Friday Favorites: Last Week of May

 We had such a great last week of May! The weather was beautiful which meant we spent lots of time outside.  We also got to see so many of our friends and family members this week that it just flew by! 

On Friday Ian, Evan and I met up with some friends of our for a hike.  We've been to Moore State park quite a few times to hike but this is the first time we made it there while all the flowers were in bloom.  It was just so pretty and we had a great time catching up with friends we hadn't seen in ages. 

Saturday we learned that Alec is 2- gups away from apprentice black belt and while I'm not sure how much he cares about that I think it's a great motivator and reminder of all the time and energy he's put into karate through the years. 

Another favorite on Saturday had to be catching up with friends at the roller skating rink and going out to dinner with them at Providence Coal Fired Pizza.  The kids had so much fun skating together and that pizza was amazing!! 

They're not holding hands; they're holding arms (in other words Just Friends!)

Sunday I accompanied my husband to various relatives houses; he was working on fixing his cousin's water pump and his aunt & uncle's heat pump.  I got to visit with everyone that we rarely see and it was so nice.  We even made plans to head to dinner together next month and I can not wait!

We spent Sunday afternoon at my husband's family cottage visiting with relatives from his mother's side of the family and getting the cottage all ready for summer.  My husband, Ian, and several members of the family spent all weekend building a new dock for the cottage; it turned out great!

It was nice enough out to eat on the deck and patio.  I just love dining al fresco! 

I made some strawberry chocolate chip muffins; which only lasted a few days.  Then since I had even more strawberries that needed to be used up I whipped up a few loaves of strawberry bread too.

Evan and I went hiking a few times this week.  The weather was just beautiful.

At the dam:

We also went hiking at Pulaski

I put on some new color street wraps and LOVE this shading!

 Breakfast on the deck in the sun while reading a book will be one of my favorites from now until fall.  

 My garden is finally starting to bloom. 

I found a new favorite ice cream-- we have a local place that makes "tornados"; soft served ice cream whipped with whatever toppings you want. I tried strawberries and chocolate chips in mine.  It was Delicious! 

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  1. Love the nails and your garden is looking great! Have a wonderful holiday weekend!

    1. Thank you! My nails held up great through the weekend too.

  2. Absolutely beautiful photos and I love your nails. Have a sweet holiday weekend.

  3. The scenery on your hikes is stunning! Those strawberry chocolate chip muffins sound fabulous too! Of course loving the pics of your rhododendron! Have a great weekend!

    1. They must have been good as they didn't even last 3 days!

  4. I love all the nature pictures and your nails!

  5. Roller rink - fun!! What a pretty pathway.

    1. That roller rink was so much fun. Next time I'm bringing my own skates.

  6. Such beautiful hiking pictures! I love it when everything is in bloom!
    And what a beautiful nail color!

    1. Oh me too! I am loving seeing everything start to bloom.

  7. It's just beautiful in your neck of the woods and how fun to go on all of those hikes. Your nails look beautiful Joanne. I need to look into getting those for my nails. I hope you have a nice weekend.

    1. I really like the nail wraps so much. Color Street seems to be much easier to apply and hold better than other nail wraps I've tried.

  8. It is so gorgeous there! Look at all those beautiful blooms. I swear summer and all its flowers and greenery are just the absolute best! Loveeee your nails, too. So beautiful!

    1. I think so too! I just love seeing everything so lush and blooming.

  9. It sounds like you had a really lovely week.
    Moore State park looks a gorgeous place for a hike and those muffins look so good.

    1. Moore State park is one of our favorites! They have a really pretty covered bridge over a waterfall too that I forgot to take photos of.

  10. Your husband is quite the handyman. I love seeing all the forest and flower pictures. It reminds me of the scenery when we lived in England. Have a happy Memorial Day weekend.

    1. He sure is! We all joke that he doesn't go anywhere without his tools.

  11. What marvelous trails you have in your area. I love the muffins and treats. I hope you have a wonderful weekend.
    Blessings, Dawn

    1. Thank you so much, Dawn! We had a fabulous weekend.

  12. What a nice hike! I so enjoy having pretty flowers and scenery to look at while hiking! And your nail color is so pretty! I've never tried nail wraps before.

    1. Me too! I love a good view while I'm hiking. I have tried a few brands of nail wraps but they never really worked for me until I tried Color Street.

  13. Your first hike looks amazing with all the flowers in bloom! And we've been loving eating outside too, when it's not too hot!

    1. Yeah we've had some really hot days and a few really windy days that make it tough to eat outside but we try to when we can.


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