Photos of the Week: December 4th

 This was a fun week with the I Spy Challenge and a few of these prompts really made me stop and think!  I can't believe we only have 3 more weeks of this challenge to finish out the year.  Most weeks I do okay remembering to use my "real" camera and not just snap photos on my phone.  This week the 1st and last were taken with my phone.  

– starts with U-- Alec in his uniform

– red-- My Easter cactus began blooming a few weeks ago; it used to be a light pink and suddenly it's a bright red. 

– small building-- My favorite tiny building is this little Eiffel Tower ornament my parents got for me when I was in high school to commemorate the trip I took to France with my French class.

– sweet-- It was so sweet to find this book and Christmas card in my mailbox that was sent from a fellow blogger.  

– your choice

Linking up with:


  1. Your Christmas cactus is right on time. Most of them bloom at any other time but Christmas.

    1. Ours tends to just bloom randomly but this particular one hadn't bloomed in over 2 years so I was so happy to see it full of blooms this year.

  2. Great pictures once again for each prompt! Love your Eiffel Tower ornament!

  3. Is he a chef? Your red christmas cactus is magic - I wonder what colour it will be next year?? maybe purple? Great takes on the prompts. CarolG

    1. Yep, his high school has a culinary arts program and he is loving it!

  4. Joyeux Noël 1995 - what a beautiful memory your Eiffel Tower is!
    Happy December-days and all the best from Austria,
    Traude 🌟🕯️✨

  5. Fab photos!
    Alec looks very smart in his uniform and the Eiffel Tower ornament is so cute x

  6. That Eiffel Tower ornament is sweet! Love the bold red of your "right on time" Christmas cactus!

    1. I am just thrilled it's finally blooming; I was really getting worried I had killed it.

  7. I love Christmas cactus and the color. It's a little early for Easter though. #MMBC

    1. LOL. It sure is! But my other Christmas cactuses are blooming too.

  8. The little Eiffel Tower ornament is so cute!

  9. Your Christmas cactus is so pretty! Mine hasn't opened in years.

    1. Mine hadn't either; I was told to put it in a spot where it gets more sunlight and that seemed to do the trick.

  10. I love that Eiffel Tower ornament. What a special keepsake!

  11. Great job this week! Beautiful flowers on your Easter cactus.

  12. I love your interpretation of "small building." My post is coming tomorrow, late, as usual :) HOW are there only three weeks left of this year/challenge?!?!!?

    1. Thanks! I was originally going to try and make all of the week's photos themed around ornaments.


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