Books I Read in August

 I read so many great books again this month!  I am really hoping this reading streak continues through the fall.  I read a pretty good variety of genres too though I am still leaning heavily towards light beachy reads as summer has not quite wrapped up here.  

1. It's Better This Way by Debbie Macomber-- I loved this heartwarming story! When Julia's marriage ends she is simply crushed but uses her father's saying "it's better this way" to try and make herself feel better.  Six years later when she finally feels ready to take a chance on love once again the road is not easy.  As two divorced adults come together their grown children have major problems with the relationship.  I can't say much more without giving plot points away but Debbie's novels are always filled with relationships, growth, acceptance, and forgiveness. 

2. Wish You Were Here by Joanne Tracey-- Maxine Henderson loves her life in Brookford so when her husband tells her he's been transferred to New York Max is torn between joy for James and concern for herself.  She doesn't want to leave her home and all her friends.  Then one by one things start changing with all sorts of family members and friends and Max is left reeling from all the changes and finds herself wishing that things could just go back to the way they were. I can't say much else without giving away plot points but I really liked this story a lot.  

3.  Caramel Crush by Jenn McKinlay (Cupcake Bakery Mystery #9)-- Mel is busy helping Angie plan her wedding when she's asked to deliver some break-up cupcakes to her old college roommate's fiancé.  Of course Mel stumbles upon a dead body along the way and has to work behind the scenes to figure out who's behind it before the cops arrest one of her friends.  Another adorable cupcake mystery.

4. The Rose Code by Kate Quinn-- Kate Quinn writes some fabulous historical fiction novels and I really enjoyed this one too!  Three women with nothing in common end up working in Bletchley Park in England during WWII trying to break codes.  They form an unlikely friendship until something tears them apart and one of them end up in an insane asylum for years.  Told in alternating time lines from the time they start working at the Park and from just a few days before Queen Elizabeth's wedding in 1947 when the three are reunited through a mystery coded letter stating that there had been a spy in their midst.  I really enjoyed this book and found that by the last 100 or so pages I just could not put it down! 

5. The Seven Day Switch by Kelly Harms-- Completely unbelievable and totally funny, I was surprised at how much I enjoyed this novel.  I think it's best described as mommy wars meets Freaky Friday!  Neighbors and moms, Celeste and Wendy have a bit of a feud going on-- one a stay at home Pinterest loving mom and another working hard to support her family and grow her business end up waking up in one another's bodies one morning after a drunken party and must work together to keep their lives going while they figure out how to swap back.  While completely unbelievable it was so adorably written that I just loved it!

6. The First Husband by Laura Dave-- Annie is a travel writer based out of California and has been living with Nick for a few years; they're settled and happy.. until the day Nick comes home and announces he needs a break.  After a whirlwind romance Annie finds her self married to Griffin and living in Massachusetts. Still reeling herself from all the changes in her life Annie struggles to adjust to her new life.  Then Nick shows up out of the blue begging for Annie to come back... confused and uncertain Annie doesn't know what to do.  A sweet story about finding home, happiness, and self, I thought this book was a decent read and a fun way to pass the time.  

7. Come Away With Me by Karma Brown-- This book sucked me in right from the first page!  Tegan and Gabe have everything going for them, newlyweds with a baby on the way they are blissfully happy until a patch of black ice causes a devastating car accident.  Drowning in sorrow, Tegan struggles to live again. Gabe finally convinces Tegan to try traveling with him through some of their Spontaneity Jars' destinations. A heart breaking story of love and loss and moving on that I just loved.  It made me cry though so be warned.   

8. Angels Fall by Nora Roberts-- I loved this story so much! Reece has been drifting through life the past year or so aimlessly driving and trying to leave her past behind her.  Crippled with fear and anxiety from a tragedy that left her questioning everything she finds herself coasting into Angels Fist with car trouble.  Needed to replenish her cash, Reece takes a job working at the local diner and finds herself settling in despite her intentions.  Then while out hiking one day Reece witnesses a murder; only problem is that the local law enforcement can't find any sign of a body or evidence. A great murder mystery novel with a couple love stories on the side.  I enjoyed the characters so much. 

9. The Latest Collection: A Novel of Elsa Schiaparelli and Coco Chanel by Jeanne Mackin (also called The Last Collection)-- Another historical fiction novel with a big spotlight on fashion that I just adored.  It took me a bit longer to read through it but only because I kept Googling things as I was reading (famous names and places and what they looked like in the time period, styles of dresses and hats mentioned, etc).  Told in a few different voices and timelines this story was mainly set in Paris between the two World Wars, on the cusp of the second, as Schiaparelli was enjoying a rise to stardom in the fashion world rivaling Chanel.  The two were rivals and had such vastly different fashion ideals.  I really want to read Schiaparelli's autobiography now and learn more about these fascinating women that each played a role in WWII.

