10 Things I Hate to Do

 I thought this month's 10 on the 10th topic sounded like so much fun.  Only problem was I had a hard time compiling my list... such a hard time that I went around to each family member and polled them to see what things they could think of that I really hated to do.  Luckily they each had a few answers at the ready and boy, do my boys know me! 

Now being a grown up I still have to and will do just about everything on the list but they are all things that I really do not enjoy and would be perfectly happy if I never had to do them again. 

1. Cleaning the bathrooms-- while I don't mind vacuuming and dusting so much I really hate having to clean the bathrooms. 

2. Exercising &/Or Sweating-- Show me any sort of exercise were I begin to sweat and I am immediately miserable.  I have to work hard to talk myself into working out and even as much as I enjoy hiking I am pretty particular about the weather and temperature when we do go.  I will still hike in the summer but I'm pretty miserable when I get sweaty. 

What I remember most about this hiking trip was that it was HOT and I was sweaty

3. Public speaking/ being the center of attention particularly with a large crowd 

4. Go Grocery shopping (especially in the rain or snow!)-- While I love food and having lots of good things to eat on hand I dread grocery shopping and will put it off as long as I can.. which with three teenage boys only manages to be about 4 days! 

5. Gardening-- While I felt obligated to put in flower beds around the house I can not stand weeding them, raking the leaves and pine needles out of them, or taking care of them.  I've even tried growing vegetables in pots on the patio and realized that I just do not enjoy getting my hands dirty and taking care to water, keep bugs away, etc. 

6. Washing dishes-- I always joke with my boys that this is why I had kids.  Even with a dishwasher I feel like we are always doing dishes and I am more than happy to pass this chore along to anyone else. 

7.  Swim in the lake-- I am a pool gal all the way. While I love living on the lake it's pretty rare for me to actually go in it.  Too many weeds, fish, turtles, and "stuff" for me.

8. Watch my husband's shows or listen to his music-- while I love everything about my husband we do not have the same taste in TV or music at all.  We can find compromises but there are times when he wants to watch/ listen to his own thing and I try like crazy to tune them out by reading books. 

9. Go back to ANY store I was just at-- When I get home from any sort of shopping trip only to realize I forgot to add something to the list; that aggravates me to no end.  I will seriously debate about doing without whatever it is that I have forgotten or try to order it on Amazon and just have it delivered to my doorstep.

10. Taking care of sick people-- Being a wife and mother I have had so much practice taking care of sick people but it never gets any easier.  The minute anyone in the house starts complaining they don't feel well (or God forbid actually vomits or runs a fever) my anxiety kicks up about 5- 10 notches.  Having had a child who suffered from many febrile seizures, a baby that ended up in the hospital for RSV/ oxygen, and a son that had a vomiting disorder for a few years did nothing to make me less anxious either.  I honestly picture the worst case scenario, immediately think of all the fun activities and plans we have to cancel, and start bargaining with any higher power to let it just stop with 1 person.  I hardly sleep at all and just feel so helpless.  Oh I should probably mention that the sight of blood or puke makes me light headed... needless to say "nurse" or "medical doctor" were NEVER on my radar for possible jobs. 

Linking up with: Spread the Kindness, 


  1. Cleaning the bathrooms is my least favorite chore.

    1. I was thrilled when my husband and sons cleaned the WHOLE house for me yesterday!

  2. hahaha! This made me chuckle. I hate most of these things too. I do enjoy gardening though, I find weeding relaxing. x

    1. Much too hot and buggy and backbreaking for me; though I do weed all the gardens at least a few times in the spring and summer because I can't stand a messy garden either.

  3. Many of these sound so familiar to me, and can I just say I am so glad I am not the only one who doesn't like to listen to most of their significant others shows/music. LOL.
    The only thing I semi like to do from this list is gardening, but mainly only because I love to have a few home grown veggies and be surrounded by pretty plant and there is nobody who does it for me so I keep on doing it!

    1. I like to have the flowers and veggies around too but it is definitely a chore I do very grudgingly.

  4. Yes yes yes to bathrooms!! I am all about the exercise!

    1. I am so jealous of those people that actually enjoy exercising. I want to want to exercise and do force myself to get through at least one workout most days but the whole time I am counting down the minutes until I'm done.

  5. I also hate exercising. No matter what kind, I hate it. And I can't stand putting laundry away. I'll wash it, dry it, bring it to the bedroom. I HATE putting it away

    1. Laundry is probably the only chore I don't mind; even the putting it away part (though I will only put away my own laundry and the towels).

  6. I hate going to multiple stores if I can't get certain things at just one stop. Also I agree about sick people! I'm the worst at that.

    1. I will willingly pay a few extra dollars if I can get all my items in fewer stops.

  7. I can agree with a lot of things on this list...especially the exercise one. I am always completely mind-blown when someone says they "love to exercise". How can anyone possibly love being out of breath and in pain? It's a mystery to me. I do enjoy hiking and biking, but even those can be difficult if the trail is a tough one.

  8. YESSS. Cleaning the bathroom and pulling weeds. I swear I would have many more flowers in my yard if I didn't have to pull weeds.

    1. I would too; I love being surrounded by blooms and always think I'll add a few more garden spaces here and there until I have to weed and then I remember why we don't have more gardens.

