Weekend Wellness: Post- Op Update and Finding Peace

I almost skipped this month's wellness weekend (again!) because I didn't feel like I had much to say this round either.  I am still trying to recover from my hysterectomy and taking it easier than I would like.   I am still struggling to drop those 5 lbs. I had put back on after my operation.  With the colder weather and not feeling 100% I am craving comfort foods and unable to do much in the way of exercise. I'm trying so hard not to get so discouraged that here I am nearly 7 weeks post- op and still not feeling like my old self again. (The one I was before I had chronic pain from fibroids).

We have been hiking a bit but sticking to some pretty easy and flat trails for now. 

When I had my 5 week post-op visit my doctor told me that he could still see stitches and warned me that while I could add a bit more activity into my days that I was still healing.  He suggested I wait it out another 3 weeks!  It was so hard not to feel discouraged; specially when all his poking and prodding set off another whole bought of pain for days.  But honestly he was impressed with how well I was doing.  

I am trying to seek solace in nature and still get out for frequent walks and easy hikes as that is always where I find the most peace.  I am able to quiet my mind, step away from distractions, and just focus on the beauty of nature all around me. 

I am trying to quell those voices in my head that fear I may never feel 100% again.  Between roving body aches and what feels like a Lyme disease flare up in my joints these past few days I have been taking it even easier and trying not to feel discouraged and depressed.  

And yet, I am so glad I wrote this post because looking back at last moth's update I am doing real well! It's so easy to not see the progress and focus on what I still can't do but I have some a long way. 

I have been to the grocery store alone a few times because I can now push the cart all around the store and lift groceries into the car (even if I don't carry them into the house!).  

I have managed to walk more than an hour at a time.  I even cleaned the entire house; just a room or two at a time throughout the week but I did mop the floor and push the vacuum around.  Things I never once even gave a single thought to like carrying the laundry around the house in a laundry basket are now chores I can once again do without help. 

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  1. Oh friend, I understand pain and I can understand recovery as well. To go through this during a pandemic though, I know must be hard. I am glad you are taking solace in nature. I do that too. One day at a time, is how I get through things and it helps me immensely. Sending you love.

    1. Thank you! I am trying so hard to just take it one day at at time.

  2. Really hope that you can soon recover from your hysterectomy!

  3. Thank you, Joanne, for joining me on this Wellness Weekend and sharing your beautiful photos. I really like the bird (woodpecker?) photo. You're wise to follow your doctor's advice to take it easy. Let our body heal and recover completely is a sensible thing to do. Our next and last Wellness Weekend link up for 2020 is on Dec. 20. The optional prompt is Wrap Up. I hope you join me again then. #WW2020

  4. I am so sorry you are struggling in the aftermath of your surgery, Joanne. I know it is hard, but keep on taking it easy. You will find the "old" you again. Hiking on easy and flat trails is a good idea. Beautiful photo of the woodpecker!

  5. I'm too am glad you wrote this post so you can see how far you've come. You'll get there eventually and you probably want to be a little safer now rather than paying for overdoing it for months. I get the frustration of not feeling totally back to normal though. Hang in there -- you can do it.

    1. Thank you so much for your kind words. It often feels like one step forward two steps back but I know I am getting there bit by bit.

  6. Sweet girl, hang in there. Things will return to normal, I am sure. I think the stressfulness of this time is playing havoc with our healing, too. The what ifs, the worries, the new normal that doesn't feel normal at all.
    You said something that resonated with me...actually hit me over the head. You mentioned a Lyme flare up. Do you have Lyme Disease? Or did you have it? Sounds like you have chronic Lyme with the mention of a flare up. Did I know this about you already? Sometimes I think I have totally lost my mind which I attribute to my chronic Lyme Disease. Would love to talk Lyme with you!!
    Keep adding little things back to your routine. The longer walks, a bit of an incline, carrying the laundry basket. I have been very naughty about lifting and carrying and moving things since my surgery and my incision began to ooze this weekend. I backed off a little today. But we are the type to sit on our laurels!! So hard to be 'good'.

