Sentence a Day in May 2021

 Our month started out pretty cold and wet but by the end of the month we had lots of sunny days that were starting to feel like summer; though Memorial day weekend was cold and rainy too.  It was a busy month but we managed to pack in lots of fun. 

1.  Alec had karate and then went to a party; since his party was about an hour away my husband and I decided to head out for an early dinner date before picking him up.  I hadn't been to the Willimantic Brewing Company since college and it was delicious.

My date night outfit

2. I spent part of my morning out in the sun reading.  After lunch we took a short hike at Old Furness in the afternoon my husband and I headed out for a Ranger ride. 

3. Evan and I started our day with a hike at Pulaski and then I spent the rest of my morning working in the garden.  I headed out to watch Alec's track practice in the afternoon.

Preparing to throw the discus

4. It poured nearly all day but thankfully cleared in time for Alec's meet; my mom and husband came to watch too. 

5. I was expecting a busy day with Alec only having a half- day and practice later in the afternoon while also squeezing in a doctor appointment for Ian but ended up spending my whole day in the kitchen as both the doctor's appointment & practice were canceled. 

Veggie quiche for breakfast

Fresh bread to go with spaghetti and meatballs for dinner

6. Evan and I headed out for a nice long hike at Mashamoquet then I spent my evening watching Alec's track meet (though my mom and I went walking for the first 45 minutes or so).  

Alec keeps score for most field events 

7. Evan and I headed out for a quick walk at the state park and then I picked Alec up from his half day and found that his track practice was canceled again.

 8. Alec was feeling a bit under the weather on Saturday so we skipped karate.  I spent my morning dropping off Mother's day gifts, doing some last minute shopping, and getting a few things in the mail.  I made chicken soup and fresh bread for dinner. 

Necklace my younger sister made for me!

9. My family spoiled me for Mother's day.  Alec was feeling better and joined us for a nice family dinner with my mother in law (after Evan, my husband, and I got back from a nice long hike around the dam).

10.  All three boys were home for school but our day went by super fast and the weather cleared just in time for my mom and I to go walking while Alec was at track practice. 

Alec spotted this woodpecker on the telephone pole while doing his schoolwork

Meanwhile Evan, Ian and I were enjoying watching the Orioles at our back window

My mom and I walk laps around the cemetery near Alec's school

11.  Alec was back in the building but Ian was home since work was slow and they had nothing for him.  I ended up going for a short hike alone in our woods since Evan had problems with his toe hurting. 

We had a pair of golden finches at our feeder

12.  Ian, Evan, and I worked to put all the patio furniture out then I picked up Alec from school before heading right back for track practice.  Ian, my mom, and I went for a walk while Alec was at practice and then we all had ice cream for dinner. I got a call from my father about the gas shortages (in Florida and the Carolina's particularly) but told him we hadn't experienced any in our area-- yet?!

13. Evan and I went on a walk to the state park and all around. I headed out to Alec's track meet but missed the whole thing because I met up with my girlfriend in the Target parking lot to swap out school books and we got to talking-- for 2 hours.  It was wonderful to catch up.

14.  I spent most of the sunny day outside reading and finished up my latest book before diving into two others. 

15. After taking Alec to karate, I spent most of my day outside reading a book and organizing more photos into storage cases.

16.  Ben and I started our day with a trip to the grocery store.  I finished up my book and then the boys and I met up with my girlfriend and her kids to go for a walk and to get some ice cream. 

17. Drop off with Alec was quite hectic as today was the first day that ALL students were allowed back in the building (the first day this entire school year).  After a quick house cleaning and schooling session Evan and I headed out for a nice walk on the river trail and Ian headed to work on his jet ski trailer.  After picking up Alec from track practice we went to vote on the town budget, had dinner, and went for a short walk around the neighborhood. 

18.  With the other two boys off at work and school, Evan and I headed out for a hike at Pulaski park.  His foot was feeling better so we hiked for nearly an hour.  In the afternoon I went to get a perm while my mom picked up Alec from practice. 

19. Dropped Alec off at school, worked on math with the other two boys before cleaning the downstairs and cleaning out the coat closet. Picked Alec up at noon for the half day, after a quick trip home for some lunch and changing clothes, I headed back to school with him for his last home track meet of the year.  (mask mandate lifted in our state today)

20. With Alec at school and Ian at work, Evan and I headed out hiking and tried a new trail at Old Furness.  I also put together some flower pots for the front steps after shopping in Target and Lowe's. 

21. Evan, Ian, and I went hiking with our friends at Moore State park after I dropped Alec off at school.  It was a beautiful day. 

22. Alec had karate and then in the afternoon I took the younger boys to a roller skating party at a new (to us) roller rink followed by a delicious dinner at Providence Coal Fired Pizza.

