Sentence a Day in October

We had quite the month! Between my surgery recovery, trying to cram all the fall fun in, and getting our first snowstorm of the season this month has felt like quite the whirlwind. 


1.  I spent the whole day in bed resting-- it's only my third day post op. and I'm already going crazy!

2. I felt good enough in the afternoon to make a card for my husband.

3. We celebrated my husband's birthday with his mother and Alec made tollhouse pie. 

4.  My girlfriend stopped by to drop off food for us and a pretty plant; it was so nice to hang out for a bit together.

5. I helped Alec with his schoolwork most of the day and ended up overdoing it as I was running another low grade temps by bedtime. 

6. I was much more mindful or resting on Tuesday but did help Alec out with submitting photos of his math work after his test; the teacher called us and immediately bumped him into honors Algebra!

7.  I went for a walk with Evan and then had a high enough fever I had to call the doctor's office after hours; luckily they are fairly certain it isn't a sign of infection.

8. I made some chicken noodle soup and fresh bread then spent the rest of the day resting on the couch. 

9. I made some graham cracker toffee bars before heading to my two week post op visit.  The doctor says I'm doing great!  (Recipe here; I used 2 cups semi-sweet chocolate chips in place of the variety called for the in the recipe.)

10. I had enough energy to tackle a new Cricut craft. 

11.  We worked together to make our family's fall apple pies; each fall we make 3-- one to enjoy now, one for Thanksgiving, one for Christmas. 

12. We spent a rainy Columbus day at home resting and relaxing.

13.  Evan and I started a new science experiment for his biology class covering up a leaf to compare to other light absorbing leaves.

14. After school, Evan and I went on an hour long walk around the Thompson Dam. 

15.  It was another beautiful day so, after his schoolwork was done, Evan and I went on another walk; this time on the river trail.

16. It poured all day long so other than picking Alec up from his day in the culinary shop I didn't really leave the house at all.  He made soup and an apple galette (both were delicious!).

17.  My husband and I went out on a dinner date before doing some grocery shopping. 

18. Alec and I made some delicious apple strudel bread. 

19. As soon as school was over, Evan and I went on a walk through the local state park. 

20.  After school Alec and I worked together to make up the dressing and ingredients for his chicken chopped salad before attending his virtual shop fair where we "met" with his teachers, ranked his top 4 choices of shops, and hoped he'd get into culinary.


21.  We made gourmet candy/caramel apples. 

22. Evan and I went on a nice hour long walk today along the river trail. 

23. After a shortened day of school, I took all three boys out to lunch. 

24. Alec, Evan, and I worked together to really clean the whole upstairs; it felt so good to see everything sparkling clean again.  We then worked together to make some Chex Mix and Moose Munch.

25.  My husband and I went on a short Ranger ride in the afternoon and then I curled up by the fire with my book. 

26. After the boys were all done school we went on a nice long walk through the state park. 

27.  We went out to dinner at the Pub 99 before Ian's driver's ed. class.

28.  We found out that Alec got into all the honor's classes he was inquiring after; he is so excited even if we are nervous about changing everything up again. 

29.  Alec worked on a painting for his history class as I whipped up another batch of Chex mix.

30. We got snow!! Lots of snow for October.  We also found out that Alec got into the Culinary program.  What a way to end our week. 

31. It was a beautiful sunny day; we went grocery shopping bright and early in the morning and got a pot of chili going for our Halloween dinner, movie, and dessert night with my mother in law. 

Linking up with: Sentence a Day,  Spread the Kindness,  Lovin' Life, 


  1. Yeah for a speedy recovery! Umm...will you share that recipe for the graham cracker toffee? Oh my looks deadly (in a good way!) :)

    1. We used this recipe but I used 2 cups of semi- sweet chocolate chips instead of the variety:

  2. I've been reading your blog all month but didn't realize how many delicious apple treats you had until I read this post! YUM!!! And aren't you glad to be at the recovery point now and not the beginning of the month? But you did it!

    1. I am so happy to be where I am now versus where I started at the beginning of the month. Just a few weeks left to go until I should be at 100%!

  3. You had such a great October, surgery excluded LOL. Did you share the recipe for the toffee bars?

    1. I just added it to the post since you were the second one to ask already. I should have thought to link it in before publishing.

  4. October was a pretty good month. Lots of baking!! I am so jealous of that!

  5. You had a great October, including your recovery. Not something you necessarily wanted to do but you have recovered so well! I love this post you do each month.

    1. Definitely not something I wanted to do but so glad to have it behind me!

  6. Enjoyed all the beautiful fall pictures then the snow. We got snow too. Those candy apples look delicious.

  7. Even post surgery, you manage to fill your days with goodness.

  8. So many things happened for you In October!! I particularly loved all those beautiful Autumn leave photos!

    1. OH me too! I just loved what a bright and beautiful fall we had.

  9. Toffee cookies and snow! It's starting to feel like the holidays! Congratulations to Alec on culinary school! That is so exciting! Thanks for sharing and linking with me.


    1. It really did start to feel like the holidays and then these past four days our temps have been so warm I've actually broken out my flip flops! It's crazy.

  10. So much happening in your world! A sentence a day captures that beautifully. Glad you're recovering OK! Those snow pics are gorgeous (from a girl who doesn't get to see snow)

    1. Aw, thank you! I truly had no idea how long recovery was going to take but my doctor assures me slow and steady is just fine.

  11. Cannot believe your beautiful snow. Wish we would have one really good accumulation this year. It is just so peaceful and lovely.

    Those apple recipes look delish. There is always such good eating going on at your house. And the candy apples look scrumptious, too. A friend had candy apple-eating on her bucket list. I think I should add it to mine.

    Glad Alec got into the culinary program. If there was ever a shoe-in, he would be it!! He could probably teach the class.

    1. I'd be perfectly happy with one really good accumulation snow storm; we do still have our snowshoes we weren't able to use last year and I'd like to give them a try. It's those years we get one good accumulation each week that I really don't like.


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