A Day in the Life with a Virtual Learning Student

 We all knew it was going to be a real adjustment this year for Alec to be attending school.  After homeschooling all three boys for more than 8 years it was hard to imagine what it would feel like to have one of them gone everyday all day long.. but then with all that happened in 2020 that wasn't really an issue.  

While I did a day in the life post last week of what it is like when Alec is gone to school, the reality is that he's often home.  Just not working with us.  I thought it might be fun to document that side of things too. 

We've had to adjust the volume of everyone else in the house to make sure Alec can hear his teachers OK and follow along with his lessons.  It's weird hearing other voices in the background many days and trying to divide my time between homeschooling two boys and helping Alec with any of the problems he's having with technology.  

Here's how I do that... most of the time.

5:00-6:00-- I worked on my blog; linking up with other groups and checked my email. 

6:00-6:30-- I got dressed, made my bed, checked in with Alec to make sure he was all set to start school, emptied the dishwasher and got dinner started in the crock pot (BBQ pulled pork). 

6:30-7:00-- I continued reading my latest book.  

7:15- 8:00-- Alec signed on for school, signed in at homeroom and "attended" his first class. I sat to eat my breakfast while finishing up my book.

8:00- 10:00-- I called the other two boys over to start school. I read aloud from Harry Potter and then they settled in to work individually.  I spent my time between both rooms helping all three boys as needed.  Evan and Ian were finished at the table by 10.  Ian headed upstairs to read and practice German on Duolingo.  Evan was finished school and Alec was on his 3rd class of the day- science. 

10:00-11:00-- I sat with Alec for a bit; I do enjoy listening on some his classes!  

11:00-12:20-- While Alec was having lunch and logging on for virtual gym, Evan and I decided to head out on a walk to the local state park.  I made it a full hour and fifteen minutes without feeling tired or winded!  

12:30-- I heated up leftovers from dinner and ate my lunch while starting a new book-- Jodi Picoult's The Book of Two Ways.

12:45- 1:15-- I sat with Alec a few minutes for his history class and then talked with Ian before he headed out to work with his grandfather.  Ian has been working on his four wheeler, looking for parts, pricing out a new one... etc. and even though I understand little of what he's talking about he likes to talk it out and I'm happy to listen. 

1:15- Alec was officially done with school for the day.  His last class is a study hall so they just have to sign in and then can sign back off and work on finishing up any assignments from the day.  He often takes the time to get ahead-- like to today finishing up the classwork for world history for tomorrow.  

1:20- 3:30-- I settled on the couch to work on blogging-- reading and commenting on other's blogs.  I also checked in to see if Alec had been graded for his in shop days last week and he got three more A's; all of which should help him get placed into the shop of his choice tomorrow night! 

3:30- 4:00-- I ate a snack while watching TV and then assembled my new light box. 

4:00-5:00-- I ran to the library with Alec to pick up some more books I had on hold and drop off the few I've read in the last week.  I now have an impressive stack of books I need to get through. 

5:00- 5:30-- Alec helped me make up some rice pilaf to go with the pulled pork. We also cooked up some corn and served dinner with a salad.  My husband and Ian were skipping dinner as they were heading out dirt bike riding with some friends.  While Alec and I were cooking we also worked on his Algebra since they are supposed to spend 20-30 minutes practicing each night.

5:30-6:00-- We ate dinner, cleaned up the kitchen and I set out Evan's schoolwork the following day (Ian will be going to work & Alec will be virtually learning again). 

6:00-9ish-- I read my book for a bit, watched TV with my husband, took a shower and headed to bed.  I usually fall asleep while watching TV somewhere between 9 & 10.  

Linking up with: Spread the Kindness, 


  1. I'm glad that virtual learning seems to be going a bit smoother. That BBQ pork looks so yummy! I love using my crock pot this time of year. :)

    1. It's always a bit nerve wracking to make sure the work gets turned in properly but as we are learning how to do that better and the teachers are learning ways that they can see work/grades on their end it does seem to be going a bit more smoothly. I have a soup in my crock pot today!

  2. Gorgeous photos! I love the Fall leaves. Here in MN, our colors are gone and we are covered in a blanked of snow. It's gorgeous—but we also know it's going to be a long winter.

    We've got three kiddos in distance learning (and two in home school). It's quite the adventure! Thanks for sharing your thoughts and what your day looks like. It's fun to see how other families pull this off :)

    1. Our trees are looking more and more bare and I have heard we have snow flurries in the forecast... I'm not looking forward to that!

  3. It's great that your son has your support in this challenging season of in between

    1. Definitely!! I do wonder how some of these kids are keeping up when they're home alone or with younger siblings while both parents are at work. It's nerve wracking! We had no sound at all this morning until 1/2 way through his second class when we shut down and restarted his computer.

  4. So happy to hear his virtual learning is going better. I can only imagine what a change that is for both of you! You do it all so well, Joanne. Love seeing your day-in-the-life.

    1. Thank you! I don't always feel like I do it all so well... but like I keep telling my son we can only do our best and then we've just got to let it go. If we're struggling other students must be too.

