What's Up Wednesday; July 2021

It's the last Wednesday of July which means it's time for What's Up Wednesday with Sheaffer & Shay. I am always sad to see July end.  We still have a few weeks before school starts but somehow that calendar change makes it seem like summer is almost over and I immediately start thinking back to school prep.  I try to make sure we still have plenty of summer fun but it's always a bit bittersweet knowing summer is ending.   
What We're Eating This Week:  I just shared our monthly menu yesterday (here) but this week we're eating:

Tacos, nachos, taco salad night


meatball grinders with salad

Ham steaks on the grill with a new pea salad recipe and some egg noodles, 

New England baked fish with baked potatoes and salad.

What I'm Reminiscing About: I took the boys to a party and all us moms started reminiscing about how long these boys have been friends and how many years we've been celebrating birthdays together. 

What I'm Loving: All these fun new "summer" nail styles I've found through color street!  Each week as I do my nails I think I like this design the best..

And halter tops!  I have just been loving them this summer.

What We've Been Up To: So much summer fun!  We celebrated the 4th with our annual reunion party and got to see some fireworks on the lake.

We spent a day at the shore with some of our friends.

We went hiking a time or two.

And I got to try out my new kayak.

My mom and I went on our annual shopping/ lunch date and found some great bargains!

My husband and I spent a weekend in Maine celebrating my birthday.

I found plenty of time for reading on the porch/ patio whenever the sun decided to make an appearance.

We got lots and lots of rain though- so we spent plenty of time inside too; often preparing food!

So much rain our dock was nearly underwater

We tried grilled romaine,

ate lots and lots of fresh fruit and granola,

I cooked up some 2-ingreident WW bagels for snacking,

tried making egg roll in a bowl using turkey burgers and mandarin oranges.

Alec whipped up some parfait cups for the 4th of July.

While I threw together a fruit salad with honey/lime dressing.

He mixed up 3 different colors of whipped cream and decorated his key lime pie to look like an American flag.

For my birthday Alec made me some chocolate stuffed croissants and a truly decadent triple chocolate cake with raspberry filling. 

We whipped up some new seafood favorites-- like this shrimp and pasta stir-fry and baked scallops.

And just about ate our weight in ice cream.

Raspberry truffle (chocolate ice cream with raspberry swirls and rasp/chocolate cups)

Maine Lobster Tracks (vanilla ice cream with lobster colored caramel cups & an eclair crunch)

Black Angus ice cream (Black chocolate ice cream with chocolate chunks and strawberry swirls)

What I'm Dreading: Nothing! 

What I'm Working On: Painting! I've been painting all the doors, trim work, and even the new ceiling we put in the basement bathroom.  Each day it feels like our basement gets one step closer to being finished.

We decided to just paint the stairs for now but we'll replace the treads with oak treads eventually

What I'm Excited About: Our vacation!  We leave soon and I can not wait to see my sister, brother- in- law, nephews, aunt and uncle. 

What I'm Watching/Reading:  We began watching Zoo this month on Netflix; has anyone started watching that?!  We really like it (even if I do grumble sometimes that it's pretty far fetched-- especially by season 3; but I just can not stop watching it). I'm also watching Kim's Convenience and Friends.

I easily read a good dozen books this month and found so many great ones that I would be hard pressed to pick a favorite!... though my top 3 would be Shipped, Soulmate Equation, and Float Plan. I just shared my full book list and thoughts yesterday if you're looking for some suggestions.

What I'm Listening to: As I am typing up this blog post I have been re-watching the Twilight movie Breaking Dawn part 2.

What I'm Wearing: We've had lots of cool/ rainy weather this month so I wore a wide variety of stuff; anything from pants and long sleeves to shorts and tank tops.  

my 4th of July outfit 

What I'm Doing This Weekend: Lots and lots of driving.

What I'm Looking Forward to Next Month: We're hoping for some sunny days and to spend lots of time with our friends and family. 

