5 on Friday: We Have a New Driver!

 We had a pretty quiet week at home.  The only time I even left the house was to take Ian to his driving test.  We woke to lots and lots of snow yesterday and I was so happy that I have all my Christmas prep. done (other than grocery shopping) so I didn't have to leave the nice warm house. 

1.  I spent most of my morning on Sunday rearranging two rooms of the house; moving our Christmas village to a different table in a different room. Now I can add to my village next year without running out of room and this and frees up space near our tree for more seating in the family room.  I just love it! 

2.  I was asked to join in with next year's Not Just a Mom Link up and I am so excited to be co- hosting this party once a month (the second Monday of the month) with these ladies; I hope you see some topics you like and will join us! 

3.  We have a new licensed driver in the house! Ian took his driver's test on Monday and passed.  Thankfully we didn't/don't have to go to the DMV either-- the driving school set up the test and once the students have passed our state uses the photo from their learner's permit and just mails the new license to us. 

4. Normally snow would not be listed as a favorite but as much as I do not like the cold I really do love how everything looks when it's all covered in snow.. especially when the sun first starts shining after a storm and everything seems to glisten.  

5. We made up a batch of cinnamon swirl bread and this time I added just a light sprinkling of chocolate chips!  YUM!  

How was your week?

Linking up with:


  1. Congrats to Ian!! Thanks for sharing!!

    1. He's so excited! Too bad we got hit with a huge snowstorm and he hasn't been able to drive yet.

  2. Yay Ian!! How exciting! Your cinnamon swirl bread looks so yummy!!

    1. It was so delicious and reminded us all of a cinnamon bun!

  3. That bread looks amazing! The snow is beautiful and excited about your new link up in 2021! Have a great weekend!

    1. It was so good! I saw was because we've already eaten both loaves.

  4. A licensed driver does Mark a huge change in family dynamics! Hold on tight! The changes will come quickly from now on!

    1. I was just thinking that the other day! Seems like one change after another coming our way.

  5. Yay for passing the drivers test! I love the snow, and am slightly mad we don't have more. We got slightly more than a dusting the other day, and I have my fingers crossed it will stick around until Christmas.

    1. I don't think ours will be sticking around until Christmas even with all that we got since it's supposed to warm up to 50 this week!

  6. Yay Ian! And that cinnamon swirl bread looks amazing!

  7. Jealous of everyone's snow! And I don't want to think of my oldest driving in a couple of years lol!

    1. I'd be more than happy to ship you some of our snow if I could.

  8. That is so exciting for Ian!! Congratulations to him!!

  9. Aww Ian! Congratulations to him and to you and Dad as well! Such a milestone. I remember when our Anna got her license, and it was such a big deal. Sending you all love. By the way, you adding chocolate chips to the cinnamon roll makes me love you even more. You are my kind of person, Joanne. :)

    1. LOL. Thanks! I thought it was a pretty genius idea.

  10. Oh wow that bread looks so good. I also love that black and white snow picture!

    1. Thanks! I immediately thought of our 52 weeks challenge with our snowstorm.

  11. Congrats to your new driver!! How exciting!
    The cinnamon bread looks delicious! I really need to do more baking! Thanks for the inspiration!

  12. Yay for a new driver! That's so exciting! Your Christmas village looks really pretty all set up. I'm not a fan of the cold either, but there is something special about a blanket of fresh snow and staying cozy in the house. Wow, that cinnamon bread looks delicious! I'll take any leftovers ;) Hope you have a great weekend!!

  13. Congratulations to Ian, so exciting!! I remember when we had the first snow for each of our new drivers. My husband took them to a big, empty, parking lot and had them practice speeding up, slowing down, getting out of a spin, slamming on the breaks etc. so that they knew how it felt and how to react on the road. It made them much more comfortable and confident.

    1. That is a great idea! I'm going to have to suggest that to my husband.

  14. Congrats on your new driver- how exciting! Can't wait to link up with you next year- looks like so much fun :)

    1. I am looking so forward to that link up! Can't wait to see what everyone had to share.

  15. That bread! Just wow. Congrats on having a new driver in the house. So cool that you didn't have to do the DMV thing. I love your village display. I want one of those. We had one growing up! I can't wait for your link up!

    1. I was so happy that we lucked out with not having to go back to the DMV! I've been buying one or two village pieces each December through Michael's; they usually have a 50% off sale and that's when I buy them.

  16. Oh you have a lot of interesting activities! Happy weekend!

  17. Congratulations to your son!! What a snow, it looks great but I don't want it here, lol. Enjoy your weekend!

  18. Congrats to your son for getting his driving license. That cinnamon bread looks so amazing!

  19. What a lovely week ! Congrats to Ian. I am hoping for one beautiful snow this year.
    Blessings Dawn

  20. Just look at that snow! I wish we could have some over here in the UK.
    A huge congrats to Ian for passing his driving test. :)

    1. Thank you! He was so relieved to have that test behind him.

  21. Congrats to Ian! And to you -- hopefully you'll have to drive less now? That cinnamon swirl bread looks delicious. And I'm hoping to link up with the "Not Just A Mom" people. Yay for being one of the hosts!

    1. Hopefully! Though he can't drive with his brothers (or anyone unlicensed under the age of 21) in the car until he's had his license for 6 months to a year per state laws so I can only use him for errands.

  22. Yay for another driver! I love all the snowy, wintery pics since it's in the 50's and 60's here and really no sign of snow here....ever! The cinnamon bread looks amazing!

    1. We just had another dusting of snow here this morning!


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