Friday Favorites: Ian's 17th Birthday Party

 I can't believe we're wrapping up the month of April already and heading into May this weekend.  The campground officially opens near us this weekend and that's usually a sign that things are going to get busy again.  We'll start seeing more and more people around the neighborhood and more and more boats out on the lake. 

Alec had school in the building on Friday followed by practice.  The other boys and I finished schoolwork in record time.  Both Ian and Evan only have 2-3 subjects left before we're finished our schoolwork for the year. As soon as Ian was done he headed out to work on the neighbor's lawn. 

It was another very windy day so Evan and I spent our afternoon inside-  we both miss hiking so much but it's been either really cold or really windy.  Just before cooking dinner we did head out on a short walk to the mailbox and back as it was finally warming up and the wind was dying down. 

Saturday morning I was busy getting ready for Ian's party.  He's turning 17 this month and we had all his grandparents over for dinner.  I made a card, cleaned the downstairs, and put together a salad while Alec worked on making Ian's peanut butter pie he had requested for dessert.  

As soon as we were done in the kitchen and had finished our lunches Alec and I headed out to meet friends at Roseland park.  We used to hike with this family and spent nearly 2 1/2 visiting with them.  We hadn't seen them since before Alec started school so we had lots to catch up on. 

We had a lovely dinner and time with the grandparents.  Ian got all sorts of gifts for dirt bike riding-- gloves, goggles, goggle covers, a new jacket, etc.  

It was raining on Sunday so I cooked up a batch of soup and made some fresh bread.  My husband and I went to the woodworking shop and got all the board laid out and cut to start gluing the countertop together.  We went with a randomized butcher block style. 

After a quick trip to the grocery we headed out on a Ranger ride.  We finished our day watching Iron Man 3 & The Goldbergs. 

The trails were so wet and muddy!  I kept my feet on the dashboard almost the whole time.

Monday morning was beautiful!  Ian ended up getting called into work; he was only able to work for 1/2 a day sine he was working with his grandfather in the afternoon but at least he could help out.  Evan and I worked through his work quickly and I was in and out of the dining room helping Alec with any online schooling questions he had. 

After school was over I ran Alec to track practice and met up with my mom. We walked for nearly an hour and half but it was chilly out.

Since Ian had worked part of the day on Monday he stayed home until lunchtime on Tuesday to get his schoolwork done and then headed into work.  He loaded the 4 wheeler into the back of his new (to him anyway) company work truck and brought it with him.  He'll be dismantling those parts he needs to work on and fixing it all up in his spare time like he did with the  jet ski.

Ian is loving that he has a vehicle that he can actually fit in without having to put the seat ALL the way back now and no steering wheel rubbing against his knees. 

Evan and Ian were done their schoolwork quickly and I sat with Alec a few times during his virtual schooling day.  When he was finished with school I ran him up to the school for his track meet.

My mom and I went for another hour long walk while waiting for Alec's event-- the javelin is always last.  

Alec was finally back in the building on Wednesday so I ran him up to school and then started in on schooling with the other two boys. Alec only had a 1/2 day so I had to pick him up by noon but with his practice at 2:15 it seemed silly to come all the way home.  

We ended up going out to lunch at Subway and heading to my mom's house.  My mom and I went walking while Alec was at practice.  We saw lots of sky divers again.

At one point we counted a dozen of them in the sky!

Alec's practice was cut short due to a brush fire in the area so we headed home early and I got a jump start on dinner. 

We were supposed to get lots and lots of rain on Thursday so I talked Evan into going on a very early morning hike.  As soon as Ian left for work I headed out with Evan and we dropped Alec off at school.  We found a nearby trail and began hiking at 7 am!  We made it back to the car just as it started to rain and had hiked for nearly an hour.  We would have hiked longer but our feet were soaked and we could tell rain was imminent. 

We hiked 2 different trails at the Audubon center. 

I was so taken with these red trillium flowers growing by the side of the trail 

Evan and I headed out to lunch with my mother in law and had a very nice visit. 

With Alec's track meet canceled I had to run up to the school around 3:30 to pick him up after practice and I read my book while waiting for him to finish up. 

How was your week?

Linking up with: On the Edge, 


  1. Ian’s new jacket is great and just look at that pie!! Hope you all are have a sweet weekend!

  2. Great week, and what a lovely birthday celebration. That pie looks SO good! The counter top is coming along nicely!

  3. Happy birthday Ian! i would love a peanut butter pie!

    1. He loves anything with peanut butter and chocolate

  4. I have never seen red trilliums! How pretty. Trillium is Ontario's provincial flower.
    That dessert, omg!! My teeth hurt just looking at it, I'm sure it was delicious!

