Friday Favorites: A Hot Week at Home

We have had a real heatwave passing through that started on Saturday and still has yet to break.  With hot, muggy days we haven't had a whole lot of ambition for anything other than swimming, boating, jet skiing and reading.  Not a bad way to pass the time!

I had plans to meet up with Alec's girlfriend and her mom to drop Alec off with them for the day on Friday.  But first I spent much of my morning on the phone and emailing various people at Alec's new school.  Somehow we missed a few letters and emails telling us he was accepted back in June and going over things like summer reading, making a class schedule, etc.  It was a bit stressful but everyone I talked with was so nice and helpful!  Hopefully we'll get everything sorted out soon.  It's such an unusual year for everyone and I've been warned that even now they aren't really sure what school will look like when it does start up next month.  I used a bit of downtime to start a new puzzle.

While I was out and about I decided to head in to Target and do a little shopping.  I love buying cute girly clothes for my niece! I ran a few other errands while I was out-- library, bank, post office, etc. Then my husband, myself, and the other two boys enjoyed a nice ice cream treat in the afternoon.

For dinner I made ravioli, sauce, and salad.  I wanted something quick and easy since I wasn't 100% sure what time I needed to run out and meet up with my girlfriend to pick Alec back up.

My husband and I were up bright and early on Saturday morning getting ready to head back up to Maine for the day.  He had one more part to fix on a screening plant & was buying a used Ranger from the owner.  It was a beautiful day for a drive!

On the way home we stopped at Olive Garden and split a Tour of Italy plate with some salad and bread sticks.

We were home by 1:30 and cleaned the new Ranger.  Ian was out tubing (after coming home from working with his grandfather) and Alec was riding on the boat.  Alec went swimming afterwards while Ian rode the jet ski around the lake.  We took the new Ranger for a ride around the campground and stopped in to visit with my mother in law.

My husband cooked burgers and hot dogs for everyone else (I was still full from lunch so I skipped dinner altogether) and I served the boys some salad for dinner.  After dinner my husband and Ian went to check out some trails with the Ranger and then we went to visit with my mom and step father.

Ian was heading out fishing on Sunday and my husband was heading to work for a half- day.  I finished up my puzzle and my latest book.

We got lunch from Subway and ate outside on the patio.  It was so warm out I put on my bathing suit and went in the lake (Kellyann, you'll be so proud of me for wearing my 2 piece!).  Ian and my husband were heading out fishing in the evening so they worked on catching some minnows to use as bait.

Everyone was on their own for dinner since we all ended up eating at different times; I just had a salad.

It was another scorching hot day on Monday.  I cooked up a few recipes in the kitchen and threw together another huge salad for the next few days.  I asked the boys to clean the upstairs and Ian also went to mow the lawn.  I took my book outside onto the patio and decided to eat lunch out there too; we had a fairly decent breeze even if it was 90 out.

I got a call from Alec's school about his schedule for the coming year and was feeling so at ease after talking with the head of the guidance office.  Funny enough I have been worried about schedules, classes, and requirements and not really anything pandemic related (which has surprised everyone I've been talking with!).  I also learned that Alec had one of the highest reading scores she's ever seen (I'm assuming from incoming freshman) and she told me he scored rather high on his math portion of the placement test too.  That was so nice to hear not really having any clear idea of how my boys would do in comparison to others their own age.  It sounds like he is going to have a great time if/when they open for in person classes.

I got his uniforms all ordered and then Evan and I went on a short walk to the mail.  We stopped to visit with my mom at her trailer and then swung by the cottage to hang out a bit with some other family and friends.

He just loves that he's taller than my mom now

For dinner I made stuffed acorn squash for my husband and I and Alec made waffles for everyone else.

Alec had karate on Tuesday.  I settled myself on the blanket in the shade and watched him while also reading my latest book. Once home I threw together a BBQ Macaroni salad for dinner and began making my grocery list.

After lunch the boys and I went swimming in the lake and swam/floated over to the family cottage to visit then swam back home.

can you see Evan's head way out there?

For dinner we had grilled chicken with BBQ macaroni salad and tossed salad then my husband and I headed out for groceries.

We woke to cloudy skies and rain on Wednesday.  We really needed the rain so I decided to stay inside and bake/cook up a storm.  I made 2-ingredient bagels, summer squash lasagna for dinner, put together a chicken/broccoli/rice casserole for the freezer while I was baking up some chicken tenders for the boys' dinner, made a huge salad, cooked up two loafs of banana chocolate chip bread, and baked 24 zucchini muffins with butterscotch chips-- all that by 11!

I have never had my bagels cook up this much! We lost most of our middle holes... maybe it's the new self- rising flour?

After lunch the boys and I headed over to the cottage for some swimming and fun with family.  It was still cloudy and rained a bit off and on but it was so hot and muggy that no one really cared.  We did see the sun on occasion.

A mama bird and her babies were sitting in a nest right by our chairs

Alec and my husband headed out to get haircuts at dinner time so we all ate by ourselves again-- something that rarely happens so it's funny it happened twice in one week! I took my lasagna out on the deck and read my book while eating dinner.