  5. It sounds like the virtual learning is going to plan. Your days make me feel quite tired! I am glad you go to bed early :) #MMBC

  6. That is great that you guys have a good routine down! I have a 2 year old and we are just getting into a good routine again! xo, Biana BlovedBoston

    1. I feel like every time we get a good routine down it ends up changing but I do thrive on consistency.

  7. I love a day-in-the-life post, thanks for sharing yours. You have such beautiful places to hike, I'm glad you have recovered enough to enjoy the fall colors!

    1. Oh me too! I was so afraid this beautiful season was going to pass by me while I was lying in bed. It has been so nice to get out and enjoy even if I can't really HIKE yet.

  8. Thanks for the peek into your life. Your snack is so much healthier than what I usually reach for. good for you! And I see one of your boys is a lefty too. My oldest is along with one of my grandsons.

    1. I fully admit that my snacks aren't always that healthy but I do try. We have lots of left handed men in our extended family.

  9. Great photos from you walk! So very glad you're regaining your strength and recovering well. I'm glad he's doing well in the virtual classes as well as the shop classes. Can't wait to hear if he gets the shop class of his choice!

    1. I keep checking every day but so far... we just don't know yet! I'm pretty sure he'll have no problem getting into culinary but it would be so nice to KNOW.

  10. I loved being able to see some of the ins and outs for distance learning from a higher grade level. Our boys just went back to in person last week but they are only half days for now and still need to logon in the afternoons. I'm glad you were able to get out for a bit and enjoy your walk without feeling tired out. I hope you have a great week!

    1. I like seeing how distance learning is working out for other students, schools, and grades too.

  11. Give you so much credit for how much virtual learning you do and how successful you are!

  12. I love that you love routine! I’m so glad the virtual learning is going smoothly, I know it’s so hard for many but you are a true motivator and inspiration for it!

    1. It can be so hard but we just have to make the best of it.

  13. I've never done virtual classes with my kids. I wonder if they would interest me!

    1. Through homeschooling we have taken a few online classes together here and there. I like to learn though and even things I thought would never interest me can when one of my boys are really passionate about it.

  14. That does look like different kind of day, but it seems that you have it under control. You're very smart to let the crock pot work all day to bring you a wonderful meal at night.

    1. I often think that we would never get to eat home cooked meals without the crock pot!

  15. That must be quite a juggling act to manage both homeschooling and virtual classes. Thanks for linking up with Hello Monday! Tanya - The Other Side of the Road

    1. It sure can be quite a juggling act at times!

  16. Wow, this looks nothing like my day--haha-- even though I have all my boys home for school too. You sound less stress ball than me. You do lots of things but take nice reading breaks, and you make it all sound so chill. I want to be like you!!!!

    1. We happened to have a great day on this particular day; other days of virtual learning can be QUITE stressful. It all depends on our connection and the assignments given I think.

  17. I'm glad the virtual leaning is going well. My eldest has been doing a lot of learning from home and I love listening in on her online lessons. They're so interesting x

    1. They really are! I like hearing how the teachers handle all this with such grace and ease too; it helps me remember that we're all in this together making the best of an odd situation.

  18. You have your hands full with home schooling and virtual learning #MMBC

  19. Glad to hear virtual learning and homeschooling are going well for your sons, and you've got a walk break and time to read your books.

  20. I love how you still with with Alec to hear his learning!!

    1. I like getting to hear a bit about what he's learning in each class!

  21. I was interesting to see how your day goes! I am expecting my son to have 2 weeks quarantine at home sooner or later this year. They have been doing contact quarantining for kids who have been within 6 feet of someone with covid. so far the contact quarantined kids have been negative. When he does at home virtual though he can do the assigned work at his own pace and doesn't have to log in at a particular time.

    1. We haven't had any quarantined cases from our school but in order to give each student time in the building all students have a crazy ever-changing schedule that includes lots of virtual learning. We just got November's schedule and I think Alec will be in the building 2 days for the entire month!

  22. You are so lucky to have such gorgeous places to walk. I'm really curious your light box.

    1. We are lucky to have such beautiful places to get out in nature. I'll share more about my light box as I use it a bit more.

  23. So interesting for me, a retired K-6 teacher and principal, to read this. It sure is multi-tasking at its best. Really interesting and I am glad to have read (and viewed) your day!

    Thank you for linking up this week. I do hope to see you link up next week too of course. The optional prompt is44/51 Outside 2.11.2020. Wow: November is here! Denyse.

    1. Yeah, I think so many people are working hard at multi-tasking this year.

  24. Again, I can't believe how much you fit into your days. And how much time Alec spends at school. It just seems so long to me. Of course, I don't have a good sense of how much time high school students spend at school here but I know it doesn't start so early. Yikes.

    1. It is a very early start to the school day but I think the length of time is pretty consistent with other schools in our state; they just get out earlier than most schools. Around here 8-3 is pretty normal so 7-2 while early isn't that unusual. I just hate that his virtual days are spent sitting and staring a screen the whole time.

  25. Joanne, I am always so impressed with how organized you are and how much you manage to fit in a day! You inspire me all the time! I feel like I am drowning just trying to manage the virtual learning of a 2nd and 4th grader. Thanks for letting us see what your day looks like and for linking up with me!


    1. Aw, thank you. I don't always feel that organized but I sure do try.


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