    1. I think the stress is definitely not helping at all!

      Lyme was actually named after a town here in CT & it is quite prevalent here. I had Lyme a few years ago and my doctor was real quick to diagnose it and get me on an antibiotic but I was warned that there is still so much they don't know and that flare ups can happen even years later... I had been feeling incredible pain in all my joints and started reading. Apparently there is a link between possible Lyme flare ups and anesthesia?! But then it went away after just a few days so maybe it wasn't that?! I honestly don't know but I swear it felt just like how I felt last time.

  7. Beautiful scenery. I’m so sorry things are slow going and you’re having aches. I’ll be praying for it all to resolve!

  8. Seven weeks post up from a hysterectomy does not seem like a long time at all friend. I mean c-sections take at least 8 weeks to recover from, so I can only imagine a hysterectomy. I'm so sorry that you are feeling down about your recovery. I know how hard it is to sit and try to heal while there is so much to do. I pray that you continue to heal, and find some peace.

    1. It was laparoscopic so the recovery time can be anywhere between 4 & 8 weeks. I was really hoping for more like 6 plus kept losing track of how many weeks went by and often thought I was further ahead than I was. I thought I was going to enjoy the down time but it made me stir crazy.

  9. I know how it feels to be unwell. It is a discouraging feeling, I applaud your efforts to find beauty where you can and not get too down. Someday you will be well again and this will just be a memory.

    1. Aw, thank you! I was thinking the other day that in a year or two I probably would be telling others that recovery was no big deal and so easy. LOL.

  10. I'm sorry to hear that your post op recovery is taking a longer time than you expected. I had both my children by C-section and I remember feeling the restrictions were so hampering for weeks afterward, but it does take the body time to heal and we have to take it slow and allow that to happen. When we are used to doing a lot and getting much accomplished slowing down can be very hard, but please don't feel guilt or anxiety--you are making progress! Allow yourself to enjoy the little things in life while you recover.

    1. Aw, thank you so much for your kind words and wisdom. You are so right!

  11. Recovery may take awhile but I think it should be worth it. Hopefully soon you'll be back to normal. Is a Lyme disease flare a thing? I had Lyme disease in high school and occasionally still get joint aches, I didn't know it could be related!

    1. I think it will be worth it in the end for sure but I do occasionally fear that I may have traded in one pain/ problem for another. I heard that Lyme flare ups can be a thing but not usually when Lyme was treated properly and quickly (of course the operative word is usually).

  12. Sorry you're not feeling as well as you'd like but it's good the doctor's happy with your recovery. And the scenery in those pictures is just gorgeous.

    1. That's what I keep coming back to too; the doctor is happy with my recovery and he is much more knowledgeable in this area than I am.

  13. You're doing very well to be able to do housework and shopping. Hiking as well! If you had fibroids you may have been a bit anaemic preoperatively which would slow your recovery. (I'm a Registered Nurse. ) Just keep doing what you're doing and before you know it you'll be back to your old self,
    regards Christina

    1. I was definitely anemic (so much so that I was put on two iron supplements a day!); that's good to know.

  14. Oh gosh, I was reading this and going...no to the vacuuming....I had a hysterectomy back in 1988 when it was a full abdominal surgery. I was told "oh you will be so well" and expected it far too soon. Because I had been so low in iron before the surgery it took me 8 weeks off school and then more time resting up. I so had to learn patience. It all came back to me with my recent 2x abdominal surgeries and I still get niggles of pain 4 months later. Apparently it takes the insides a good 4-6 months. I hear you on comfort food but you need to understand this is recovery time..not forever. From one patient to another!

    Thank you for linking up for #LifeThisWeek. Next week is the final #TakingStock optional prompt (still others to come!) in 2020. Hope to see you there too. Denyse.

    1. Thank you for your reminder and your kind words. I know it isn't forever and it is recovery time but I guess somehow I just thought I would be better faster than I have been.


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