  9. I feel you on the exercising. My boyfriend loves working out and does it daily, and he's lucky if he gets me to go three times a week, lol. I always feel so sore for days after, and he says, "it gets easier!" I just don't get it, haha!

    1. Yeah I don't think it ever feels like it gets easier either!

  10. Okay, wow, the whole time I was reading this I was thinking I could be writing this about myself! We have a lot in common! I do love working out, but other than that, I agree with you on all of the other ones... especially the last one! Jacob was very sick as a baby and we had to call 911 twice by the time he'd turned 3 because he used to get croup so bad his airways would close up and he couldn't breathe. It was terrifying. Now any time anyone gets sick it just freaks me out. And don't get me started on vomiting. Oh my gosh, it's the absolute worst. My anxiety goes through the ROOF when someone tells me their tummy hurts or they feel nauseated. Ugggghhhh.

    1. Yes, after three ambulance rides by age 2 or 3 I was spent with sick kids and now I am high alert with any little mention of tummy, fever, or other illness signs. We have seen more specialists than I care to remember..

  11. Ha! Your #1 is also my #1. Although, your #2 would not make my list of things I hate to do! :)

    1. I am not surprised... all you runners do seem to love it so much. Which I am actually a bit jealous of but honestly if I'm running there has GOT to be something seriously not good chasing me.

  12. I nodded at a few of these and smiled at others. My mother (whose weight has never changed) says if she feels the urge to exercise she lies down until the feeling passes. She's an accidental exerciser though and always on the move. Shopping would top my list - & going back to stores is well up there too.

    1. I love that saying! I don't think anyone in my family can say their weight has never changed and we all grudgingly exercise just to try and keep it at a livable number.

  13. I enjoyed reading this post and it prompted me to think about things that I hate to do as well. I am with you on pool versus lake. I grew up in a beach/tourist area, but I prefer being able to see my feet in the water and not worry about what it is that just moved across them (ugh!)

  14. OOOOoh I like your list. I seriously thought of polling my family, but I thought about, looked at what other people listed and was inspired. I do love grocery shopping, but not so much this last year. I'm not a fan of water that I can't see what's under me. Haha...I often don't care for the movies my husband picks out. lol

    1. I used to enjoy grocery shopping when I didn't feel like I was living at the darn store and didn't have to wear a mask and navigate one way aisles...

  15. Oh, that last one! I used to hate it when one of our children mentioned having a 'tummy ache' because you just know what's coming don't you?!

  16. Live on the late - awesome! Swim in the lake...no thank you! You are right - way to much stuff in there!! Ugh.

    1. I am so glad to hear I am not the only one that feels that way! My family picks on me for that mentality!

  17. I think I ticked in agreement to almost all. We have sorted the TV and music thing by having (at our stage of life in retirement) separate rooms and beds and TVs. Life is too short!! As for not being able to see the bottom of where I swim, I am with you but I will go in the surf because the water is clear. And the one about kids getting sick...anyone who wants to vomit..I head for the nearest exit. Of course, I couldn't one day in a classroom when a young child let it all out...yikes. My husband is/was 100% better than me with our kids/grandkids back in the day of suddenly becoming ill.

    Thanks so much for linking up for Life This Week, reading the post on Knowing by my husband Bernard and for your kind words. He tells me, despite earlier thoughts, that he would like another go at this blog thing sometime this year. Looking forward to seeing your post for Share Your Snaps (optional of course!) next Monday, 17 May 2021. Denyse

    1. Most of the time my husband and I watch TV in separate rooms as well. Our oceans up here are not very clear at all so I will only go in as deep as I can see my toes.

  18. I've made Dave clean the bathroom for so long, I can't even remember the last time I did it. But he is a perfectionist so it's an EXCELLENT job for him! And since Covid has started, I hate grocery shopping too. It's so much work -- meal planning, making the list, figuring out what random things we're out of, and that's all before the actual grocery trip. No thank you!

    1. I WISH I could get my husband to clean the bathroom more often; a few times a year is his limit though. As more of our grocery stores start doing away with the one way aisles shopping is becoming easier so I have hope!

  19. Terrific answers!! I polled friends and fam, too, just to get ideas. I hate weed eaters and weed eating and that is one thing both of my daughters know and remembered for me. But I didn't add it to the list.

    I'm with you about the lake. I like all forms of water but I do get a little worried about what's in the lake or the ocean when I am swimming in there.

    How funny what you remember about that hike!! You look happy and not terribly hot and sweaty. I don't like hot and sweaty...especially humidity-prompted heat but dislike being cold even more.

    I forgot to buy chicken when I did my big grocery shopping for the month. Then went to Walmart to get chicken and forgot it. Finally today I got chicken at Target. How did I forget chicken???

    1. I try to stock up on chicken since we eat so much of it and I am always afraid we'll run out if when I need it for dinner one night. But I really hate when I forget the same item multiple times-- or head into the store for this one item.. get side tracked by other things and leave the store without the item I intended to get.

  20. Joanne, this was really fun to read! I pretty much hate all the same things as you except washing dishes. I don't mind that part. But I do hate putting the dishes away either out of the dishwasher or just from the drying rack. I will keep piling wet dishes on top of dry ones to avoid putting them away! Oh, and I do like most of my husband's music. We have overlapping tastes there, but tv shows we do have difficulty finding ones to watch together. Thanks for sharing this fun post!


    1. Oh yes, when we had a drying rack we used to pile those dishes up as high as they could go! LOL


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