10 Things I Learned in 2020

This month's 10 on the 10th with Leslie is all about 10 lessons learned or memories from 2020.  I already published a post about my 20 favorite memories from the year here so today's post is all about what I learned.  

I had such a hard time with this post!  I'm always learning something-- with homeschooling my boys I have been learning German, Spanish, Biology, Chemistry, Geometry, etc. (concepts I don't think I ever learned but if so then I'm re-learning them!).  I constantly try out crafting mediums and projects and firmly believe that we all learn something new each day.  However to sit and just come up with 10 things I learned was not easy!  

1. Homeschooling really works!  Alec started public (high) school this year and he has been doing so well both academically and socially.  

2. I learned how to use all sorts of on-line programs like Zoom (once when Ian had his fishing license test), Google Classroom (with Alec's schooling), Facetime (with my virtual doctor's appointment), online ordering for curbside pick up, and other components that Alec's school utilizes. 

3. I learned to rely on others & ask for help; after my surgery I had to allow other people to take care of me and while it was tough to ask for help it was necessary. 

4. That I am much more spiritual/religious than I thought.  I grew up going to church each week and attending catholic school, I made my first communion, first confession, confirmation, and even got married in a church.  We had our kids baptized and enrolled them in catholic school too but never really went to church much at all.  I knew I had a firm foundation but never really felt like I was a true believer as I still had so many doubts and questions, I don't read the bible, and I rarely pray... this year found me not only praying a lot but upon hearing about the pandemic felt a real calming peace in the thought that that God is in control and if it's my time to go there isn't much I can do to control things that are out of my control-- like a virus that is completely invisible. I think that's a big part of why it feels like this virus has only been a blip in our lives. 

5. Lots of new recipes! I've always enjoyed cooking and baking and yet we are continually trying out new recipes, new techniques, and making even more foods from scratch.

6. My way around our local hospitals.  With two x-rays for Alec (one scheduled to screen for scoliosis and one as an ER visit after a nasty fall at karate for  possible broken rib), a possible appendicitis screening, a fish hook removal/ ER trip with Ian, my surgery, two Covid- tests, and blood work we spent lots and lots of time in the hospitals.  Enough that I finally don't feel like I am clueless when arriving on the hospital campus.  

7. To be more flexible.  I have always been pretty rigid with plans and expectations and am not real good at going with the flow but so much was out of my control this year that I just had to learn to  be more flexible.  

8. To be resourceful and persistent-- when food and household items became scarce in our local supermarkets I took to the internet and found several ways around those shortages having items shipped to our house and trying new companies like Grove (for cleaning supplies) & Misfit Markets (for fruits and vegetables).

9. Learned to knit a hat using a loom. My sister in law was here with her whole family in early January and taught me how to knit using a loom she brought with her.  She left the loom for me to play around with and I ended up making two hats! 

10. How to use my new camera.  I got a new camera for Christmas back in 2019 and pretty much never used it.  I vowed at the end of last year to get better at using my camera-- switching lenses, playing around with settings, and using it more often.  

What are some things you learned?

Here are the rest of this year's topics if you want to join in with us. 

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  1. These are ten really good lessons, although I'm sorry learning your way around the hospital was one of them :( I wish we had Misfit Market here in Canada because I've heard really good things about them.

    1. I was relieved to have my surgery done but could have done without the possible appendix scare and the possible broken rib x-rays!

  2. Homeschooling does work! Good for you taking up the challenge throughout the years. Thanks for sharing about Misfit Markets. I'm going to check into it. Happy New Year!

  3. Love your list...a new camera...how exciting. I love taking photos but haven't in so long...I decided to join a photo challenge so it would hopefully force me to pull it out. I will admit I'm glad my girls aren't in school right now. Even though we homeschooled...man, it would be hard.

    1. My two boys that are still homeschooling haven't noticed any sort of difference at all with the pandemic but starting in public school while trying to figure out schooling & distance learning has been interesting to say the least!