It was a pretty gray, muggy, and miserable day again on Thursday.  The boys and I did clean all the bathrooms but I spent most of my day lying around outside trying to finish up my book.

Once I finished I did run to the library to drop off those books I've read in the past week and pick up ones that were on hold for me.  Alec headed out to dinner with his grandmother and the rest of us had BBQ pork ribs with leftover macaroni salad and salad.

Linking Up With: On the Edge, Fancy Friday,


  1. What book have you been reading? Life on the look looks beautiful. Hopefully this weather breaks soon, New Jersey is super hot too! Have a great weekend!

    1. I've been reading a few; I usually have at least 2 going and I read pretty fast too. This week I've been working on Big Lies in a Small Town by Diane Chamberlain & Homework by Julie Andrews but I also read The lies that Bind by Emily Griffin & Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes by Suzanne Collins.

  2. Always love your Friday Favorites. Hope you get a cool down and Happy Weekend. xo

    1. We had storms last night and it's been cooler today (86 or so).

  3. Sounds like the perfect summer week!

  4. I understand your feelings because Gabbie is also starting a new school and I need to get her one of their school computers, get her email set up, and pay fees which for some reason they're not allowing right now, so I have to figure that all out and it's stressful. So is not knowing how the school year will look though!

    1. I get that communication is off this year but both guidance counselors we talked to this week were shocked that we didn't even know he had been accepted.

  5. Your bagels look amazing! I've been meaning to make some of those and I need to get on that. And boating and swimming sounds divine right now in this heat. Have a great weekend!

    1. They are so good! My husband does Weight Watchers too and he usually ends up eating most of them before I get a chance to have more than 1.

  6. When ever I am bored or it is cloudy and rainy outside I either plop down with a book or start baking a million things! I have never actually made bagels from scratch! I have made cinnamon rolls from scratch though. Sounds like an awesome week!


    1. I love homemade cinnamon rolls! We have made a lot of things from scratch as my middle son is a budding baker and he has wanted to try making everything from bagels to english muffins, croissants, and.. well, just about everything we can think of.

  7. I love to read these posts! Have a great weekend! Hope to see you on my Fancy Friday link up party.

  8. What a wonderful week! Love the leg out of the water photo and puzzles are always a relaxer for me. That one is so pretty!

    1. I too find puzzles very relaxing. I was just gifted a whole bunch of them too.

  9. It sounds like a great week! I love spending time at the lake! Your zucchini muffins sound delicious!

    Jill - Doused in Pink

    1. They are so good! I am trying so hard not to eat them all.

  10. Wow your family really does have the BEST summer life! All that home baking, fishing and swimming sounds wonderful. I am intruigued by what a tour of Italy plate is - you must fill me in! Can't find you to follow on bloglovin' - is it just me being useless?

    1. Aw, thanks! A tour of Italy dish is a plate that has a small serving of lasagna, a small serving of fettuccine Alfredo, and a small serving of chicken Parmesan (without the spaghetti that traditionally accompanies it). I just realized that No, I never set up a Bloglovin' account once I swapped my blog over to this new one last November.

  11. That lake is such a blessing! The heat was a lot to take this week. I hope Alec enjoys school. I missed that he was going.
    Blessings, Dawn

    1. We just found out last week that he was accepted, Dawn, so it's been a bit of a shock for us all!

  12. It's been hot and humid for us too....I'm really looking forward to fall! You always have some delicious eats! I've been doing a lot of reading and puzzling too.....keeping cool inside! Have a great weekend!

    1. Yeah, I have been doing a lot of keeping cool inside (or in the shade if I can find a breeze).

  13. I'm glad you got school all figured out! That would have stressed me out too! It's been so hot here too. We've been swimming a lot for sure.

    1. It has been quite the whirlwind trying to figure everything out at the last minute like this but he is so calm and assured of what he's doing that he tends to set my fears to rest pretty easily just being so laid back.

  14. You guys sure know how to eat well! So you're not homeschooling anymore, or just not homeschooling your oldest? It has been a very hot summer. The hottest we've had in many years.

    1. My middle son (the baker) applied to a local high school that has a culinary arts program (he is so excited!) so he'll be going to school but I'll still be homeschooling the other two.

  15. That will be a big change to start a new school, and I'm glad the emails etc got all worked out. The lake looks so fun!

  16. That Ranger is so cute. I have never seen one before. I thought it was going to be a Range Rover. That would be a great vehicle for the kids to drive.

    All that baking before noon! You are amazing. I made 2 cobblers today and felt ready for a nap!!

    Love all the lake pictures. Hallelujah for 2 dinner dates with your beau. We had take out Olive Garden today and it was delicious.

    1. It is great for the kids to drive! It comes in so handy with yard work too.

  17. It has been so hot here as well. WE have been staying inside mostly other than a few fishing trips to a local catch and release pond. It looks like you are making the best of this very hot summer! Thanks for linking up with me.


    1. We sure are trying to; I think we'll hang out in the air conditioning this afternoon after getting a bit of exercise early this morning.

  18. We had a heat wave here last week and then this past one was a bit cooler. Hope you get some cooler temps soon. Looks like it was a great week!

    1. Supposed to be near 90 almost all week; but we have lots of fun stuff planned anyway!


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