Cupcake Decorating Fun

 When Alec and I saw that this cupcake decorating class called Furry Friends was going to be offered on a Monday where he had no school we decided to sign up together.  He tried to get a few friends to join him but this company had moved and was not almost an hour away so no one wanted to join in.  We decided not to let that stop us. 

It was rainy and snowy on the day of the class and we weren't sure if it was going to be canceled or how the roads would be.  We left early and gave ourselves plenty of extra time to get there and to to find this new facility.  We were the first ones there! 

They had tables set up so each group that signed up would be spaced far apart and all our supplies were divided up and ready to use. We already knew from the sign up sheet that we were going to be making 6 cupcakes each-- a panda bear, a koala, a llama, some bamboo, a dog, and a sloth. 

As soon as everyone arrived the teacher went through the supplies on our table and then we started working. 

Alec and I chose to level most of our cupcakes; snacking on the pieces we cut off (sometimes dunked in frosting).  It was delicious if a bit tricky with our masks on.  When Alec asked before starting if we were going to level the cupcakes the teacher remarked "you must be a professional!  But we're not planning on leveling our cakes today."

We used fondant for a few pieces on most of the animal cupcakes; I had never used fondant before but it was easy to work with when making small pieces like noses, cheeks, or eyes. 

Our favorite cupcake had to be the bamboo; it was so easy to make plus Alec and I just love Pirouette cookies!  We were each given two Pirouettes to break down into three pieces to make our bamboo but both Alec and I made our pieces small enough so that we could still put our cupcakes into the cupcake holders we had been given-- so we snacked on extra cookies pieces too.

We both agreed when we were done that the only cupcake we didn't really like was the panda... he just looked a bit spooky to us.  My llama had coconut 'fur' but since Alec doesn't like coconut he went without.  It's funny that even following directions no two cupcakes in the whole class came out exactly the same.

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  1. oh my goodness! these cupcakes are cute!! I wish we had something like this around our town. All we have is a pottery painting studio. This would be a lot of fun :)

    1. It's the first I've seen of it and I thought it was such a great idea! They had a cookie decorating class on the books too that we might try out.

  2. Replies
    1. It was a wonderful way to spend a snowy afternoon.

  3. What a fun event to go to! The finished cupcakes look great, especially the cute dog ones! :) So nice you got to do this together :)

    Hope that you had a nice weekend :) It was a bit hot and humid here but we still managed to get out to the park :)

    Away From Blue

    1. It was so much fun to do together. We had a rainy weekend but at least it was warm enough to be rain and not ice or snow.

  4. It does look like fun and the results are so professional! I'm impressed. #MMBC

  5. I don't think my cupcakes would have looked that wonderful! :) How fun and creative you all are.

    1. Aw, I bet you would have surprised yourself.

  6. Oh my goodness, these turned out SO good! They are just so dang cute!

  7. Ohh! What a lot of fun and the cupcakes look so good. Great work x

  8. Those are so cute. This is how my friend got into cake baking and decorating.

    1. I have often thought of getting into cake baking and decorating but I think I prefer it as a hobby. Alec just loves it though.

  9. The cupcakes look so good, I would have thought they were store bought! That bamboo cupcake does look legit! Do you think you'll use these techniques in the future?

    1. Aw, thank you! We would definitely use these techniques in the future.

  10. Oh this is such a fun outing! What cute cupcakes! Thanks for linking up with Hello Monday! Tanya - The Other Side of the Road

    1. Thank you! It was a lot of fun.. and yummy too!

  11. Looks like fun, creative too! Thanks so much for linking up with me at the Unlimited Monthly Link Party 22. Shared!

  12. That looks so fun!!! Now I want to try a cupcake decorating class! Although my cupcakes would not turn out near as cute.

  13. Oh wow they look so good and so professional!

  14. I am a cupcake maker and decorator but have never tried anything as fancy as these. What a great set of decorated cakes!! Yum
    Thanks for being a consistent, caring and contributing blogger to this community I call #lifethisweek. Next week we are sharing our snaps (photos) and that’s an optional prompt. See you next Monday, I hope, as always.

    1. Aw, thank you! It was a lot of fun learning how to use some different decorating techniques.

  15. A cupcake class is a great idea. The little dog one is so cute. I love making cupcakes with my grandchildren but we have never tried anything this fancy.

    1. It was a lot of fun. My budding chef was really excited to try so many decorating techniques in one day.

  16. He did a great job, does he give lessons? Thank you for sharing on the Classy Flamingos.


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