  4. I agree, home schooling does work!
    It sounds like you have discovered lots of fab things back in 2020. It’s lovely to see something positive come from it.
    Enjoy the rest of your Sunday. :)

    1. I knew homeschooling worked for others but it was a relief to know that it had worked for us too! Lol.

  5. I am going to put the 10th on my calendar for next month! Have fun learning your new camera. Enjoy your week!

  6. Wow! You learned a lot. I really love how you have learned to approach the Coronavirus. I believe that too. God is sovereign and He knows when our time is up. That doesn't mean we are to be reckless with our lives, but that we shouldn't live in fear.

    1. Thank you! I used to live with so much fear and anxiety and more and more I am trying to turn over those things that I can't do anything about.

  7. I think we all picked up.some flexibility this year!

  8. Great lessons learned!! Zoom was up there with me too!

    1. I am so glad we only used it once or twice. It was not my favorite.

  9. Amen to discovering we are more spiritual than we knew. I have felt God's presence the whole way through this crazy pandemic. He has held us up and reassured me that everything will be okay. Maybe flexibility has been the biggest lesson of 2020. That and focusing on what matters most. I would never doubt that your homeschool education you have provided your sons has been tremendous. My PC attended school through self-paced Accelerated Christian Education and he has such a good foundation in every subject.
    Thank you for joining me, sweet friend.

    1. Aw, thank you. It can be so hard to see the growth and learning when you're in the trenches trying to get them to do the work.

  10. It sounds like you learned lots.
    We're getting on well with the home learning and it does seem to be working and we're slowly getting the hang of Zoom and Microsoft teams. x

    1. I find it works great 95% of the time but when we have an issue with online classes and can't get ahold of anyone or when there is a discrepancy in grades/ handing in an assignment and no way to communicate in person it can be so frustrating!

  11. You have adjusted well to 2020. All of us learned from necessity. I think my biggest takeaway was plunging into video and launching on you tube.

  12. I am planning to post this tomorrow but I have no idea what I learned! I better get started!

    1. Best of luck! I had all 4 of my guys helping me brainstorm.

  13. I love that homeschooling is going well for your family. I know people who haven't enjoyed it but others whose kids have also thrived.

    And I agree regarding the benefits of having to use new technology. I have to do it quite often but my 76yr old mother suddenly had to attend church services via Zoom and watch funerals online, Facetime with people etc and love that she's become (fairly!!!) familiar with those tools now.

    1. What most people are being forced to do right now is not what we call homeschooling. LOL. It's so much easier to be the one in charge, pick our own curriculum, and decide what we'll do each day rather than having schools and teachers dictate what we do and me trying to implement them.

  14. I love the comment about homeschooling. I think it is a deep-seated fear for me that when Ella returns she may be behind in school because of the teaching I have done. Hearing that made me feel so happy for you. :)
    I love this list of things for you and your family. A lot of good happened in 2020.

    1. Aw, thank you! I got another compliment today too from the nurse at the Doctor's office when she heard we homeschooled she said she could tell since Evan at only 13 was talking with confidence and making eye contact. She said it's usually quite obvious to tell the difference between public and homeschooled children in the office. Things like that help to remind me that it's not all about academics either.

  15. I loved reading this because it seems that no matter what challenges 2020 and covid threw at us we mostly learned to give new things a go and adapt. Pretty proud of that myself. Not so adept at using Zoom (only used it twice) but I am sure with more time and experience I could do it.

    Thank you for linking up for Life This Week. Next week the optional prompt is Back To. 3/51 #LifeThisWeek 18 Jan. I hope to see you there. Denyse.

    1. I only used Zoom twice (well, my son did-- and honestly we had to call my husband home to get it working!) but I am quite adept at using Google Classroom now.

  16. Thanks for sharing with us at Farm Fresh Tuesdays Blog Hop! Your "Lessons" are one of my features at this week's hop! See you there!
    Melissa | Little Frugal Homestead


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