10. The Hot Flash Club by Nancy Thayer-- Another adorable story that I just loved and read in just under 24 hours.  I wasn't surprised though as I do tend to enjoy Nancy's books.  I was just thrilled to find that it's the first book in a 4-book series too.  Faye, Marilyn, Alice, and Shirley meet and realize that they have so much more in common than just their ages, raging hormones, and dashed dreams.  They form a club and through it the best friendships that help them each navigate the rough patch they are going through and live their best lives.  

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  1. I feel like I need to start sharing my reads, too! I've read a ton in the last few months, and I absolutely love seeing others' recommendations, so maybe I should take my own lead haha

    1. Yes please! I love reading book recommendations and reviews!!

  2. Thanks for sharing! Just finished Hot Flash Club and really enjoyed it too!

    1. I'm already more than 1/2 way through the second book in the series. I wasn't sure I was going to like it as much but I do!

  3. I do enjoy your recommendations. I am always on the lookout for a good book!

    1. Thanks! I am always on the lookout for book recommendations too.

  4. I have gravitated toward more fiction this summer and really have enjoyed it!

  5. I read another book by Karma Brown that I liked. I also liked The Seven Day Switch!

    1. It was so cute; I'm kind of sucker for any type of Freaky Friday/ body swap storyline.

  6. I love book recs! Thanks so much. And I envy your time to read that many books in one month! I was just thinking yesterday that I really need to prioritize reading a bit more. When I only grab my book for the few minutes before I fall asleep at night, it takes forever to get through one!

    1. I tend to read a lot; while folding clothes, while waiting in the parent pick up line, while blow drying my hair, etc.

  7. You've read some nice books this month Joanne. I read a book by the author Kate Quinn and I'll have to ad these to my reading list.

  8. These all sound like amazing books to read this fall - thanks for sharing this list!
    Jenna ♥
    Stay in touch? Life of an Earth Muffin

  9. Looks like some good books. I want to read The First Husband. I like light reads!

    1. I do too. Especially after I've read something heavy.

  10. You always have the best books. I am working my way through my TBR list. SO MANY BOOKS, SO LITTLE TIME. :)

    1. Thank you! I feel the same way.. my TBR list is always a mile long.

  11. You managed to read a lot! I really like the sound of the rose code book, it sounds fascinating! I have quite a few books on hold at the library that I need to pick up though!

    Hope your week is off to a good start :)

    Away From The Blue

    1. I just picked up a few books I had on hold today.

  12. The only one I've read is Come Away With Me and I loved it. Great selection of books - several will be checking out. Happy reading.

  13. The Seven Day Switch sounds really good! I'm going to add it to my list! I could use something light and funny.

  14. Sounds like you’ve enjoyed some great books in August. The Rose Code sounds like a really interesting book and I love the sound of The Seven Day Switch for some light reading. The Last Collection sounds good too – I love historical novels that make me stop and keep looking up things too. #MMBC

    1. I like historical fiction novels that really teach me about new things too; it was so fun to look up all sorts of things while reading The Last Collection.

  15. I am adding at least two books to my TBR. I love Kelly Harms books and can’t wait to read this one! I am reading Hello Sunshine by Laura Dave and just finished The Last Thing He Told Me, but I want to read this one too! I hope your reading time continues in the fall!!

    1. I don't think I had ever read anything by Kelly Harms before but I'll definitely be on the lookout for one now! Hello Sunshine sounds so fun.

  16. Hi Joanne -- before I forget, thanks for coming by Marmelade Gypsy today and leaving such a nice comment. I love reading peoples' book recommendations and there are two here I must read -- the Paris fashion one and the one set with the Bletchley Park women. Both sound just like my thing!

  17. Nine books? That’s amazing! I love the variety and will add some of these to my list!

  18. oooh I loved the other Katie Quinn books, I'll have to pick The Rose Code up too!

  19. I really liked The Rose Code! I had no idea about codebreakers! The Seven Day Switch is on my to read list and I just added Come Away With Me!

    1. I've read a bit about codebreakers before but I definitely thought that Rose Code gave the most detailed account of what it was like.

  20. Interesting list :) I'm sort of over WWII books, but I sometimes make an exception for Coco Chanel ;) Thanks for sharing and enjoy your month!

    1. I am feeling that same way lately. I used to love WWII books but I am getting kind of sick of them.

  21. This a great post for our #whatsonyourbookshelfchallenge Joanne and I throughly enjoyed your reviews! Jo's books are all good so I'm glad your enjoyed Wish you were Here! I particularly like the sound of The Seven Day Switch too and I loved The Rose Code - i couldn't put it down either! Thanks for joining us :) I've included a link to your post in mine.

  22. I am curious about The Seven Day Switch!


  23. I just love books that make you keep googling bits and pieces. The Rose Code was one of my fave reads for the year (so far) and I have The First Husband on my kindle somewhere to be read. Thanks for linking up and an extra huge thanks for the shout out for Max and Richie.

  24. the rose code was *so good*!! i loved it.
    come away with me sounds like it would break my heart so my book bestie read it and i made her spoil it for me lol.

    1. Ha! LOL. My boys often give me grief for flipping ahead and ruining the story for myself.


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