Favorite Moments of 2021

Is it just me or has this year flown by?  We have tried to make the most of it and looking back we did a lot of fun stuff this year.   

We went snowshoeing a few times

We went on a historical walking tour of Newport with our friends. 

Alec and I took a cupcake decorating class. 

We went to the aquarium with our friends.

We learned all about water treatment facilities at Roger Williams Park Zoo and had a lovely picnic with our friends on the lawn. 

Alec decided to try track & field and LOVED all the field events. 

We went to the roller rink with some friends for a belated birthday celebration and ate some really amazing pizza in downtown Providence. 

My husband and I went away for our anniversary weekend hiking in New Hampshire.  We stayed at a beautiful resort and hiked for HOURS at a time.

Alec did amazing freshman year of high school racking up awards of all kinds including excellence in culinary.  (Pretty impressive for a kid who was homeschooled his whole life and had to adjust to such a crazy hybrid school year).

We bought a RZR and have had so much fun tearing up the woods and mud with it. 

We spent an afternoon in Little Compton enjoying a day seaside with our friends. 

Alec made me a delicious chocolate/ raspberry cake for my birthday and everyone spoiled me with gifts. My mom and I had a lovely afternoon out shopping too. 

My husband and I spent a weekend in Maine to celebrate my birthday and we had a fabulous time at the shore.

We finished off our basement; adding a suspended ceiling and vinyl plank flooring. 

We drove to North Carolina and spent a week visiting with my sister, her family, and my aunt and uncle too.

We had a going away party for my youngest sister (who moved just a few minutes away from my older sister we had just gotten home from visiting!) 

We spent a weekend taking inventory of the shop to get ready for the big sale-- my husband sold his company and went to work for someone else. 

We hiked to the top of Mount Monadnock. 

We checked out the zoo lights at our local zoo.

My husband and I took one last weekend away in New Hampshire for his birthday before he switched jobs.

My husband and I enjoyed a fun night of hatchet throwing as a surprise party for my brother. 

We had an amazingly relaxed day at home for Thanksgiving with just my mother- in- law, mom, and step father.  


  1. There was a lot going on for your family this year. I'm glad you got times to get away and process it all.

  2. You have had some wonderful "moments" this year! What a great review!

  3. This year has flown over. It looks like you have had so much fun over the past year and some fab days out.

  4. What a great year! Though still not out of this mess, sure looks and feels a bit more normal! :)

  5. Such beautiful pictures throughout & especially love those pictures from your trips to New Hampshire and Maine!

  6. I feel like it is hard to summarize a year so quickly, but you did a great job!

  7. Lots of lovely memories from your year. Snow-shoeing looks like fun. I’ve never tried it – we rarely get much snow here. Love the decorated cupcakes. Well done to Alex on all his awards at the end of his freshman year. Love the zoo lights at your local zoo. Beautiful photos from all your trips away and visits to family. #MMBC

    1. Thank you! We just got into snow shoeing a year or two ago and found that it is a lot of work but it's a fun way to get out when it's so snowy.

  8. This year HAS flown by! You guys were able to squeeze in so much fun!

    1. We sure did. We're already planning some fun for next year too.

  9. You’ve made the most of this year. Well done my friend.

  10. It's so much fun to look back over the year and see all the wonderful times you had. Y'all did a lot! Hoping that 2022 is really great :)

    1. Thank you, Liza! I hope 2022 is a great year for you too.

  11. It absolutely has flown! All these pictures are so lovely! Have a sweet week!

  12. What a wonderful post of sweet memories! This is a good reminder and inspiration for me to do a similar post. I used to do them but I stopped a few years back. But it would be so nice to have a post with so much JOY in it!

  13. What great moments from the past year!

  14. I love a good yearly round-up post and yours (which I love, as an aside) has reminded me I need to start thinking about mine - although I tend to publish it in the first week of January - just in case anything amazing happens in December...yeah, right...

    1. LOL! December tends to pass by in a blur but I know we'll have fun with family and friends.

  15. We did! I love that we were able to travel so much.

  16. Wow, definitely a busy and eventful year Joanne. I love the idea of reflecting on the things you've done - small and momentous. And also love your comment about making the most of it... despite everything going on to dampen our spirits.

  17. Looks like a memory filled year, and it's so awesome you were able to capture so many of the memories on camera.

    1. I try to take at least one photo every day.. even if it's just with my phone camera.

  18. Those cupcakes are so cute! What an eventful year.

  19. You had a wonderful year. Those cupcakes really turned out wonderful.

    1. We did have a great year and that class was so much fun.

  20. So much good stuff! I think a look back is wonderful, you get to enjoy it all again, or think about changes you might like to see. Have a great week ahead!

    1. Thank you! We are busy making plans for next year already-- at least our vacation ideas anyway.

  21. Such a great round up despite the pandemic challenges. Great to see your son's success in school! The cupcake decorating looked fun. I see you got to have many family catch ups. Well-done all! Hope your husband enjoys his new work. Having your own biz can be tough.

    Great to catch up with your blog post after linking it to #LifeThisWeek on Denyse Whelan Blogs. Next week, hard to believe, is the 2nd last Monday link up for 2021.
    Hope to see you then! I will be sharing my snaps. Denyse.

  22. Wait...Sorry, I'm not familiar with all the characters here yet...who is Alec and how does he know how to make such amazing cakes???? That chocolate raspberry...yum!

    1. LOL. Alec is my middle son, he's nearly 16 and takes culinary arts at his high school. He's also the one in the cupcake decorating class photos. We homeschooled from kindergarten through high school (when he applied to this specific school just for their culinary program) and he began baking cakes and cupcakes when he was just 11 or so. He just loves experimenting with baking and we love sampling his creations.


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