Friday Favorites: Our First Picnic of 2021

We had a pretty quiet week at home mixed in with a few outdoor hikes.  The weather was considerably colder this week so we didn't get in as much hiking time as last week but that's OK. I know the warmer weather is coming to stay soon.


Both Ian and Evan only had two school subjects on Friday since Evan and I were heading out later in the morning to meet up with friends of ours for a hike and picnic.  Alec had a full day of virtual schooling and I checked in with him before leaving to make sure his day was going well.  We had beautiful weather for a hike and enjoyed a nice long picnic together in the sun talking and catching up with one another.  We made plans for another get together soon.  

I had texted Alec at the end of his day to see how his day finished up and he was confident it had gone well. Once home we had dinner and watched Yes Day for family movie night.  

Saturday morning Evan and I worked on picking out school materials for next year and then I paid bills before bringing Alec to karate.  Ian went to the shop to finish painting the the jet ski and then had plans to work with his grandfather.  

After karate, Alec and I swung by the library and then came home to eat lunch.  I enjoyed a leisurely afternoon blogging and watching TV before heading out to help my husband at the hydro.  We found a HUGE tree root system stuck in the trash racks that took forever to pull out.  

It was pretty cold on Sunday so I was perfectly content to spend a large chunk of my day in my craftroom. I worked on scrapbooking pages, organized all my photos, and even cleaned up my desk.  You can see all the scrapbook pages I made here.

My husband and I ran to do some grocery shopping in the afternoon and we were so surprised to walk outside to cloudy skies and snow flurries.  Then the sun came out for a few moments but the flurries stayed and we had just a light covering of snow when we woke up.

We spent a quiet day at home on Monday.  The boys all had school and my mother in law stopped by with some lunch for the boys; she brought pizza, chicken fingers and French fries.  Alec had a full day of virtual schooling but Ian took off after lunch to work a bit more on the jet ski.  He's just about done his remodel.  Evan spent the afternoon clearing out all his Lego sets and turned his Lego shelf into a bookshelf. 

Ian was working on Tuesday and Alec only had a 1/2 day of virtual school.  As soon as Evan and I finished with his schoolwork we worked on cleaning the whole upstairs. I put together a puzzle in the afternoon with a bit of Alec's help. 

All the boys had a short day of school again on Wednesday.  Alec was once again schooling from home so the minute he was finished we set to work cleaning the whole downstairs. We ate some lunch and then Alec, Evan, and I headed out hiking while Ian went to get a haircut.  

Alec had school in the building on Thursday and Ian headed off to work which just left Evan and I at home.  We quickly worked through his schooling so we could head to his doctor's appointment and get the results of last week's MRI/MRA.  The results were good if not totally conclusive. No surgery needed!  Best they can tell the sound just seems to be a part of his biology and they said his body should adjust and he eventually won't even hear it.  

It rained all afternoon so we just hung out at home.  We ended our night with some takeout after my husband took the younger two boys to get their haircut. 

Linking up with: On the Edge,


  1. Yay for picnics!! Even though it is plenty warm down here, I still haven’t gone on a picnic yet! My family needs to plan one for soon! Have a great weekend!

    1. We almost always hike around lunchtime with our friends and bring food with us but it was so nice to finally get to eat that food outside & together!

  2. So cool you had a picnic- yeah! Spring is here- I got giddy reading this post- we need this good weather- so good for the spirits- have a wonderful weekend!

  3. That picnic sounds divine. The puzzle is super cool as are your scrapbook pages. Have such a lovely weekend my friend.

  4. Love those scrapbook pages! I hope the warmer weather is headed your way, we've had some nice warmer days! Being outside is just the best, love the picnic idea!

  5. Yeah for good MRI results! So glad no surgery is needed. And a picnic is so much fun. :)

    1. It was such a relief! They do want to do another MRI in a year to make sure nothing has changed just in case but still it was so nice to hear.

  6. That's great that surgery isn't needed but I hope the problem does go away on its own!

    1. I do too! But even Evan told me he'd rather live with it than have to have surgery. We were just so thankful it wasn't anything life threatening.

  7. I love picnics! It's already too hot here in Florida to even try. Plus we got bugs galore LOL

    1. Oh I bet! We hit the sweet spot where it was warm enough for eating outside but still too cold for the bugs.

  8. I can’t wait until we can get out on some picnics. I love seeing all the outdoor time you guys get in your week! I bet your boys absolutely loved their grandma stopping over with pizza, chicken fingers, and french fries! That would be the best treat! I’m so impressed with how much crafting you get done. You are inspiring me!

    1. Yes, she has been surprising them with food once a week or once every other week ever since the pandemic began. She also tries to take them out one at a time every few months for a lunch or dinner date. She's just the sweetest. She always offers to get me something too but I just could not eat out that much while trying to drop those quarantine pounds I put on.

  9. That's great news that Evan doesn't need surgery, although, I'm sure it's also a little frustrating not knowing exactly what the problem is. Hopefully the doc is right and things will adjust for the better as he grows!

