My Weekly Salad "Recipe"

I debated long and hard about writing this post. It seemed silly to have a "recipe" for making salad.  BUT, I have had a few people ask me about eating salad most nights with dinner and how we are able to do that.  

Each week I make up two giant bowls of salad for the family.  We buy enough fresh vegetables that I make one salad the day we get home from grocery shopping and another three or so days later when our first salad is all but gone.  

At this point my husband and I have it down to a science as to what we need to buy each week at the store.  

Ingredients (for 1 large salad):

3 romaine hearts

1 4 ounce tub baby crispy green leaf lettuce (or 1/2 8 ounce tub)

1 8 ounce tub baby spinach (or half a 16 ounce tub)

3 sticks celery

1 10 ounce container bite sized tomatoes

1 cucumber

4-5 button mushrooms

3 carrots; peeled

1 or 2 broccoli crowns

1/4 purple cabbage

I start with my largest Tupperware bowl (32 CUP SIZE) and begin layering lettuces (as I wash them) with other layers of cut veggies.  I try to make all the vegetables bite sized as I add them in. 

I almost always end my salad with the romaine, broccoli, and cabbage on top.

I have to work at getting the cover on until after our first meal but it's a great way to make sure we all have a chance to eat a rainbow of fruits and vegetables every day.  My boys aren't big fans of cooked vegetables but will happily eat some salad every single night.

This size salad is also perfect for summer gatherings! 

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  1. I love eating salads. I make them individually, this is very smart!

  2. I've never eaten raw mushrooms! But this salad looks delicious and I really want to give it a try! Thanks for sharing!

    1. I can't believe that! I love mushrooms raw or cooked.

  3. I love adding cooked veggies into my salads. I love your salad minus the raw mushrooms. I have a hard time with those. I only like them cooked.

    1. I've never tried adding cooked veggies to my salad.

  4. Yes, that is such a good idea. We love to eat salads too.

    1. Thanks! It has been such a time saver that has really helped us all to eat more vegetables.

  5. Well, if this isnt screaming HEALTHY!!!!!

  6. First, I have to say again thank you for visiting my blog.
    Second, most of the days we make salad combined with steam cooked vegetables.
    I add anion, garlic, mild pepper.
    Thank you, Joanne for the recipe!

  7. So fresh, colourful and tasty, yummy :) Thanks for joining us #TheWednesdayLinkUp

  8. I am lazy when it comes to salad. I buy it already pre-chopped in bags then just add tomatoes. Yours looks so good x

    1. We used to do that too but then we got to the point where we needed to buy so many bags... it was just cheaper and easier to make our own.

  9. I love salads, specially during hot summer months. Yours look really delicious.


    1. Thank you! I love salad too; especially in the summer.

  10. I love this! Pinning for inspiration.


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