My Christmas Bucket List

 We're nearly a week into the Christmas season and I just knew I'd better share my bucket list before the entire season passes us by.  Luckily the list is pretty short this year. 

Here are a few things I'd like to try and get done:

1.  Watch Elf, The Holiday, Love Actually, & Christmas Vacation plus as many other holiday favorite movies I can squeeze in (to be honest I've already watched a fair number of these!).

2.  Bake up two new dessert recipes. 

3. Put together a holiday puzzle.

4. Listen to some Christmas music.

5.  Go and see some lights!

6. Read a Christmas book by the fire with some hot cocoa.

7. Try something fun and new for Christmas breakfast/brunch.

8. Help Alec make our very first sugar cookie "gingerbread" house from scratch.

What's on your holiday bucket list this year?

Linking Up With: Spread the Kindness, 


  1. The holidays can seem so overwhelming to me trying to get everything done. I just finished decorating the house now I need to take pictures of the decor to post to the blog. I also need to wrap presents, and bake cookies. I normally send out Christmas cards, but I'm not sure I want to do that this year. Your list is very full of fun activities.

    1. I like to try to make sure we have plenty of time for fun all year round.

  2. That is a great list. I like how it is open ended too. Instead of particular lights... it is see some lights. That is useful in these times when we never know what is coming next.
    Blessings, Dawn

    1. Yes, I tried to keep it very open ended and generic this year.

  3. We don't have a bucket list but we did make a plan for each of the eight nights of Channukah and we made a list of fun things to do over the Winter Break so we'll see how much of it happens :)

    1. I was hoping to make an activity advent calendar rather than a bucket list but my boys weren't willing to participate!

  4. Great ideas! I like taking a drive to look at all the Christmas lights around town. The Holiday is one of my favorite Christmas movies along with the Christmas Card. I plan to make an Oreo gingerbread house this year, thought it came as a kit. Karen

    1. I don't think I've ever seen the Christmas Card. We made an Oreo themed house last year when we found a kit at CVS and it turned out great.

  5. Survive. That's my bucket list -LOL
    Seriously - there is a new drive through light event that I want to check out when it gets closer to Christmas.

    1. LOL! I'm trying to find a drive through lighting place near us for this year as well.

  6. That's a fun list. I have similar items, except the gingerbread house and puzzle.

    1. I think I almost always add a puzzle to my list; even if I am the only one that works on them.

  7. This sounds like a fun list. I'm going to try and make some chocolate yeast braided bread. #MMBC

    1. That sounds delicious! I love any sort of fresh bread.

  8. I love your list! I have never made ginger bread houses from scratch, but I know we are just using the pre-made set just for fun! Have a wonderful day!

    1. We have never tried making them from scratch either; I'm hopeful we'll get it figured out. We bought a cookie cutter set especially for making houses.

  9. Great list. I want to be intentional about watching some holiday movies. Sounds so easy but we just put on the TV every night and then get on our laptops. I want to watch my George C. Scott A Christmas Carol. And Paul's Christmas Story. We are reading a Christmas book in the book club. Hoping that will help put me more in the spirit of the season. And I dug out the gingerbread house kits I bought last year. Hope we can make them this year!!

    1. I've already watched a good handful of my favorite Christmas movies and I've started reading a Christmas book too (only 1 so far but I have a few in my reading pile).

  10. Great list! We made our Gingerbread house yesterday. Not from scratch though! Sadly it has already been half eaten....

  11. Ohh! What a fab list. I hope you get to do everything on it!
    I've been trying to watch a Christmas film every day but I am saving one's like Elf & Love Actually for closer to Christmas. x

  12. I love that you're going to try to make your own gingerbread houses from scratch! We've never attempted that!

    1. We found a cookie cutter kit on Amazon and I just knew Alec would wan to give that a go.

  13. I struggle making a kit gingerbread house I cant imagine doing one from scratch. thats an awesome tradition you guys have

    1. I feel the same way; that's why my baker will be taking full responsibility for that!

  14. Such a great list. I have always wanted to make a gingerbread house :)

    1. My sister makes her own each year and swears it's not that hard.. I'm not sure I agree... but we'll give it a go!

  15. Joanne,
    Thanks for sharing these wonderful ideas that encourage us to slow down and to participate in meaningful activities and traditions that capture the essence of the holidays for so many of us.

    Congrats on your feature at Inspire Me Monday at Create With Joy #465! :-)

  16. Fun bucket list, Joanne! We just watched Scrooged last night and my kids were not too thrilled with it! LOL They missed too many of the cultural references and jokes. And we had to explain what a VCR is to them! Haha. I want to bake Christmas cookies from around the world this year. I try to pick at least 7 different cookie recipes that originate in different countries and do a little cultural lesson along the way! Thanks for sharing and linking with me.


    1. We did something a bit similar last year with our homeschool group; each family picked a country and researched their Christmas traditions then baked up a traditional snack to share. It was so fun!


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