How I Did on My July Goals & Setting My August Goals

It's just about the end of the month already and a good time to check in and see how I did with this month's goals then plan ahead for what I'd like to accomplish next month.

My July Goals:

Get 30 minutes of exercise 4-5 days a week! --Nope! I did exercise a few times a week though so I'm hoping to work up to more in the coming month.  

Plan a day trip for my birthday-- Yep! My husband had a job in Maine so we decided to stay overnight near Freeport and spend the next day in Maine.  I just love Maine!!  We even drove out to the Nubble lighthouse and listened to the ocean waves for just a bit.

Have at least two get togethers with friends either one on one or in small groups--
Maybe? I'm pretty sure I meant hosting get togethers this month which we didn't do but we did see lots of our friends at their houses, at karate, or through parties so I'm counting it.  I know I really just wanted to make sure we were starting to see other people again.

Try pineapple grilled salmon recipe that I found on Pampered Chef website-- Check!  It was delicious too (check out the recipe here).

Track everyday on Weight Watchers and start tracking water consumed each day too-- Yep! I did track; even when my weekly numbers went into the negatives with my birthday, the 4th of July and our 2 day trip to Maine all falling within a two week time span.

Go to the shoreline at least once-- Yep! As mentioned above we stopped in at the shore on our Maine trip.

Plan a fun shopping/ lunch date with my mom-- Yep!  My mom and I went to Wrethem Outlets for the day and shopped despite social distancing and mask wearing rules.  We had a great time and a delicious lunch out at Ruby Tuesdays with a really tasty pineapple upside down cake dessert.

Clean and organize the laundry room-
Nope!  I forgot all about this goal.

My August Goals:

Get Alec all settled and ready to start at his new school
Begin school with the other two boys
Take Ian to get his learner's permit
Celebrate my niece's & nephew's birthdays
Have my mother in law over for her birthday
Plan one last weekend trip; either for just Ben and I or with the kids
Keep tracking food, water intake, and exercise on the Weight Watchers app
Host a small birthday party for Evan

Linking Up With:


  1. Your Maine trip sounded perfect...can't go wrong with the ocean and clam chowder :)

  2. Great job! I'm sure you'll do great on the upcoming goals as well.

  3. Bravo!! Well done on your goals. I am working feverishly on my summer goals. Glad there's still time!!
    So envious of your overnight getaway. We are desperate for one over here. At least one of us is desperate!!

    1. Thank you! It was wonderful to get away; sounds like we went at just the right time too.

  4. Well you can't do it all right! Have a good August!

  5. Maine looks amazing! Great job on your goals!!

  6. I want to go to Maine. I love lighthouses. Great job on our July goals. Wishing you the best for August!

  7. You had a productive and fun July! Maine looks beautiful. I grew up in Oregon and absolutely adored the Oregon Coast. It has a similar feel to Maine, though I hope to visit Maine one day to compare first-hand :)

    1. I've always wanted to see the Oregon coast!

  8. Great job to set monthly goals and then check yourself at the end of the month. This may be something I will implement into my world. It's hard to know what I've done and haven't done with this social distancing and being so isolated. I really need to add exercise back into my life. Thanks for the tip. Thank you for sharing with us. We were very happy that you chose to link up with #omhgww and your post will be socialized if buttons are available. Have a wonderful day.

    1. I find monthly goals are much more manageable; when I try setting yearly goals I forget all about them!

  9. Thanks for sharing with us at Farm Fresh Tuesdays Blog Hop! Love seeing your progress!
    Melissa | Little Frugal Homestead


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