Photos of the week: August 21st

I had a lot of fun with this week's prompt and actually found a few photos that could have worked for each prompt (well, other than the house quarterly photo)! 

stuck-- We were stuck inside the car during a sudden downpour and when it cleared I just loved the view through the window. 

– house – (summer) – quarterly pic

– ink-- I inked up a few sympathy cards this week.

– starts with C-- Covered bridge we found on our hike.

– your choice Misty mornings on the lake are sure sign that the heat wave has passed & fall is approaching. 

Linking up with:


  1. Great photos this week. I love the raindrops, and the covered bridge. Such a lovely sympathy card too!

  2. Gorgeous photos.
    I love the photo of the misty morning and the lake. So pretty x

  3. I love your photos this week. The photo of the raindrops is so cool!

    1. I thought so too; at first I was so frustrated I couldn't get my camera to focus beyond the drops but once I took a few photos I thought it looked so neat with only the drops in focus.

  4. That last photo is beautiful - what a nice misty morning! I love seeing the fog around here in the mornings lately, it's a different kind of world to wake up to as it slowly lifts :)

    Hope you are having a lovely weekend :) I had a fun night out with friends yesterday!

    Away From The Blue

    1. It really does make the world so different and I love watching it slowly lift as more and more of the surrounding area is revealed.

  5. Love your pics this week! Nice reflection in the raindrops on the window.

    1. Thank you! That was completely by accident but I loved it!

  6. All great photos this week Joanne, you live in an amazing house in an amazing spot (I can see the lake peeping through the trees)! It's great that you're a cardmaker too, and that old covered bridge is so quaint. I have to ask, why were they covered? It seems a lot of trouble and expense to go to for a bridge that people just pass over, so there must be an historic reason. CarolG

    1. Yes, we are quite fortunate to lie right on the lake. From what I have heard and read, most of the old bridges in New England were built as covered bridges to protect the trusses and decks of the bridge from decaying and rotting in all our snow and rain.

  7. Hi Joanne, your cards - do you enter cardmaking challenges? I don't recall seeing you in any, but would hate to miss out on them. CarolG

    1. I don't ever think of that; I rarely have a post with just a card or two so I never think of entering any of the challenges even though I LOVE seeing what everyone makes and always promise myself I'm going to participate.

  8. Bagus sekali artikel nya, saya sangat suka :)

  9. Lovely photos Joanne. Your house is so beautiful! What an idyllic spot. :)

  10. Replies
    1. Yep! I've been card making for more than 20 years now. A girlfriend invited me to a Stampin Up! party she was invited to while we were in college and I just LOVED it! I was even a demonstrator for a few years when my boys were small as it was a fun way to get out of the house.

  11. Your house is lovely and I love the covered bridge!

  12. Great photos! Love the mist on the lake! We were stuck in the car during rain a few times last week too!

    1. It's just been downpouring for a few minutes and then the skies clear up and it turns sunny. It's so funny but our weather isn't normally like that.


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