Photos of the week: October 2nd

 I'm feeling so accomplished this week with the I Spy Challenge as I actually used my "real" camera and not just my phone to make the majority of these photos.  Back when I joined the challenge in January my intent was to get better at using my larger, more intimidating camera for taking photos but somewhere along the way I stopped caring so much. 

– cook-- I cooked up a whole crock pot worth of sausage/ tortellini soup this week and it really hit the spot. 

– outside-- Sitting outside this weekend; this was my view.

– hair-- We saw this tree while hiking and were immediately struck by the hair all over the seeds; turns out it's a chestnut tree! (from what I can tell using Google)

– shadow-- Our patio table leaves this pretty shadow on our patio. 

– your choice

Linking up with:


  1. I hear ya on the ease of using your phone when you have better cameras--that's 100% me. I'm trying to get better about it too! Your pics this week turned out great!

  2. Go you! The photos are fab!
    The soup looks so good. Perfect for the cold weather we've been having here. Your view is amazing over the lake. x

    1. We've been having cooler weather too and soup really hits the spot.

  3. Such a cool looking chestnut tree/seed/pod/hairy thing!!:) Hope you are having a wonderful autumn weekend!

  4. Yes this week I used my camera instead of my phone as well... great minds and all that. Love your hairy chestnuts (yes, they are chestnuts) and your tortalini soup. You live in the most beautiful spot. CarolG

    1. Thank you! I'm hoping/ planning to use my camera for next week's prompts too.

  5. Fab captures! Your sausage/ tortellini soup is a perfect hearty dinner for the colder months. We are eating a lot more meals like this now.
    The last pic is beautiful. x

  6. Yum that soup looks delicious and I really like that last photo with the water. It's beautiful! :)

    Hope you have had a lovely weekend :)

    Away From The Blue

  7. Wonderful photos! I really like the one of the chestnuts - I don't remember seeing any that were still green. The waterfall is so beautiful!

    1. Thanks! I think I have only ever noticed them when they are green on the tree.

  8. I love that shadow picture. So beautiful!

  9. I like that shadow! I used to only use my real camera for 52 frames and now I hardly ever do. Maybe next year.

    1. I just find that I don't often have my real camera on me unless we're out on a day trip and I KNOW I'll want photos.

  10. Replies
    1. Thank you! It is very yummy and so easy to make in the crock pot.

  11. I love chestnut trees: when we lived in the south of France they were everywhere and in the fall/winter we would go and pick chestnuts! So many memories! I need to use my camera: it cost me a penny and I haven't touched it in years.

    1. I've heard of roasted chestnuts but I don't think I have ever eaten chestnuts.

  12. I keep saying I will use my camera more but then with the iphone I have, it is actually better. Hope getting right into Autumn is going OK.

    Great to have you link up for #lifethisweek. Next week, the optional prompt is Water. See you at Denyse Whelan Blogs then too I hope. Denyse.

    1. I don't think my phone camera is all that great but it sure is handy!

  13. I love that shadow picture! And I have to say, the bulk of my pictures are still with my big camera, as opposed to my cell phone. Especially when I'm intentionally taking pictures, I pull out my big camera and that's usually what I'm doing for the I Spy challenges.

    1. Thanks! I got into the habit over the summer of just using the photos I had taken on any given week to satisfy our prompts and wasn't nearly as intentional about my photography. I'm trying to shake that laziness when it comes to all aspects of my blog.


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