Concerts I've Been To

 It's the second Monday of the month and time for the Not Just a Mom link up.  This month we're talking about concerts; concerts we've been to and/or concerts we want to go to.  I have to tell you that this is going to be a super short post.  

I have only ever been to two concerts.  Yep, 2!  I don't have a list of concerts I want to go to either as you might have guessed that concerts aren't really my "thing."

1.  I went to see TLC/ Boys II Men (and one other group?) when I was in high school.  My girlfriend Natalie drove us and we sat way way way out on some lawn seats.  It was comfy and the music was good and we had a great time. 

2.  I saw John Legend in concert much more recently.  My sister dragged me when she realized I had only ever been to the one concert.  I had been to see the Doodlebops and the Imagination Movers with the boys when they were little and when I asked if those counted as concerts she said NO! and seemed a bit horrified I even asked.  She dragged me to the next concert she could find and we had a really good time. 

I like music and I love singing along to the radio but to me a concert doesn't seem any more exciting than listening to my radio... I know most other people do not feel that way and I get it but I'd rather spend my money on going to see theater shows or comedians.  

I hope you'll join us!  Here are the list of topics.  

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Linking up with: Spread the Kindness, 


  1. Gosh, that's not many! As a teen I went to many: Paul Young, Nik Kershaw, Aha. I am showing my age! #MMBC

    1. LOL! It's so true that what music we like usually does show our age.

  2. We have just recently started going to see comedians in the last few years and that has been so fun. I also love theater shows as well. Those are both so fun too. Happy Monday!

    1. My husband and I really enjoy comedy shows and started going to see them years and years ago in Boston before we even had kids. There was a Comedy Connection "bar" where tickets were so cheap to see up and coming comedians and it just sort of grew from there.

  3. I've been to a mix of orchestra and concert concerts, by no means a huge arena filled concert person. The 3 I have been to are at smaller venues and way more intimate. I love theater more!

    1. Yeah, I am not a fan of crowds so I think that has something to do with it as well.

  4. Only Two? I'm so shocked. I couldn't even count how many concerts I've been to, or even remember them all. I was just reminiscing about how many "big names" I was fortunate to see when I was young...bands that the kids still listen to today.

  5. John Legend must have been incredible- I am hoping to enjoy live concerts and shows again this summer!

    1. He was really good; though I'm not even sure we stayed until the end. I want to say we snuck out a little early to head to the hotel and to bed.

  6. Wow! That's impressive to only have been to two concerts. I'm sorry this topic didn't really apply to you!

  7. Oh how I would have loved to go to a BoyzIIMen concert!! John Legend would be nice too though! My favorite one ever was seeing Bryan Adams on his "Bare Bones" tour just a few years ago. It was just him and his piano player. We had fourth row seats and I had to drink Chamomile tea that day to calm my nerves LOL.

  8. I haven't gone to a huge number of concerts in my life but I have a few that are loved memories. #MMBC

    1. I think that the memories are way more important than the number.

  9. Those are some pretty great concerts to go to!
    The last concert I went to...I can't even remember! It might have been Zac Brown at Wrigley Field, which was fantastic.

  10. What great concerts. I love John Legend.
    I've been to 4 concerts in my life. I've seen Bon Jovi twice and took my eldest to see One Direction twice. I am not a real fan of concerts either. x

  11. You've seen Boyz II Men in concert?! I'm SO jealous. I have adored them since I was like 10 or 11 and they're on my concert bucket list! They are my favorite! Live music is one of my favorite things in life and I've been to well over 100 concerts!!

    1. Yep! They were the opening act so it was really early in their career (I think).

  12. That is a short list, but a good list! Visiting you from the hello monday link up.

  13. My husband is the same way about concerts! He doesn’t love crowds so he would prefer to listen just on his phone/a speaker at home

  14. wow. I didn't go to my first concert until i was 18. But recently haven't been to any and don't really have much of a desire anymore. There is usually lots of drunks and late nights.

    1. I was never a drink or a late night sort of person... even in college I was that weird one that was always sober and looking for a place to rest my eyes.

  15. Oh I love to go to concerts. And festivals! But if it's not your cup of tea.

    1. Yeah, I'm not usually a big fan of festivals either.

  16. Oh wow! I'd love to see John Legend! I've seen a lot, but I also worked merchandise for a couple tours in college. I've seen U2, Angels & Airwaves, 30 Seconds to Mars, Hoobastank, Story of the Year, Blink182....loooots of emo haha!

    1. Umm... you're making me feel old as I only know U2 from this list. LOL!

  17. TLC... that's one people would never see again with one of them passing. That's crazy to think, isn't it

  18. I can't think of the last concert I've been to, but two of my favorites in the past 5 years were "cover" concerts by Black Jacket Symphony. My favorite was their renditions of the songs on Prince's Purple Rain album. :)

  19. Even though you've only been two concerts they both sound great! Sometimes I enjoy lawn seats better depending on the venue. I used to go to a lot more concerts in my college days but haven't been to one in years.

    1. I think I would always prefer lawn seats since I like the fresh air and feel claustrophobic in crowds.

  20. I understand some people really don't like concerts. I've heard some say once you're used to hearing songs on the radio and you go to the concert and it doesn't sound as good, you can be disappointed. Rob and I enjoy concerts and have really missed them during COVID.

    1. I wasn't disappointed or think that they sounded worse but I just didn't feel like they sounded better either and why spend all that money and time fighting crowds when I can just listen to them for free in the comfort of my own home or car?

  21. I bet John Legend was good. I love him. I'm not big on concerts either, but my husband has opened my eyes to some good artists to see live.

    1. I've heard of a few that put on a really cool show with extra effects.

  22. Except for symphony concerts, I'm kind of with you, which is probably why we haven't gone to one in a REALLY long time.

    1. I have never been to a symphony concert; I might like that!

  23. This made me laugh, we definitely show our interests through lists like this. I have the same amount of comedy shows as you have concerts. But for concerts, I have over 30 for just Pearl Jam alone!

    1. And I probably have close to 30 comedy shows!

  24. While I have been to more concerts than you, I have to admit they are not my favorite either. The crowds have always made me very anxious. But for some reason, music festivals make me much more comfortable as live music venues. Maybe because they are spread out over days and they are outside so the crowds are not as overwhelming. But I do also appreciate a good comedy show or going to the theater. I went to my first two concerts when I was 14 which would have been in 1988. I can't remember which was the first one as they happened close together. But my sister's boyfriend had won tickets to a Bon Jovi concert and he took me because I loved them. Jon Bon Jovi came down swinging from a wire on the ceiling and that was super high tech stage performance at that time! And I also saw Stryper with my best friend. I don't know if many remember that band, but they were an 80's Christian rock hair band and they were my favorite! Fun post, my friend!


    1. I don't think I've ever been to a music festival but definitely find I prefer outdoor concerts to stadiums.


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