Friday Favorites: Labor Day Weekend 2021

 This week just flew right by!  We had wonderful weather and that long Labor day weekend was really enjoyed by us all.

Friday night Alec wanted to go to the local agricultural fair with a friend of his.  She was performing and since my husband and I hadn't been in a good 8 or 10 years we decided to tag along.  We watched the performance and then walked around for a few hours checking out the exhibits and the food.  It was a lot of fun but we all agreed we're probably good for another 10 years.

Saturday morning as Alec was practicing his weapon's form we were told he'll be graduating to apprentice black belt at the next grading.

I tried out these Veggie Puffs this week and I really liked them; though the sour cream and onion were my favorite.

My husband and I spent Monday (Labor day) hiking.  We drove to Mount Monadnock and hiked to the summit. It was exhausting but the view from the top was absolutely a favorite!

Evan and I went on a walk along the river trail on Tuesday and for a hike to the tri-state marker on Wednesday.  I was sore both days but loved the weather we have been having!

We have been having beautiful fall like weather here and I am loving pulling out my long sleeves and cardigans (and throwing a few new pieces into the mix too!)

We have had some really beautiful sunrises over the lake.

My mother in law is all moved into her house and we are just loving having her so close by that we can walk there.  We spent most of Saturday helping her hang curtains and get her TV's all set up and then Sunday setting her patio block driveway and smaller furniture pieces together.  

Alec was in the culinary kitchen on Tuesday before switching over to academics and made a beautiful cake with a mirror glaze.  I am so glad that they are having to take photos of all their work this year as I am just loving seeing all his culinary creations. 

I managed to find a bit of time to sneak outside for some reading.  It's getting a bit chilly and windy at times but I am just not ready to pack away my summer chairs just yet.


  1. We are heading to the mountains this afternoon for the weekend with my brother and family. Looking forward to relaxing and enjoying the outdoors.

  2. Yay for fall weather and congratulations to your son on his accomplishments!

  3. Replies
    1. It's a fun little hike (though there is some debate I guess as to whether it is actually where the three states meet as one state claims they're a few feet or so to the side)

  4. It's so nice to be able to get out and go for those nice hikes. It's wonderful that the weather is cooler now and not so hot. Your outfits look so nice and I'm happy too to be wearing long sleeve tops and cardigans. I'm also not ready to put away the chairs and everything in our yard. I'm hopping to get to the beach at least one more time before the fall. Thanks for the blog visit and have a nice day and weekend Joanne.

    1. I'm hoping to get to the beach at least one more time too but we shall see.

  5. Replies
    1. I had no idea it was so close to us until we started homeschooling. I grew up here!

  6. Sounds like a good week. Love the new pumpkin item markers. I have heard of the tri state marker, and would like to see it myself sometime.

    1. Thank you; they only took a few minutes to whip up.

  7. Beautiful hike and lake views. The cake looks delicious. Thank you for linking with #weekendcoffeeshare.

  8. That sure is a beautiful cake. Great photos. particularly the flowers.

    1. He was a bit disappointed with his uneven decorations but I thought it looked delicious.

  9. I love hikes with a great view too! What a gorgeous cake your son made. I'm loving this weather and love fall! Have a great weekend!

  10. I can see you are hanging onto those warmer days for as long as possible..but I also notice you have changed the cute little icons to pumpkins!

    Denyse #weekendcoffeeshare...

    PS your post from my Women of Courage series is in this link up today

    1. Yes! I am trying to both enjoy the last lingering days of summer and embracing fall all at the same time.

  11. Great pictures, and good luck for the grading, getting to black belt is a great achievement

  12. The local agricultural fair sounds like a great evening out.
    How lovely to have your mother in law living so close. x

    1. It has been wonderful! In fact we just had her over for dinner again tonight.

  13. Congrats to Alec on his upcoming achievement of the apprentice black belt.

    I think I'd really like to go to an agricultural fair someday, as I've never been to one.

  14. What an incredible view from that hike. Those mountain type hikes are always the hardest, but the most rewarding.

    1. Yes, that is definitely how I felt. A hard hike but what incredible views.

  15. Sounds like a pretty great weekend all around....sitting on your deck overlooking the lake seems like heaven (I think I say that every time I see a picture of that on your blog!)

    1. I do hear that often from a lot of readers... and you are not wrong! It is pretty heavenly.

  16. Oh, I need to find those Veggie Puffs for Olivia! She loves the veggie straws, but I bet she'd like the puffs even more! So glad you posted about those!

    1. I bet she would like them; a totally different taste from the veggie straws but equally as good.

  17. wonderful update. I'm in the process of reading your interview with Denyse. I'm so behind on visiting people. Love your outfits...cute jeans! I need to go shopping. The fair looks fun...I miss going to fairs. Yummy veggie puffs. So many great options out there.

    1. I feel like I am behind on reading/ visiting blogs too! It happens and everyone understands but I feel so bad when I stop reading and commenting!


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