Sentence a Day for Gratitude in November

 For the month of November I wanted to keep a gratitude list and thought that it tied in rather nicely with my sentence a day post!  Each day I'm listing those things I am thankful for. 

1. Grateful for the beautiful weather so that when Evan and I finished up his work rather quickly we headed out for a chilly hike/walk along the airline trail.  My husband and I ended our day with a date night out after dropping Alec off at his karate class' pizza party and I am so thankful that his new job seems to be working out for him- he had a great first day of work!   

All ready for our dinner date

2. Alec had a dentist appointment mid-morning (since he had no school today) and had a great check up! I am so grateful that my kids have such healthy teeth and bodies.  I also got another 8 Christmas cards finished and I am just loving how they're turning out. 

3.  I am so thankful that my boys are still willing to pitch in with housework; Ian, Evan and I got most of the house cleaned after finishing up schoolwork. 

4. The weather was just beautiful for a hike so Evan and I set aside a bit of his work and went to Pulaski to take advantage of it.  I am so thankful we live near so many wonderful hiking places.

5. Evan, Ian, and I met up with our hiking group at a new trail and had such a great time hiking a really lovely trail. I am so thankful to have found this great group of friends for all of us. 

6. I was so thankful my husband was home in time for Alec's karate demo so I could stay home since it was suuper cold out by the time they went on. 

7. While I hate the time change, I was thankful that we got up an hour earlier and managed to get our grocery shopping out of the way nice and early. 

8. Another beautiful hike with Evan and I was to thankful that he got some good photos of me for the Ageless Style post later in the month. 

9. I was so Thankful that even though Ian, Evan, and I ended up hiking for nearly an hour and 40 minutes I still had time to eat lunch, go to the library, and get apples from the orchard before picking up Alec from school.

10. We were supposed to meet up with friends for a hike but both Alec and I were feeling under the weather; I am so thankful I have older kids!  I crawled back into bed and took an almost 2 hour nap before lunch where Evan offered to make me a grilled cheese sandwich. 

11.  I felt fantastic after sleeping 8 hours straight through the night and Alec was also back to feeling great.  Ian and I had a wonderful and informative meeting with his college advisor and then all of us headed out on a hike together.  We hiked at Wallum Lake and I was so thankful to be feeling 100% for a nice long hike. 

12.  I was so grateful that my mother in law offered to take Alec to school which allowed me to grocery shop before the worst of the rainstorms came through. It was so rainy by the time I had to pick Alec up I could hardly see to drive!

Parked in the lot I could barely even see the school building!

13.  After a beautiful & sunny morning spent at the karate studio I worked a bit more on my Christmas cards and got all the insides stamped and put together.  I was so thankful that the storm that passed by around dinnertime didn't cause us to lose power and that the tornado alert turned out to be for nothing.  

14. My husband and I ended our day with a chilly but fun RZR ride I am so thankful for spending fun one on one time with my best guy.

15. Evan and I got to go on another fabulous hike before lunch and then after picking Alec up from school I finally got all our cell phone lines switched over to our new account.  I am so grateful to not have to go back to the Verizon store again for quite some time!

16. Ian, Evan, and I went walking on the river trail after the boys finished up their schoolwork. 

17. We got Ian all signed up for his spring classes and I am so thankful that the advisor we talked to last week included links to everything we might possibly need right in his follow up email otherwise we might never have figured out what we needed to do. 

18.  Evan and I went hiking at Natchaug before picking Alec up from school then we all headed out for the boys haircuts and had dinner at Outback Steakhouse. I was so thankful that I didn't have to cook dinner. 

19. Evan and I met up with one other family to hike to the tri-state marker.  It was so cold and cloudy out but we were so thankful to get to know this family better.  

20. With Alec's karate class being canceled I was able to get all my Christmas cards addressed and all the gifts I have on hand wrapped.  My husband and I ended the day with a date to the movies to see Ghostbusters; Afterlife. I was so grateful to get so many things ticked off the to do list!

