Friday Favorites: Perfect Hiking Weather!

 We had such a wonderful week!  It was packed with lots of hiking and outdoor time since our weather was just beautiful.  

Ian, Evan, and I went hiking with our hiking group on Friday.  We checked out a new trail at Natchaug Forest and it was just beautiful! 

We had tons of frosting left over from Evan's birthday cake and it was just sitting in our fridge.  I looked up what to do with leftover frosting and found a recipe for frosting cookies. I baked up a batch and they were a huge hit with the whole family!

After getting home from Alec's karate class, I spent part of my afternoon crafting another set of Christmas cards.  I am loving this set!  I whipped up another set of cards on Sunday too.

We saw a spectacular sunset on our way home from Lowe's Sunday night; I had my husband stop the truck so I could get a picture!

Evan and I headed out hiking on Monday.  We checked out Sprague Farm Town Forest and hiked a portion of their trails. 

Ian came with Evan and I on Tuesday and we hiked at George Washington campground... getting in a much longer hike that we had planned on or anticipated!  It was great but I was really worried that I was going to be late to pick up Alec!

Alec had Veteran's day off and I planned a hike for us all.  We did have to turn to our app for a bit as part of the trail was flooded and we had to find a way around.  It was a beautiful hike though.

I eat fresh fruit with nonfat Greek yogurt and a small (1/4 cup) scoop of granola.  I am always trying out new varieties of granola and am just loving this protein packed variety by Nature Valley.  Even on my new PersonalPoints plan it's only 3 points for my whole breakfast!

Linking up with: On the Edge, 


  1. That’s awesome that you were able to get out for all of those hikes this week. I enjoyed looking at the photos of the lake and trees. Have a nice weekend Joanne.

    1. I know the cold weather is coming soon and I am trying so hard to soak up all the beautiful weather while I can!

  2. More beautiful hiking pics- love them! Have a great weekend :)

  3. Such beautiful scenery captured! Have a good weekend!

  4. Is that a snake? I love the sunset! I have leftover frosting too, frosting cookies sounds interesting!

    1. It was a snake! Thankfully my sons didn't spot it until I was well away from it and I just zoomed in with my camera. Yeah I was intrigued too but the basic premise is that since buttercream frosting is just butter and sugar creamed together and most recipes start with "cream together the butter and sugar" that it works by adding just a few other ingredients in!

  5. Your Christmas cards are beautiful! I love that you make your own. It adds such a special, personal touch.

  6. Gorgeous Cards! I have never heard of frosting cookies before with the frosting inside but gosh it sounds delicious! That is my idea of perfect hiking weather as well! Unfortunately it’s cold now and winter has arrived in Indiana. But hoping for some more weather like this!

  7. Joanne,
    Gorgeous scenery! I used to love hiking but now after my Knee Replacement, I am fearful of falling as my balance is not good.....Thanks so much for stopping by !! It is pouring buckets here today...again!!!
    Have a great weekend!!

    1. It's pouring here today too; and it looks like we'll have another rainy day tomorrow so I try to get out whenever the weather is nice.

  8. The sunset! The snake! Those are gorgeous shots. Love any hike with water.

    1. Thanks! Though I'm not really a huge fan of finding snakes on our hikes...

  9. You always have the most beautiful photos on your site. Hope you have more time to enjoy the outdoors this weekend.


  10. I really enjoy your nature photography. Have a great weekend!

  11. I love granola bowls like that. And it does look like beautiful hiking weather there right now.

    1. It has been wonderful this fall... just very wet because on those not so great hiking days we've gotten lots and lots of rain!

  12. Your photos of nature are stunning. Your breakfast looks delicious. I love those Christmas cards.

  13. What lovely weather you've had. It looks great for all the hikes. What gorgeous scenery x

  14. Beautiful pictures, except
    of course, the snake! Loved the pumpkins too. Michele

  15. That sunset is just amazing! We always get the best sunsets and sunrises in autumn and winter too! :)

    I've never heard of frosting cookies before either, thanks for sharing!

    Hope that you are having a good weekend :) Thankfully the rain has stopped here.

    Away From The Blue

    1. Thank you! We're in for another big storm today but then it looks like our weather will be clearing up a bit.

  16. It's so impressive all of the hiking you do. Which is exactly why you needed those frosting cookies, haha.
    I just LOVE the cards you made. I used to make cards but nothing as beautiful.

    1. LOL! I often say I need cookies or ice cream after hiking too but in all honesty I think it's the sweet tooth that necessitates all the hiking!

  17. Gorgeous scenery and hiking is great to stay active in mind,body and spirit. Loved your photos I'm visiting from #weekendcoffeeshare

  18. What a amazing hikes! I made my own granola bars last week for the first time, so good! Your Christmas cards are beautiful!

    1. I haven't made my own granola bars in along time but I used to love trying new things in the mix.

  19. So many gorgeous hikes. I love them all. Also, your Christmas cards are stunning.
    Blessings, Dawn

  20. Love the pics and the Christmas cards. And cookies made from frosting?? If I ever had leftover frosting, I'd totally try that.

  21. Beautiful hiking trails and sunset. Good thing you didn't step on the snake. Thank you for linking up with #weekendcoffeeshare.

    1. I was so glad I didn't even see that snake until I was well passed it and my younger son pointed it out. I don't mind them from afar but really do not like when they are close to the trail where I am!

  22. So very beautiful. What an amazing hike, very lovely. #weekendcoffeeshare

  23. You have the most beautiful hiking trails near you. I love that you can always find new places to explore.That sunset was gorgeous! I hope you had a great weekend!

    1. Thank you! I love finding new trail to try out; though it does seem to get more and more challenging.

  24. Your cards are so elegant. And I would have made someone stop so I could get that sunset picture too -- it's stunning.

  25. Hi Joanne, Your photos are always great. I think you enjoy that camera a lot! Living in such beauty -- must be such a blessing.

    If you are a Sci-Fi fan at all, consider yourself invited to spend an hour with my new story, 'Defending Canopy Station',
    I spent my weekend finishing it and it's a David v Goliath, space battle, nerd fest.
    Have a great week

    1. It's not my favorite genre but I have definitely read sci-fi before; I'll go check it out.

  26. Beautiful hikes! Great shot of that snake.

  27. Wow you had some really great hikes last week! That sunset is beautiful and so are your cards! Hope you had a great weekend!

  28. Your cards are so pretty. The cookies look yummy. That was a very cool shot of the snake. Hope you're having a great week

    1. Thank you! The cookies were delicious; they even held up to my baker's high standards.

  29. Loved all the hiking pics and that beautifully coloured sky. It sounds like you're making the most of the weather while you can.

    1. Thanks! We sure are. I just know ice and snow will settle in soon and that makes hiking so hard.


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