Sentence a Day in September-- 2021

 We had a pretty nice September.  Our biggest success was that we finally re-hiked Mount Monadnock!  My husband and I have been wanting to do this since we had lost all our weight.  It was not an easy hike but we picked a perfect day for it.

1.  Evan, Ian, and I headed to the La- Z- Boy store to see what they had pulled together for our basement and we ordered some furniture (that will be in 5-7 months from now), stopped for lunch at 5 Guys and also brought home a rug and a few table lamps.  

2. Evan and I attempted to go hiking but with all the rain we received from the tail end of Ida most of the trails were flooded and had trees across them. With 3 tropical storm systems in the past month all of our water levels are very high right now.

3. Alec had asked if he could go to the Woodstock Fair to meet up with his friend so my husband and I decided to go to and make a night of it; we haven't been to the fair in a good 8 years or so and so much has changed!  We had fun though and I was so glad that my husband was over his little 24-48 hour bug he had.  

4. I drove Alec to karate and then helped my mother-in-law hang her curtains and rods and set up her TV's for her first night in the new house.  We had everyone over for take out pizza though I did manage to sneak in a few chapters worth of reading on the deck; it was a beautiful autumn feeling day.

5. It was a rainy day and while the whole family was next door helping my mother in law with her driveway and moving I spent the day getting caught up on laundry and housework and doing lots of reading.

6.  It was a beautiful and sunny day and my husband and I decided to heat out to hike Mount Monadnock; it was not a fun climb to the top but we made it!  

7. After dropping Alec off at school and tackling schoolwork with Evan, him and I decided to walk the whole river trail.

8. My mother in law took Alec to school so I spent a lazy morning doing blog work and told Evan to pick any 3 subjects for school (he choose spelling, math, and reading) then we went on a hike to the tri- state marker before the high winds set in for the day.

9. It was a miserable rainy day and I spent a good portion of my day helping Ian figure out how to take his online assessments for his class. 

10. Evan and I finished up his schoolwork in no time and headed out hiking at the Thompson Dam and then once Alec was done school we headed to pick up the rest of his uniform pieces from the uniform company. 

11. After taking Alec to karate I sat outside trying to finish up my latest novel; the whole family left to go to the movies and I enjoyed having the whole house to myself. 

12. My husband and I spent a good two hours out in the woods on the RZR; we had to make sure the new door panels and rear window worked on keeping us drier.  We finished our night off with a roast beef and mashed potato dinner and some card games with my mother in law.

13. With Ian and Alec both off at school and my husband off on a fishing charter, Evan and I decided to finish up school early and head out hiking.  We went back to Wallum Lake and hiked an old favorite trail.  We ended our day with a fresh bluefish dinner and invited my mom and step- father over to join us. 

we saw a few trees that were threatening to come down

14. I pulled out our fall decorations and began decorating the house. 

15. A rainy day spent inside doing laundry and housework. 

16. After the rains cleared up and we were all done school, Evan and I went on a walk to the state park.


17. Evan and I met up with our friends for a hike at mount Wachusett, but we had some issues and ended up having to hike closer to home at Bigelow Hollow.  She brought me some beautiful flowers and we were amazed at all the newts we kept seeing on the trails.

18. Alec had a karate demonstration with his school at a local craft fair so my husband and I spent part of our day walking around and watching him perform.  

19. It was a beautiful sunny day and I spent much of it outside on the deck reading. 

20. Another day I spent reading in the sun, cleaning up the plants and gardens in our yard and prepping for fall. 

21. Evan, Ian, and I went for a hike at Pulaski.

22.  A rainy day where I mostly worked on schooling with the boys.

23.  Another rainy day; but in those few patches of sun we had I put away all the garden decorations and found a bit of time to sit on the deck and read my book.

24. I think this was the morning where I made banana bread and then spent part of my day cleaning all the bathrooms. 

25. The boys and I worked together to clean off the patio and organize the corner of the basement where all the summer furniture gets stored.  I spent a decent portion of the day out on the deck reading my book since I have not put away those chairs.  

26. I ran to Stop and shop for a grocery pick up and then spent my morning cutting up fruits and veggies and prepping dinner.  Then I spent my afternoon out on the patio reading; though Ben and I did take a short hike around our own woods/ trail.

27. I can't remember much about this day other than I did make a delicious soup for dinner.

28. Another uneventful day at home; reading, cleaning, and doing school with the boys.  

29.  After taking Evan shopping all morning for fall clothing, the boys and I went on a hike. The weather was just beautiful!

30. I spent my day cleaning the room and all our sheets, blankets, curtains, etc. then picked up a huge grocery order from Stop & Shop and spent my afternoon cutting up fruits and veggies. 

Linking up with:


  1. Love the rug! Love all of your yummy dishes, as always, too!

    1. I do too and am so anxious for all the furniture to arrive so we can start using that room!

  2. I can't wait to see your basement all done! It looks like it's going to be a great space!

    1. I am getting so anxious to see it completed!

  3. Love the photos! The food looks amazing!

    Looks like September was a great month, Joanne.

  4. It sounds like a great month with lots of hikes and reading time. x

  5. I love the new rug! And lots of hiking and lots of reading -- sounds like a good way to spend the month.

  6. It's been.SO wet this fall. Challenging hiking conditions!

    1. Definitely. Everything is pretty wet and muddy and so many mosquitoes everywhere.

  7. Looks like gorgeous fall weather for being outdoors other than on all those rainy days. Those are beautiful flowers from your friend, such a kind gesture. Daughter & her husband went shopping for a washer & dryer, luckily one place did have a matching pair. They had look before & none were available anywhere they had went. Karen

    1. Yeah, it's crazy trying to buy much of anything "big" these days!


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