Stitch Fix box #2

 I realized as I was snapping some quick photos for this post that I never shared my Stitch Fix Box #1!  I'll have to assume that's because box #1 wasn't a huge hit.  I liked most of the stuff in the box just fine but nothing really wowed me and I had been sent an assortment of much lighter/ summer weight tops that just weren't going to be helpful for me any time soon.

For box 2 I requested the same stylist since I did like what was in the box and requested more winter weight clothing.  I also gave feedback on the fit of all the clothes they had sent me and it really paid off.

I kept every single item from this box!  I debated about sending one article back but it was actually $1.50 cheaper for me to keep it and get the whole box discount so that settled my debate.

The first day I tried on my clothes I ended up wearing the first outfit I put together.  The jeans fit like a glove and were so comfy! I loved the ripped knees and the cute turned rolled hem.   I paired them with a white knit sweater that had these cute brown elbow patches.  And topped the outfit off with the navy quilted vest. 

The sweater is light weight enough that it can carry me through spring and is scooped in the front and back which will allow me to wear it with leggings too. 

The last two pieces that came in my box also paired well together.  I really liked the black & white sweater with it's cowl neck.  Again it has a scoop front and back that made it quite versatile and it's lightweight enough for me to wear through most of our spring weather.  For now I just wore a long sleeve black shirt under it.  

The belted/ quilted trench coat was the one item I debated about sending back. I loved the pattern and style but wasn't sure if I liked the style on me.  I'm not usually one for a belted waist since that just makes my hips look bigger but I really liked the asymmetrical zipper and the variety of ways I could style the neckline.  I could also see pairing this with a skirt or a dress for winter functions and like I said it was actually cheaper to keep it and enjoy the discount so that's what I did.  

I wore the rest of the items together as an outfit on my second day.  

Linking up with: Stylish Monday, 


  1. I love StitchFix! I just got a box and loved it - it had some spring things but I am excited for warmer weather now!

    1. I had a few spring/summer tops in my first box and I did keep one that I can't wait to wear.

  2. Very cute! The coat is my favorite!

  3. The coat looks great on you - I'm glad you kept it!

    1. Thanks. I am too; I've worn it quite a few times already.

  4. I've not heard of this before, what a great service. I do like your outfits, especially the jeans. You look fab! :) x

    1. Thanks. I've been debating about trying the service for quite some time and finally decided to take the plunge.

  5. Those are some great items! I always love a top with a scooped hem!

  6. Great pieces!! You hit the jackpot. The jeans are an amazing fit. And I love love love the jacket. So glad you kept it.

  7. Great clothes picked out and they all look so flattering on you! Good job on staying so healthy!

  8. You got some great items! I'm thinking it may be time for me to request another box. I haven't done it in awhile!

    1. I definitely skipped next month's box after spending so much this time around but I'm hoping to get a box in April with some spring things if our temps. finally warm up.

  9. I love the jacket and I'm glad you kept it! It looks really great on you!

  10. I like all of the pieces you bought and the coat looks so nice on you!

  11. Super fun pieces! I would definitely keep the coat!

    1. I did and I've gotten quite a bit of use out of it already.

  12. I love love LOVE that grey sweater!!!!

  13. What an interesting idea. I can imagine it's fun for the stylist too, picking out outfits for people. Glad you found so much that you wanted to keep. #mmbc

    1. I was thinking the same thing just the other day; it would be so fun to shop and pick out outfits for people!

  14. Wow! You did get a great box! And yes, it you do the math it's often cheaper to keep everything then send one or two things back. That happened to me a lot when I use to get Fixes. I love the jacket. That's my favorite item in your box.

    1. Thanks! It is really growing on me. It helps that it has been a bit warmer and I need something lighter weight than my traditional snow coat.

  15. Giving lots of feedback truly is the best way to finally get a great box! I'm glad you gave your stylist a second shot. I have never received a pair of jeans I didn't love...I don't know what magic they have working but I"m here for it! haha

    1. Funny enough the only thing I kept from box 1 was a pair of jeans also!

  16. I actually like that jacket the best! It is very fun with the asymetrical zipper! I think I would like those jeans for myself! Nice box!

  17. Joanne, you look FABULOUS in your outfits - I especially love the plaid coat on you (that was my fave!) If you ever get one of the big $100 coupons please send it my way. I recently wanted to try the box but the coupon I had expired. Especially after seeing what you got I would certainly give this a try! :-)

    1. I will definitely keep an eye out for that for you.

  18. Definitely winners. I am new to this! Thanks for sharing. Love the jacket..

    1. Thank you! I have heard of Stitch Fix and thought about trying it out for nearly a year now before finally deciding to take the plunge.

  19. You got really great pieces in this box, Joanne! I am glad that you decided to keep the coat because it is wicked cute! And I think the belted style looks great on you. I have a very high waist so I often have to move the belts up a bit so they are more flattering. I wonder if that would work better for you as well. Thanks for joining the Stylish Monday link party!


    1. It has certainly grown on me and is a nice soft coat that I think will carry me well into early spring too.


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