23.  My husband and I went to work on his cousin's water pump, then over to his aunt and uncle's house to work on their heat pump before stopping home for lunch and ending our afternoon at the family cottage with his mother and uncles. 

24.  Evan and I had cleanings with the dentist Monday morning then went for a hike in the afternoon. 

25.  Evan and I tackled 5 pages in his math book with the intent to finish up this week then I cleaned the house, the car, wrote up a grocery list, did some laundry, and paid bills- all that boring household stuff. 

26. Another day spent cleaning house and doing laundry.

27. Evan and I went on a hike at Pulaski just before lunch; it was buggy but we still had fun. 

28. After dropping Alec off at school my husband and I headed to New Hampshire; he had a job to do on the way but we still checked into our hotel by 4:30.

29.  We hiked three different trails in the morning and saw so many pretty waterfalls.

30.  We started out at Willey house and hiked for much longer than we had planned!

5 miles in just over 3 hours... but look at the elevation! It was a lot of up followed by a lot of down

31.  We headed to the outlet stores in Conway, did a tiny bit of shopping and then headed home-- hitting so much traffic we got home a full 2 hours later than our GPS stated.  

Linking up with:  Spread the Kindness, 


  1. I LOVE the Mountain View Grand- hope you enjoyed it!

    1. It was fabulous! They upgraded our room and we had spectacular views, the food was delicious, and the bed was so comfy after a long day of hiking.

  2. Now I'm thinking I need to start going for hikes on my own. It would be so much more peaceful! Also, the All Trails app has saved us a lot of extra steps a few times. We've really enjoyed using it so thank you for that recommendation!

    1. You're welcome! I find it so helpful when hiking in a new area I am not familiar with.

  3. Looks like a great month! Sure wish I had a slice of that quiche and some of that bread right now! I hope your short week is so sweet!

  4. What a busy month! It feels like it flew by!

    1. It really does! I can't believe we're already into June.

  5. I love that pink sweater you wore for date night! Hard to believe the weather was still chilly enough for sweaters where you are!

  6. What a neat idea for a monthly recap post! I love the creativity of a sentence a day <3

    Coming to you from the Spread the Kindness link party <3

  7. That view from your patio - so pretty and relaxing! Another busy month for you.

    1. Thanks! I think ALL the months are busy; but it's a good busy as I'm not one to really sit still much. (unless I'm reading on the patio/ deck)

  8. Such a fun May! I love all the beautiful patio photos.

  9. That necklace is so beautiful.
    I love all the warm scenes... get rid of all that snow.
    & roller skating!!!! that's our jam over here so that makes me so excited

    1. Yes, I am quite glad to see all the snow gone!

  10. Lots of interesting pics, enjoyed looking at them. Thanks so much for linking up with me at the Unlimited Link Party 27. Pinned!

  11. Those flowering shrubs are beautiful. Enjoyed viewing the outdoors through your pictures. Karen

  12. We haven't hiked still! But we just started visiting some historical sites nearby which is nice. Haven't baked a bread in forever either. Do those citronella bracelet work?

    1. I've only worn the bracelet once and while I didn't get bit I'm not sure if that's just because the bugs weren't really out in full force yet or if it really did work (I wore it on my ankle).

  13. You got so much done :) Love all your photos. You always inspire me to get out more #TheWednesdayLinkUp

  14. Memorial Day was kind of gross here as well. And now we are in the middle of a heatwave. It is so hot and humid. I love your necklace! What a special gift from your sister. I also enjoy cemetery walks. I love reading the gravestones and imagining what the people were like. Thanks for sharing all of your wonderful photos, too!


    1. We're supposed to have temps in the 90's almost all week; thankfully there was a nice breeze here today but I'm thinking it's going to be a real miserable week for Alec in culinary.

  15. Loved the pictures, and the idea of a sentence a day. And the size of that hotel! Wow! Blessings, Michele

  16. I absolutely adore your photos from hikes! The only thing I miss in Ireland (not counting family) is the forest and going for walks in the forest. It looks fabulous where you've been! We have other good things to do here, but walking in the forest is special to me.

    1. I would really miss the forest and hiking too; as much as I love seeing other places.

  17. I love the amount of time you spend outside and in nature. I'm the exact opposite and need to change in that respect.

    I'm also in awe of those bread baking skills!

    1. Aw, thank you! I tend to find easy no knead recipes for making fresh bread. Once you get the hang of it baking bread isn't that hard (just a bit time consuming).

  18. Such a great month. Lots of outings, people catch ups and more. So good for you all to have much of the life you missed back. Your area is beautiful. I now know what a woodpecker looks like...and it is nothing like cartoon variety! Thank you for linking up for Life This Week. It’s a great community that I enjoy hosting and your posts help make this so! Next week the optional prompt is 24/51 Nourish. 14 June. See you then I hope. Denyse

    1. It was a great month! So far June is shaping up to be pretty good too.


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