I Spy! Saturdays #1

I'm joining up with Lysha over at A Camera and a Cookbook  for her weekly I Spy challenge.  I had been looking for some sort of photography challenge to participate with this year and was so happy to see that I get all 5 weekly prompts at once that way I can work on these whenever I feel motivated to grab my camera.

Here are this week's photos:

Hello 2021! (sunrise over the lake; my favorite way to greet any new day)

old (New England's woods are filled with these old stone walls)

 goals (I'm trying to read 10 books a month!)

green (snow falling on baby pines)

happy (My boys love homemade snacks) 

Linking Up With:


  1. What a fun challenge. Lovely photos.
    Blessings, Dawn

  2. Love that old wall! I can't wait to hear all your book recommendations.

    1. Thank you! I've already finished 4 of them!!

  3. A fun challenge. I love that pile of books.

  4. Oh, your "happy" photo is great! And I love your "green" one too. This challenge is going to be fun!

  5. Your photos are always so impressive. I think you need to open and B&B up there on your property and I will be the very guest. You and Alec can bake delicious goodies to welcome your guests and to wow them at breakfast. Your hubs can offer rides on the 4 wheeler out around the lake. The younger boys can give hike tours. Sign me up!!

    The first capture of the lake is frameable. Poster-worthy. Hallmark greeting card inspiration. We are all about stone walls here in El Paso but none dusted with snow right now. And certainly none with the history of those in your area.

    1. That sounds like a wonderful business idea!

  6. What a gorgeous view to wake up to!! And I love your goal to read 10 books a month!

  7. What a great challenge! I decided to join in too - not sure if I'll be able to each week, but want to try!
    Love your pictures for each prompt!

  8. Loved seeing all the snow. I’m commenting from my phone; this is Laura from The Horton Family!

    1. Thank you! We got a few little dustings this week.

  9. WOW, 10 books a month! That is ambitious! I can't wait to get some new recommendations from you!

    1. I read 116 last year so in all that's just 4 more... but still not sure I can make it work.

  10. Great shots. Slice of life is a wonderful title.

  11. Looks like a great photo challenge. I can only do the one prompt a week, lol!

    1. LOL. I wasn't sure I could handle this but for some reason I found it much easier... weirdly enough.

  12. So many great photos, Joanne! Your "Hello 2021 pic" is gorgeous! Thanks for joining in on all the fun! :-)


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