Butterscotch Zucchini Muffins

 Oh I just love zucchini bread!  It's one of my favorite things to make with all the garden fresh zucchini we're gifted.  On this particular day though I was already using my loaf pans to make chocolate chip banana bread for my husband and figured I could easily change up my favorite Betty Crocker recipe to make muffins instead.
Wanting even more of a treat, I decided to add in some butterscotch chips.  It was a delicious taste pairing.

3 cups shredded zucchini
1 2/3 cup sugar
2/3 cup vegetable oil
2 teaspoons vanilla extract
4 large eggs
3 cups flour
2 teaspoons baking soda
1/2 teaspoon baking powder
1 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1/2 teaspoon cloves
1 cup butterscotch chips

Pre-heat oven to 350. In a large bowl I combined the zucchini, sugar, oil, vanilla, and eggs using a strong wire wisk to break in the eggs.  Once it was well mixed I added in the flour, baking soda, baking powder, salt, cinnamon & cloves then folded in the butterscotch chips.
I used cupcake liners in one of my pans and sprayed the other well with non-stick spray (I ran out of liners or I would have used them for all!).  Then I used the cupcake scoop we have to fill each cup 2/3 of the way.  I popped the pans in the oven and set the timer for 20 minutes; making sure to check in on them periodically since I wasn't entirely sure how long it would take.  At 20 minutes I checked to see if the tops bounced back when I lightly pressed on them and that a toothpick inserted in the center came out clean.

I set them on a wire rack to cool.  We froze 1/2 the muffins and kept the other 1/2 out for eating.  Even my youngest who does not eat zucchini thought these were delicious.  Just look at those yummy bits of butterscotch!

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  1. These look good! Will give them a go. Thanks for sharing the recipe. #MMBC

  2. We love zucchini bread here too. It reminds Joe of his sweet grandma. I am going to have to try these; they look amazing!

  3. Oh wow! This really sounds like an interesting and delicious combination!

    1. Thanks! I always feel like zucchini bread needs just something extra since the zucchini doesn't have much flavor.

  4. I'm gathering ideas for back to school muffin baking and I currently have a HUGE zucchini sitting in my fridge so these look perfect!!!

    1. These would be perfect for back to school mornings!

    2. I just made a batch of these and three out of four of us have decided they're delicious! Also, they make a nice big batch so we're freezing half of them and I guess, Back To School Muffin Baking has begun :) Thanks for a great recipe!

    3. Oh, I am so glad!! You're welcome.

  5. Good god, these look and sound fantastic. I'm pinning for later, when I get my hands on some zucchini! I got one in each of my Misfits box, but I ate each the next day. Do you use a Better Crocker book? Or is the recipe from a website? If you use a book, which one do you use?

    1. I have pages from a very old Betty Crocker cookbook that fell apart. It was red and white checked with a blue binding. I've bought a couple new ones but the recipes aren't the same!

    2. Oh! I know exactly which one you are talking about! I was able to find a 1975 version of the Joy of Cooking on Etsy for less than $30, so if you are ever looking for a copy of the old one, you can probably find it. My mom had a gold embossed one when I was growing. I used to bake religiously from it when I was a teenager. I busted it out again recently and almost everything has shortening in it!

    3. I think my mom had that same one!

  6. ...now that’s a new twist!

    1. I love putting a new twist on an old favorite recipe.

  7. That sounds so tasty!! I love using zucchini to bake with.

    1. Me too! I firmly believe you can never have too much zucchini.

  8. Hi, good idea, thanks. I cooked yesterday, everyone liked it. The only thing, we don't like cloves, I did it without it. Thanks for the idea for these lovely muffins.

    1. My mother tends to omit the cloves from her recipe too but I like just a hint of it. Glad you enjoyed the muffins!

  9. Yummy - can you send some over please? They look delicious x #AnythingGoes

    1. I'd be happy to but they're all gone already! Thank you.

  10. I love butterscotch, these look delicious! I also love that they're a way to sneak in a little bit of veggies. I can definitely use that with all the pregnancy cravings!

    1. Yes, I love when I can sneak in veggies without them being any the wiser.

  11. Now these look amazing! Will definitely be giving these a try. Thanks so much for sharing and have a lovely weekend. x

  12. Your muffins look delicious! Thanks so much for sharing with us at Full Plate Thursday,499 and hope you have a great week!
    Miz Helen


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