What Else is New: Our basement is ready for furniture!  We still have to finish up the whole kitchenette area and work on the stairs leading to the basement but we all spent ALL weekend getting the flooring done. My husband did all the thinking and cuts and figuring while the boys helped lay actual planking.  I used the nail gun to add in the trim and Alec mostly worked on keeping the floor we were working on clean and keeping us fed. 

Linking up with: On the Edge


  1. Oh, your basement looks soooo good! I can't wait to see the finished product! And what did you think of the grilled romaine! Your picture of it looks delicious, as do all your food pictures :) It must be time for breakfast! Hahaha! Enjoy seeing family next month!!!

    1. I LOVED the grilled romaine! So easy and so delicious.

  2. Loving it all. Your outfits, your nails, the boy’s talents. What a great month and Loving your basement.

  3. What a fun month! Your basement is looking good and have fun on your upcoming trip!

  4. The basement is looking great! Love the floor and side note: obsessed with your patriotic nails!

    1. I am loving the flooring too; we put it on the landing of our stairs too and it looks so good.

  5. You are having a great summer. Love the basement floor!

  6. Hope you have a great trip! I love all the reading on the patio pictures!

    1. I hope so too! I have my fingers crossed that we got all the hiccups out of the way with our postponement.

  7. I'm so mad - I forgot to put on my flag nails for the 4th of July... I really was more perturbed about it than one should be - LOL

    1. Oh no! Well you'll be all set for Veteran's day this fall.

  8. I picked up some of those books from the library yesterday! Loving all of your halter tops and oh such cute nails!

  9. I can relate to the turn of the calendar bringing sadness that summer is coming to an end although it doesn’t tend to come for me until September. That chicken, broccoli and rice casserole and the baked fish look very yummy. Love the fun summer nails and the halter tops. Looks like you’ve had lots of fun during July. Love the American flag key lime pie. Eating your weight in ice-cream is definitely a must-do summer activity – I’m sure my kids have done the same so far! The basement is looking good - good luck with doing the kitchenette. #MMBC

  10. Girl, you wear a halter top about better than anyone!! And check out your wife beater (terrible name - great look) and distressed denim shorts. Two more faves. You are looking fabulous.

    And how about all the eats. Your posts make me so hungry. I just want to throw in the towel on WW all together. Have to do better when I get home from the BEACH.

    Great photo from the boat. That lake is divine. And terrific progress on the basement. Keep up the good work.

    1. Aw, so sweet!! Thank you. I'm really struggling on WW this week and know next week won't be much better either but I am trying!

  11. All of your cute clothes. I love that you have so many outfit pictures. I need outfit inspiration. And I need to get some more halters. They are so cute on you. Yes to all those desserts and great food. I can't believe Summer is almost over. It went by too quickly.

  12. Your basement looks great! I can’t wait to see the finished product! I love all your lakeside reading this month and 12 books is a great month! Have fun on vacation!

    1. Oh I can't wait to see it all come together either! Next I guess I need to start shopping for furniture.

  13. Your basement looks so good! The flooring looks beautiful. That is so awesome that y'all were able to do it yourself. That's one thing I don't think B and I would attempt to DIY.

    1. We DIY almost everything in our house... and drag the boys into it with us. LOL. I keep telling them that someday they'll be thankful for the skills.

  14. A nice way to catch up on all your news. I'll go check your book reviews, I love book recommendations.

  15. So many great photos. Love all your food pictures. Your nails are amazing. Great outfits and love your new floor :)

    Thanks so much for linking up to The Wednesday Link Up. I hope you can join us again tomorrow for our next party :) #TheWednesdayLinkUp

  16. So fun to spend time in Maine! It is definitely a place on my bucket list, it looks so beautiful! We are over here eating our weight in ice cream too, so funny how summer does that to you!

  17. Looks like a great month. Love your nail choices. Color Street is so great.

    1. Thank you! I am trying to make sure I use up all the Color Street I own before buying any more.

  18. So much goodness here, my friend! And now I want all the food things! I think tacos or nachos might have to be on the menu here soon. And your casseroles always look so delicious! Thanks for linking with me.



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