Raspberry Cheesecake Bites

Alec just LOVES to find and try out new recipes.  He really wanted to challenge himself this summer and found a yummy raspberry cheesecake truffle recipe to try.  We followed this recipe and the instructions pretty closely with a few notable differences.

We elected to keep our cheesecake bites frozen until ready to serve them since it was a hot 4th of July summer day.  We couldn't find graham crackers anywhere so we used Golden Oreos instead.

They were delicious and a huge hit!  By the time we began handing them out they weren't really frozen anymore just nice and cold and they were gone in seconds!

They weren't all that difficult to make either.

8 ounces cream cheese
1/2 cup powdered sugar
3/4 cup cool whip
1 tsp. vanilla extract (you could use raspberry extract too!)
3/4 cups fresh raspberries, rinsed and dried (I think strawberries would be great in this too!)
3/4 cups crushed Golden Oreo cookies
20 ounces semi- sweet baking chocolate; chopped and melted (we used the 16 ounces the original recipe called for & ran out with 4 or 5 truffles to go so I  adjusted this recipe)

In the bowl of the stand mixer beat together the cream cheese, powered sugar, and vanilla extract until light and fluffy and then folded in both the raspberries and the cool whip-- making sure to mash up the raspberries.  Add in the cookie crumbs and stir to combine.

Using a small scoop (or two tablespoons), scoop up round bite sized bits of cheesecake and put them onto a cookie sheet lined with parchment paper.  Set the whole tray into the freezer for a few hours until firm and hardened.

In a small glass bowl, melt the chocolate and then let cool for a good 5 minutes.  You want the chocolate to be warm enough to coat the cheesecake bites nicely but not so hot that it melts them! Alec and I worked together to dip the frozen cheesecake bites into the melted chocolate using either a fork or a spoon trying to make sure all sides of the cheesecake were covered.  We were serving our bites frozen so we didn't worry overly much about tiny holes here and there.  The chocolate practically flash freezes like shell topping.

I piled them onto a small serving tray and put the whole thing back in the freezer until we were ready to serve them.  In the hot summer sun they didn't taste frozen; just nice and cold with a crunchy chocolate coating.

Linking up With: On the Edge


  1. These sound absolutely amazing! :)

    1. They were! (Though I told Alec I thought I'd like them better with chopped strawberries as I am not a fan of the seeds in the raspberries).

  2. Replies
    1. They were amazing. I just love cheesecake but covered in chocolate just brings it to a whole other level.

  3. Yum! I think I will have to make these too. #MMBC

    1. They were a bit time consuming (since you have to wait for them to freeze) but I thought they were going to be so much harder to make.

  4. Oh wow, these look so yummy! I always love your dessert posts! Y'all make some great stuff!

    1. We sure do! My little baker really likes to test his skills.

  5. I am not a massive fan of cheesecake but these do sound and look so good. #MMBC

    1. They were so good and with just a bite or two even non- cheesecake lovers would enjoy them.

  6. These actually made my mouth water they look so good. I am a big fan of cheesecake but I've never tried it frozen. #mmbc

  7. ...yummy and low cal I'm sure!

  8. I love the look of these, they look so tasty :) Yum!! #mmbc

  9. That looks really good!! Thanks so much for stopping by!! Stay safe, healthy and happy!!

  10. I've never been cheesecake's greatest fan because it's always so much -- even a smaller piece. Now THIS I could work with. They look delicious, the flavors sound wonderful and it would be such a nice dessert (dare I say, snack?) to enjoy or share. Thanks for this one very much, and thanks also for coming over to Marmelade Gypsy and leaving such a kind comment!

    1. They are delicious and the snack size and no-bake ingredients make for a much lighter and not so heavy cheesecake serving.

  11. These look amazing. Love raspberries. #mmbc

  12. These look so good. We all love cheesecake in our house so I'm pinning these for our next family gathering!

  13. Wow, these cherry cheesecake bites look so yummy. Congratulations, you are being featured at over the Moon party. I hope you stop by.

  14. These look so amazing, too! Pinned these along with your lime pie recipe. I need to start cooking more again. I used to love it but have gotten away from it in recent years. You are inspiring me! Thanks for linking up.


    1. You're welcome!.. though I fully admit that this is almost all Alec's doing.


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