What I've Been Priming

While it seemed like the Amazon truck was in our driveway every single day this month I realized that the majority of my purchases were food and health/ beauty items that I tend to buy on repeat.  I promise to write a whole separate post about that in a few weeks but in the meantime here are some other household items we bought this past month from Amazon.  

I splurged and bought a robot vacuum last month and I just love it!  

Alec's teacher recommended corn huskers lotion for his eczema and he seems to like it.  I also ordered him a few bottles of his favorite Dionis lotion and some small travel size bottles of them for his school bag. 

Alec started track and field and needed a new/ larger Yeti tumbler, a gym bag, and some shorts; we found some great longer length ones

I bought myself two more pairs of these leggings; I just love how they fit and the pockets are a wonderful bonus! 

I bought this vertical mouse and it has worked wonders on my elbow when paired with this tennis elbow brace. 

Evan has been saving up his money since the fall and bought himself a new computer. He needed a desk and had enough in Amazon gift cards to buy this one.  

Linking up with: Spread the kindness, 


  1. Obsessed with our Yetis here- can't believe how cold they keep drinks for hours! Great finds Joanne!

    1. They are fabulous for that. I was just telling some hiking friends of ours that they should give them a try. They might be pricy but they are worth it.

  2. I haven'y jumped on the Yeti train yet! I'm glad the mouse is helping your elbow.

    1. And here I thought we were quite late to the game; it seems like everyone we knew had tried them (or a knock off of the Yeti anyway) and we were just using reusable plastic water bottles.

  3. We too are obsessed with yetis! And I love that brand of lotions! Have a super sweet Monday my friend!

  4. I have seen those robot vacuums and they look amazing. I fancy one for myself.
    Ohh! Leggings with pockets! I did not know they were a thing. I need to find some x

    1. I was so excited to find that leggings with pockets were a thing! Now I swear I'll never go back to no pockets.

  5. Replies
    1. Right?! They are so comfy and hold up so well to washing too.

  6. I have those leggings, and they are great, especially the pockets.

    1. I love them! I now have them in 4 colors and have to talk myself out of buying any more.

  7. You found a lot of great items from Amazon. The cream and the leggings sound nice with the pockets.

    1. I love that lotion. We have it in lots of different scents.

  8. Those are good purchases! The new vacuum seems exciting to me :)

    1. It is so exciting! So far it seems to do a pretty good job of keeping the floors clean too.

  9. I like the desk! You will have to do a review on the leggings. I am always looking for a new pair!

    1. I have 4 pairs of those leggings now and I just love them. They have held up so well to washing and wearing.

  10. That mouse... HUH? Does it take some getting used to? I'm intrigued.

    1. You know, I thought it would but it really didn't. The buttons are moved slightly so they fall under my fingers the same way of a traditional mouse would but my hand stays in what I think of as "writing" mode. I'll have to take some photos and share with my next Friday Fav's.

  11. JoAnne,
    Thanks so much for stopping by!! I hope you had a very nice Easter!!
    Stay safe, healthy and happy!!

    1. Thank you, Debbie. We had a very nice Easter.

  12. Yay for Evan!! Great looking desk. Nothing feels better than buying something yourself. Interested in that mouse. My husband is having so much trouble with his left elbow and arm. I think it is related to something in his neck but maybe carpal tunnel, too. Will share with him. I love yoga pants with pockets. Don't know why they don't all come with them!!

    1. He can not wait for his desk and computer to come in and has already set aside time on Thursday to put the desk together. I don't know why more yoga pants don't come with pockets either; they are so helpful to have.

  13. I've heard such great things about those leggings! I might need to bite the bullet and buy some one of these days! Love seeing all the finds people have to share!

    1. I just love them and they're so reasonably priced too.

  14. Those leggings look like they would be comfy and the pocket really is a bonus!

    1. It really is the perfect spot for my phone while out hiking/walking.

  15. Those leggings look great. Anything with pockets in is a big plus for me when it comes to clothing. Love the computer desk too. #MMBC

    1. I feel the same way and am slowly getting rid of any pants/bottoms that don't have pockets.

  16. I bought those leggings too, Joanne. I just wish I looked as good in them as the pic.

  17. My dad, daughter and husband all use Corn Huskers for really dry hands. Works like a charm. XO

    1. He has horrible eczema on his hands that will crack and bleed (especially with all the hand washing at school and being in the kitchen all the time) but he hates most lotions for the slimy feeling. He seems to be liking this Corn Huskers.

  18. Lots of great finds, Joanne! I'm going to go check out those cute leggings right now! Happy Tuesday!

  19. Oh that mouse is so cool! I've never seen anything like that, but it seems like all of them should be like that!!

    1. I thought the same thing; it is really helping my wrist and really my whole arm feel so much better.

  20. The robot vacuum is on my wish list- hopefully this year! I'm going to look into that lotion for my eczema too.

    1. I was so hesitant to get one but it really is quite handy.

  21. I bought a similar mouse a few years ago when I was having wrist and elbow problems. Still using it now and love it! Thanks for linking up with Prime Purchases! Tanya - The Other Side of the Road

    1. It has worked wonders. I can't believe how much better my arm feels!

  22. I bought a robot vacuum and love it! I sometimes fill in in another office and there is a vertical mouse there - I just can't seem to get comfortable with it. Maybe it's because I use it so infrequently. Love Dionis lotions!

    1. Those robot vacuums are genius and I am just wishing we had bought one years ago!

  23. You are teaching me some stuff today. I have never heard of corn huskers lotion or a vertical mouse!

  24. Ooh you got lots of great stuff from Amazon! I like the idea of the upright mouse as my wrist has been bothering me tremendously. And leggings with pockets are seriously the best thing ever! I just got two new pairs with pockets and I didn't even realize this was a thing, but I love it! I should do a post like this of my Prime purchases, I just never think of it! Thanks for sharing and linking with me!


    1. I didn't either until I sort of accidentally bought a pair that had them and I just LOVE them.

  25. Oh, I'm glad to hear you're getting some relief from your elbow woes. And leggings with pockets?!?!? I want some!!! I might have to make my third Amazon purchase this year!!!

    1. I wish I could go back to only placing a handful of Amazon orders a year! But for us it is the easiest way to find 90% of what we need since we don't have all that many stores nearby.


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