    1. It is a bit frustrating but we were just more concerned that this could be something life threatening (yeah, I had no idea that ear sound in one ear could mean something scary was going on!) so it was just a relief.

  10. Great activities! I may need to plan a picnic soon! It's supposed to warm up again this week after a week long of winter weather!
    Glad to hear no surgery is needed!

    1. We are supposed to have another warm weekend and I am hoping to get out for a nice long hike. No surgery was such a relief.

  11. Glad Evan doesn't need an operation - hope you figure it all out.
    I love how much time you get to be outside!

    1. I hope so too; for not we're just on a wait and see path and we're fine with that.

  12. We haven't had a picnic yet, but hope to have a backyard weenie roast this weekend. Thanks for your blog visit!

  13. So glad for no surgery. I know that's a relief!!!
    Snow flurries... nope... no more - Spring is here :)

    1. Yes, such a relief. I have learned that "spring" means nothing when it comes to snow. LOL.

  14. The weather was so cold this week and I'm looking forward to warmer temps next week. I enjoyed looking at the photos and wishing you a wonderful weekend.

    1. Oh me too! I am hopeful that the warm weather will creep in more and more.

  15. I'm so glad no surgery is needed! Spring hasn't quite fully sprung here yet, but we are HERE for it!

    1. That's how I feel! It was bitterly cold today BUT I did notice buds on most of the trees so I know spring has got to be near..

  16. Seeing everyone's spring pictures makes me excited to get outside more. I haven't had the energy lately due to teaching -- but I'm hoping as we go into Spring Break I can make the time. Your hikes definitely inspire me to do that. I hope you enjoyed your takeout!

    1. Oh I bet you are just exhausted after a long day of teaching. I have never been so thankful to have gotten out of the field of teaching as I have been this past year.

  17. Looks like you've had a good and productive week. Very nice outdoor photos. Glad to hear no surgery needed for your son. Thank you for linking with #weekendcoffeeshare.

    1. We were so happy to hear that no surgery was needed.

  18. Oh a picknick sounds so good. I wished it was warmer here so we could go out. But a few more weeks and then it will be, I hope! Glad that the scan showed nothing major. Have a good weekend.

    1. It was perfect and we're hoping it will warm up again soon so we can have another picnic when we meet back up with our friends for some more hiking.

  19. Such an uplifting post with lots going on. I hope you had a fab picnic. I'm so glad spring is here, it brings a bit of hope for better times ahead. x

  20. I love all the puzzles! Picnics are wonderful and hiking too. You all find so many lovely places to walk. What did you guys think of the Yes Day movie?
    Blessings, Dawn

    1. We thought it was really cute but super predictable and a little far- fetched of course.

  21. Wow, you still have some snow/ice left. Hopefully it will all melt soon. You always find such lovely places to hike. Love your scrapbooking pages.

    1. We do! But only a few very small patches here and there.

  22. That puzzle looks crazy. Lol. Sounds like you live in a great area for exploring and adventures.

    1. I thought it was going to be so hard but it actually was quite simple since most of the patterns weren't repeated and were 1/2 on one piece and 1/2 on another.

  23. A Picnic and snow in the same week! Glad the MRI went well, I hope he is feeling better soon. It sounds like a busy week with all the cleaning and tidying but the book shelf looks super neat. I love your scrap book pages too. #mmbc

    1. Yes, it's crazy! Our weather fluctuates hugely this time of year (it was 23 when we woke up and will be 65 by mid afternoon).

  24. I always love your out in nature pics - spending time outdoors must really help in your long winters. Loved your scrapbook pages too. Wishing you a lovely week.

    1. It definitely helps us get through the winter; even if it sometimes feels like a chore to get out there. Lately though (since Saturday anyway) it's been sunny and warm and while I am sure winter is not quite over yet I am loving our spring like weather this week!

  25. That looks like a fun puzzle! And seeing your scrapbook pages reminds me that I'm so overdue in getting some pages done. I'm looking forward to warmer weather and outdoor picnics! Hope you had a great weekend!

    1. It was so fun! I thought it was going to be really difficult but I really enjoyed hunting down the patterns.

  26. I definitely need a picnic and a hike right now. It looks so refreshing in your photos. And I really like your scrapbook pages. I have totally failed my children in that department! They just have bins stuffed with unorganized messes! Haha. Thanks for linking.


    1. My husband has one of those bins! I'd love to go through and organize photos for him but I don't know enough about any of them to do that.

  27. It's so good to see the emergence of Spring where you are and more outdoors happening. I have gone back to some scrapbooking recently after doing nothing for ages.

    Thank you for linking up your blog post to Life This Week #232. Lots of interesting comments from bloggers this time about "good". Next week, the optional prompt is Heroic....that too might generate more conversation...and THAT is what I love about hosting a link up on my blog. See you there. Denyse.

    1. I hadn't scrapbooking in years when I finally picked it back up again and that sort of helped me decide which things were "big" enough to warrant my time scrapbooking them!

  28. You had a busy week! Glad you got some relaxing time on the weekend. And I'm so glad that Evan doesn't need surgery! Great news!!!


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