    1. I had never seen them before either and had to look up on google what they were. My teeth hurt after finishing my pie slice but it was well worth it.

  5. That's so neat being able to see all of those sky divers!

  6. I agree it's so hard to believe that April is over!! These are great pictures and it sounds like a wonderful birthday celebration for your son with gifts he will truly enjoy and need! The cake looks delicious! I'm jealous of all the hiking you are able to do and it's always so nice to see flowers along the edges!

    1. This birthday more than made up for last year's that's for sure.

  7. Aww, I love that Ian has an April birthday too. Happy Birthday to Ian! That pie looks delicious.

  8. He sure is a good cook! That fudge looks amazing :)

  9. You guys did a lot this week. That chocolate pie looks amazing. So many goodies on it. Happy Birthday to Ian! Have a great weekend.

  10. It was a cold rainy week here too so we barely spent any time outside :( And now I want to make soup because it looks so good!

    1. I feel like we haven't been spending nearly as much time outside as I'd like either. Between the wind and the rain I often feel trapped inside.

  11. Sounds like Ian had a great birthday!!

  12. Happy birthday to Ian. The pie looks rich. Thank you for your #Weekendcoffeeshare

  13. Happy birthday to Ian - so glad he got a pile of presents that were perfect for what he's interested in. That pie looked amazing - I was in a chocolate coma just looking at it!

    1. That's how I felt after eating just one tiny sliver... so worth it though.

  14. Happy birthday to you son Joanne and that pie looks delicious. I enjoyed looking at the photos and hope you have a nice weekend.

  15. Happy Birthday to your son. That pie looks amazing. So many great hikes. How exciting to see skydivers!

    1. It has been so fun and my mother in law has since confessed to me that she has always wanted to do that... I think she's nuts but love her sense of adventure.

  16. What a wonderful birthday celebration! He looks so happy!!

  17. What an exciting week. Happy birthday to your son. That pie looks so good. Now I want some. It is exciting how much things are starting to feel more normal.
    Blessings, Dawn

  18. Well now I'm craving a peanut butter pie-- hah! I can't believe how many skydivers there were. I don't know if I could ever do that-- I'm adventurous, but not THAT adventurous!

    1. LOL. Sorry. It was delicious though.

      There is no way I could jump out of a perfectly good plane. Just no..

  19. Happy birthday to Ian! That peanut butter pie looks amazing! All that chocolate. Yum, yum.
    I love the look of that countertop. Well done your husband. x

    1. It is a labor of love that's for sure. I try to help out here and there but the sawdust gets to me after just a short while.

  20. That peanut butter pie looks beautiful! I bet the birthday boy appreciated his brother's contribution to the celebration. Glad you and your son got your hike in before it rained!

    1. He definitely appreciates all of Alec's baking efforts and the fact that Alec will happily make a dessert he'll never eat (as Alec does not like peanut butter, chocolate, or coffee-- three of Ian's top dessert choices).

  21. It sounds like you had a nice week! Although from your pictures it almost looks like it's still winter there! That red trillium sure is pretty!

    1. It still feels wintery here at times. Today it was sunny and 70 though so I know spring is on it's way.

  22. Happy birthday!!! That pie looks amazing. I love teh look of your countertop and that red trillium is so pretty. Trillium are such pretty flowers

    1. They really are striking and stand out so well against all the other foliage.

  23. Happy Birthday to Ian! OMG that peanut butter pie looks so good! How fun to see sky divers in the sky! Hope you had a great weekend!

    1. It has been so fun watching the sky divers.

  24. OMG the peanut butter pie looks amazing!!! You have to share the recipe!

    1. I did share a link to it in this post:

  25. Happy Birthday to your son. I so understand men/boys and dirt bikes. Lots happening at yours as you (and schools) wind back and down ready for finish for Summer. I hope you get to continue to enjoy your outdoors. Thanks so much for linking up for #lifethisweek. I am always grateful to see your blog post there. Next week my guest poster is ready to comment...I have done one training session with him...and I will be there too. Cheers, Denyse.

  26. Happy Birthday, Ian! What a special birthday and he looks so happy to receive his biking gear! And that peanut butter pie! Oh my! I want some! I bet it is really fun when the sky divers take to the sky right where you can see them! Fun photos! Thanks for linking with me, Joanne.


    1. The sky divers are so bright and colorful!


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