do 3 posts a week and then cut back last year to 2 posts a week.I went back up to 3 a week during the Holidays but it darn near killed me!! I am back down to 2 posts a week now and it works well for me as I post on Wednesdays and Sundays....Happy New Year!!

    1. I used to blog 7 days a week for years then cut back to 6 last year and am shooting for just 5 days a week this year but it's so hard as I always have ideas, recipes, and other blog Q&A type posts (or themed posts) that I want to join in on!

  4. Such a perfect choice. I think post a few times a week is a great idea.

    1. Thank you! It's taking some restraint not to post on Wednesday but I'm enjoying the more relaxed pace.

  5. This is a great choice and a very unique one! I don't think I've ever seen anyone use this one before. I'm excited to follow along with you!

  6. What a beautiful dive into the variety of steps we take!

  7. I love how you described the side step...something I am constantly learning how to do as my kids become young adults.

    1. It can be so tricky! I find it varies greatly by child too.

  8. Step is a great word to describe your year. When I think of you I think of all the steps you do with your hiking but it does have so many more meanings x

    1. Thank you! I did immediately think of hiking too.

  9. Oh, I love that word. I usually wait until my word comes to me, and this year mine is "extra" (shocking I know, haha)

    1. Yes, I refused to just pick something. I wanted to wait for it to come to me.

  10. Such a great word for the year Joanne. Makes so much sense too. I don't have a word of the year, there are so many that come to mind I can't narrow it down to just one!

  11. What a great word to focus on! Love how it has different meanings and how it's going to help guide you along in so many ways! Side stepping is hard, but something we all must learn to do!

  12. What a wonderful word, Joanne! I love how you've already figured out how it will guide you in so many ways.

    1. Once the word comes to me I do like to reflect on it a few days and think about how it might apply to my life.

  13. I love all of these, especially the side stepping. Such great insight!

  14. You’re so fabulous! I absolutely love this and love following you my sweet friend!

  15. I love that there are so many applications! I especially like stepping out of my comfort zone. It is something that I have to purposefully work at....otherwise, my comfort zone gets oh so cozy (dare I say, comfy!!) Great word for the year!

  16. This is a great word of the year and these are all good "steps." I need to step outside of my comfort zone from time to time too.

  17. What a great word - I look forward to seeing where you go with it!

  18. What a great word - I look forward to seeing where you go with it.

  19. I love all the ways you're already finding to use Step! Such a fantastic word. I wouldn't have thought of it but I see how wonderfully useful it can be!

    1. Thanks! I liked that it was kind of unusual.

  20. Hi Joanne and welcome to the first 2022 Word of the Year Link Party. I'm so pleased you have joined up and STEP is a great word with lots of possibilities. Like you I didn't have a word until 'a minute to midnight' and then one came to me which I felt was right. I like having a word to focus on although I wasn't concerned if I didn't. You've been so good to blog 6 days a week and sometimes stepping back is just what we need. I also like 'side stepping to walk beside your boys' as they become adults. A lovely post and I look forward to you linking up with us next month. #2022wotylinkparty

  21. Hi, Joanne - Thank you so much for joining us for this Word of the Year Link Up. You are totally rocking your WOTY. I love all of the different meanings that 'step' has, and how you are applying them all to your life. Awesome that you have such an open relationship with your children. That is such an important gift to give to each other.

    1. I never though of it that way, but it really is.

  22. This is great Joanne, all the various ways of stepping you have in mind. I especially like the side-stepping as a way of parenting as children grow to be more independent, such an important step to take. Thanks for joining us for our WOTY linkup!

  23. A great word that you can take in a number of directions. The side stepping is quite a transition. I still find myself in full-on parenting mode with my adult daughters. Yesterday, it seemed everyone needed 'mom.' I used to do a series called stepping outside my comfort zone. Maybe we should bring it back and both step out of our zones this year!!

  24. Really interesting to read of your word and the reasons Joanne. I like you am making changes for the betterment of ME. Denyse #WOTYlinkparty

  25. An excellent choice (coming to you via #2022wotylinkparty), Joanne! Step has so many layered meanings and I'm sure you will find the focus to be a good thing for your life. Why I like your word, is I chose mine: walk! Very similar, easy and layered with meanings, Good luck!

    1. Those are quite closely related! Good luck with your WOTY!

  26. It sounds like STEP is the perfect word for you, Joanne, and that you've found several different ways in which it is applicable in your life right now.

  27. What a great word! I have had to side step as my children are now 19 and almost 17 to more of walking alongside instead of leading. It is hard and requires a delicate balance. My word for the year is focus:

    1. My older sons are 16 & 18 ( well almost 18, his birthday is in April).

  28. What fun you are going to have with your word.

    Learn new dance steps.


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