Currently.. In March

It's about that time to link up with Anne for her Currently series.  This month we're talking about what we're choosing, imagining, making, recommending, and wearing. 

choosing-- To be positive!  There have been a few minor things this past week or two that have brought my anxiety up a notch and I have been handling it like a champ; focusing on the positive and spending lots of time in nature, breathing deep, and letting go.

imagining-- Warm sunny weather.  I can't wait to curl up on the deck or patio with a good book and soak up some sun.

making-- Lots of plans for next year.  It looks like Ian will try out a college class or two but I have to pull together the rest of his/our curriculum subjects for 12th grade and figure out what Evan and I will be doing for 8th grade. 

recommending-- I have been just loving the latest book by Kristin Hannah; The Four Winds.  If you like historical fiction I highly recommend it.  The story takes place during The Great Depression and the dustbowl and while it's heart breaking at times I feel like I have never understood this time in history more.

wearing-- Lots of yoga pants or leggings with sweaters.

Linking up with: Anne in Residence, 


  1. Great job for Ian!! What a great thing to choose!

    1. I was pretty excited to hear his plan. I know we're both nervous about it but I think it's great he's willing to push himself.

  2. I am definitely trying to choose to be positive as well! Yes, I love warm weather! It was so sunny last week, but it has been non-stop rain for about 48 hours! What's funny, is that doing virtual, staying at home when it's so cozy and rainy makes me want to go to sleep! Yay for Ian!

    1. Yes, being inside when it's cold or rainy always makes me want to curl up and sleep the day away.

  3. Yes, some warm weather would be amazing right now! And I've been hearing mixed reviews on the Kristin Hannah book. I will add your thoughts to my mix.

    1. I thought it was definitely sad and depressing and I had to read a light and cheerful book on the side but her books are always pretty heavy and emotional for me.

  4. I agree with you on the choosing positive for sure! Continue to do that and it does help our perspective when the hard things in life come our way, whether big or small. Have a good day!

    1. Yes! That and taking deep breaths helps me through a lot.

  5. I too am dreaming of warmer weather. And I live in yoga pants or leggings....

    1. I try to mix it up with jeans on occasion but just love the comfort.

  6. Yes! Choosing to be positive here too- we got this! LOVE that blue sweater on you :)

  7. Again, you look so good in that shade of blue! I have not read that Kristin Hannah book, it sounds like a good one.

    1. Thanks! It's Hannah's latest book that just came out next month.

  8. Choosing positivity is always a good choice, even when it is hard! I am with you and ready to be reading a book curled up outside by some water!

    1. I was writing up a spring bucket list post last night and all I could think of was being outside near the water soaking up the sun!

  9. Choosing to be positive is a good thing. I think we all need a bit of positivity at the moment. Sending love and hugs.
    Ahh! I am dreaming of some sunshine. Last week was lovely here but the last few days have been grey and damp and I've I've worn for the last year is leggings. They're so comfy x

    1. They are so comfy and they can be stylish too!

  10. I just finished The Four Winds last night. Wow, it was such a good book.

    1. Right?! It was so upsetting at times but wow; what a powerful read. My heart almost broke when the camp was washed away in the rain.

  11. I'm in the middle of the Four Winds on audio right good. A little depressing, but what a story of survival.

    1. It can be quite depressing for sure but I was just amazed at the tenacity of the characters. I honesty don't think I could ever be that strong.

  12. Ohhh, that picture of you in the sun, in a chair, reading a book... can't wait for that!!!! I added Four Winds to my list. Not sure if I will like it or not, but I do like the one or two books I have read from that author.

  13. I am with you on warmer weather and being able to relax outside with a book. It's the best!


    1. I enjoy a good book any time of the year but reading outside in the sun is the best.

  14. I see we're very much on the same wavelength with wishing... we at least have had a surprising amount of sun here lately so that I can sit next to the window with my book and enjoy it, but it's just not the same as being outside in it by some water... It'll come. Way to focus on the positive, and thanks for joining in the linkup :)

    1. It definitely it not the same to just sit in the sun near the window!

  15. The book sounds great! So exciting around Ian's school plans.

  16. Joanne,
    My whole life is about trying to be positive since i live with a very negative person.....
    Thanks so much for taking the time to stop by and by letting me know that you did by leaving such a sweet comment!!
    Stay safe, healthy and happy!!

  17. Warm weather sounds so good right now!

    And I have been pretty much dressing the same as you. :)

    1. Doesn't it?! I just want warmer weather...

  18. I just got that Kristin Hannah book & excited to start it

  19. Your snow scene photo is beautiful! I've seen a couple of recommendations for the Kristin Hannah book.

  20. Love the flirty little hem on the gray sweater. Almost a peplum. So cute. You look adorable in both toasty outfits. So glad to know you enjoyed The Four Winds. I am just starting but I'm already caught up in the story.

  21. The book recommendations sounds good. I know hardly anything about the time area and a good historical fiction book is the best.

  22. choosing-- To be positive! That's my MO too. I do believe that for the most part, happiness is a choice.


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