Sentence a Day in June

With a slow easing of restrictions here in CT, June found us having quite a bit more fun than the last few months.  We went in stores, out to eat, and even had a few get togethers with friends and family.

1.  Alec, Evan and I went hiking at Old Furness in the afternoon we loved seeing how different everything looks now that it's all green and lush.

2. We cleaned up our beach and went on a hike to the Dam in the afternoon checking out a completely new trail.

3. We hung out at home and the boys went swimming in the neighbor's pool.

4. We went on kayak ride in the morning before the heat of the day; it was just beautiful out!

5.  The younger boys and I went to get our haircut and brought home take out from Panera bread for lunch.

6.  My husband and I spent our morning working on his truck and stopped by the river to have Subway grinders for lunch.

7.  The boys helped clean up a bunch of trees at my mother in law's house while I spent my morning blogging.

8.  The younger boys and I went on a hike and then headed out to buy some furniture.

9. We hung out at home enjoying the sun and the heat.

10.  We drove out to a brand new hiking place in Rhode Island that a nice trail even though it was quite buggy and then we mixed up a new cheesecake recipe when we got home.

11.  I hung around all morning while Ian took the first part of his boating course on-line using Zoom for our very first time!

12.  We had funirture delivered-- an early Father's day gift for my husband.

13. My husband and I brougth our jet ski back to the dealership so they can hopefully fix our problems with it.

14. I put together my new patio furniture all by myself; it was pretty tough at times too!

15.  The younger boys and I went hiking around Bigelow Hollow and then picked strawberries.

16. I mixed up some Chex mix and spent the afternoon with the younger boys hanging out at the family cottage with some family members.

17. We went kayaking with my mother and her friend.

18. We made Father's day cards and homemade strawberry/ yogurt popscicles.

19.  The boys went swimming in the lake and then we stopped to get Evan some new sandals before swinging by the cottage to visit with my mother in law and some friends/family members.

20.  Alec's girlfriend and her mother came over for the day and the kids swam in the lake, baked up s'mores, and played cards while us mothers talked and got caught up on the last few months of our lives.

21.  We made Toll House pie for Father's day then headed down the river in our kayaks so the guys could go fishing (I brought a book to read).

22.  Ian worked on fixing the jet ski while the younger two boys swam over to the cottage (I kayaked alongside them).

23.  I took the younger two boys to Barnes and Noble to pick up some books and we stopped for a snack at Panera bread.

See the stack on the floor behind him?  He had a field day picking out books!

24. We spent a rainy day playing Phase 10 Twist, making chex mix, reading books, and playing video games.

25.  We had friends over and while Alec and his friend made dessert for us all his mom and I hung out on the patio catching up with one another.

26.  We got up and out of the house nice and early so we could squeeze in a short hike before it got hot; I then spent the rest of the day finishing up my latest book and working on the blog.

27.  Other than swinging by the shop to have lunch with Ben, I spent the whole day at home working on laundry, the blog, cleaning out the fridge, and prepping food.

28.  We stopped by Ben's shop in the afternoon to help him clean up and enjoyed a nice ice cream treat.

29.  I spent a rainy day on the phone with my mom and my sister and we ended the night with freshly made waffles, bacon, and fresh fruit.

30.  Another rainy day in our area so I broke out the baking supplies and made up a new cookie recipe.

Linking Up With: On the Edge,


  1. I am going to use "a sentence a day" in my home school this fall. I love this idea so much and how this can turn into an actual story line if you wanted it to!

    1. Yes, it's fabulous for schooling and seeing what we did!

  2. Yeah for all of the outdoor time and beautiful weather! Love those smiles :)

  3. Looks like you guys made the best of June! We've been spending a lot of time outside too. It's been helping with my mental state as well!


    1. I just love the weather this time of year!

  4. I am so envious of pool, life is easier being outside X

    1. We don't have a pool either but I keep trying to convince my husband we should put one in! We so enjoy using other people's pools.

  5. I always end up hungry after reading your monthly roundups, you always seem to be cooking up delicious treats!
    Isn't it great to be able to get out and about in nature when all this craziness in the world is going on? Looks like you have a lot of fun on the water!

    1. LOL. We do eat well! I think living in such a rural area has been a read God send during these times.

  6. I am envious of all your on the water time. I don't even think we'll make it to a beach this year :( However, isn't it lovely to have more visits with friends? Ours are all physically distant but they bring me such joy.

    1. It is wonderful to spend time with friends and family again.

  7. What a beautiful way to pass the summer days! I love your Father's Day cards. They are so creative! Thanks for sharing an linking up with me.


    1. Thank you! I always struggle with making cards for men that don't look "girly" since so much of my paper crafting and stamping supplies center around flowers and things that I like.

  8. Girl, I don't know how you do it...stay slim and trim and enjoy those delicious treats Alec makes. Those pies look sooo delish. And I love chex mix. Have never tried to make it myself. Afraid it would be too easy and too yummy and I would enjoy it far too much!!

    Always enjoy the photos of your outdoor adventures, hikes, swimming, kayaking. Wish we had a body of water...a lake or an ocean within a few hours drive. We are hoping to go up into the mountains in New Mexico this weekend to cool off.

    Wish we had Panera, too!! While I am wishing. I love their bread bowls of soup.

    1. It is so hard! We often take desserts to other people to share so we don't eat more than one serving! I have never tried a bread bowl at Panera but I bet they are amazing as their breads are just fantastic.


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