21. We all went to the cottage in the afternoon to help remove the docks from the water then sat around the cottage visiting with family. I am so thankful that my boys are always willing to pitch in and help out (even if they sometimes grumble about it)

22. I'm pretty sure this was a cold rainy day where I spent most of it inside (or driving to drop off and pick up Alec).  I am so thankful to have a warm house to keep me toasty. 

23. Evan and I went hiking at Pulaski park as soon as his schoolwork was done. I am so thankful that I can always drag this kids out into the woods with me and we have a great discussion every single time too. 

24. I had a haircut and then helped Alec make up our chocolate chip pecan pie.  I was so thankful not to have gotten stuck in all the holiday traffic on my way home from my appointment. 

25.  We had my mom, step father, and mother in law over for Thanksgiving but my husband and I had time for a little walk in the woods beforehand just the two of us.  I was so thankful for Alec's help in the kitchen this year.

26.  We spent the day decorating the house for Christmas and I was so thankful for my husband's help; usually I am left to decorate by myself but he really pitched in this year with wrapping all the garland around the railings.  We ended the day with some of our favorite leftover pie and my mom, step- father, and mother in law helping us decorate our tree while watching National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation.

27. We learned that Alec is being promoted to apprentice black belt in early December! I am so grateful that all his hard work is paying off.  We ended our night with another fun family movie night-- 8 bit Christmas on HBO is just adorable! 

28. We spent a snowy day running to Bj's and then working on the basement countertops getting part of the butcher block glued together.  My husband also put all the handles he made on the cabinets and they look fabulous! 

29. Mid-day on Monday Evan and I had dentist appointments and we both had great check ups.  I just love our dentist and am so thankful that yet another year has passed and no one needed any fillings or anything. 

30. It was a busy day spent helping everyone on their schoolwork.  We haven't had such along school day in a long time but I was so grateful that everyone worked hard right up until dinner time (for a few of them!).  

Linking up with: Spread the Kindness, 


  1. Love the gratitude and all of the hiking and baking as always!

  2. I love this gratitude version of your sentence a day post! There's always something to be thankful for!

  3. I love your list and your photos!

  4. I enjoyed reading this sentence a day gratitude for November. I loved looking at the beautiful photos of the woods and water. I hope you're having a nice week.

  5. WAIT>>> how did he make those handles??? Those are amazing!!!!!!
    you live in the most magical place with all the gorgeous scenery

    1. He has a blacksmith forge on our property and he works with metal/welding so he combined the two and has developed quite a few of those basket handles for not only our cabinets but our shed doors as well. He loves to tinker out there with the forge and anvil.

  6. I love that everyday you had something to be thankful for. I need to do something like that.

    1. Thank you! It's pretty easy to do most days as long as you stop and think about it.

  7. Your joy and gratitude is infectious, my friend! All those fall hiking trails and views make me long for home but also make me so happy that you're able to experience them! Also, those handles are INCREDIBLE!

  8. What wonderful things to be grateful for. You have had some lovely weather, it's been mostly wet, grey and stormy here. x

    1. Thank you! We have had a lot of wet, gray days but thankfully the sun has made an appearance at least a few times a week.

  9. So many amazing things to be grateful for!

  10. I love all your hikes. We missed getting out very much this fall. I love how you can find something to be thankful for every day.

    1. Thank you! It's not always easy but I do try to live that way. It helps keep things in perspective!

  11. I noticed there was still little dabs of pretty fall colors on your walks & noticed that interesting rock too, I like exploring rocks. I like a piece of pecan pie every once in a while, when it's available, actually had a piece at Club's Christmas potluck the other day. Not sure if I've tried a chocolate one but it sure sounds delicious, me being a chocolate lover & all. Enjoyed the tidbits of thankfulness in each sentence. Karen

  12. What a wonderful way to chronicle your gratitude, Joanne! I love the way you have combined a one sentence journal with a gratitude journal and added photos as well. This post was a pleasure to read. Thank you for sharing and for being a part of the Hearth and Soul Link Party Community. I’m featuring this post at the party which goes live on Sunday (January 9th) this week. Hope to ‘see’ you there! Take care and I hope you have a lovely weekend.


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