Spring Bucket List: How We Did

With the official start of summer coming this weekend I thought it would be a great time to look back at our spring bucket list to see how we did.

1.  Host a BBQ-- Nope! It's only been for the past week or so that we could gather in groups larger than 10 so I haven't had time to plan anything yet.  We'll move this our summer list!

2. Enjoy our family vacation to Disney/ Universal Studios (postponed from February)-- Nope!  Our trip was scheduled for Mother's day and we decided to cancel our plans at the very end of March when Trump announced keeping everything closed until the end of April (which then extended to the end of May).  Hopefully we'll get to use our Disney/ Universal Tickets in the fall.. but it's not sounding like it. I really don't want to attempt the trip until EVERYTHING is open and we won't have to wear masks.

3.  Go hiking; try to find at least one new trail to try out-- Check! We tried out a bunch of new trails and went hiking almost daily for several weeks.

4. Enjoy a few Kayak adventures-- Check! 

5.  Try some new recipes-- Check! We made some chocolate covered popcorn, a mango cake, brownie no-bake cheesecake, a few new ham recipes with our leftover ham, and tried our hand at making a few different types of bread too.

6.  Take our bikes out on the airline trails--Nope!  I discovered that Ian & Alec have completely outgrown their bikes; so this was not possible.

7. Pull out patio furniture and set up hammock-- Check! We even bought a few new pieces!

8. Eat ice cream out-- Check!  

9.  Watch the sunrise (or sunset)-- Check! This time of year it's pretty easy to watch both.. and I often did.



10.  Host a family game night-- Check?!  It was just us while social distancing but we had a lot of fun playing Beat the Parents and Scattergories.  So much so that we played a few rounds "during school" time over the next few days.

11.  Go to the movies together-- Nope! They're still not open.

12.  Plant some flowers and herbs-- Check!  

13. Visit Dinosaur State Park-- Nope! It's still not open

14.  Head to the beach-- Nope! They have finally opened up in our state but we just haven't made it there yet as they've only just been reopened.

15.  Tour another Newport Mansion-- Nope! They're still not open

All in all I think we did great! Pretty much the only things we didn't accomplish weren't currently allowed with all the Covid protocols still in place.

Linking Up With:


  1. Congrats on accomplishing so much!

  2. Sorry that your trip to Disney was cancelled, but it looks like you got a lot of other things accomplished!

    1. It was a bummer but what can you do?! We'll get there again one day I'm sure.

  3. You still did a lot, despite the virus but completely understandable that a lot of our bucket list wishes did not come true!

    1. We did; I was actually surprsied at how much we could do.

  4. You did well with what you could! I feel like we're going to have to wear masks for awhile yet, especially at places like Disney...I hope you get to go though!

    1. We just don't want to wear them all day in the heat; we'd much rather wait no matter how long that is.

  5. You did really well in completing most of what was on your bucket list, considering the circumstances!

  6. So much of what we would normally look forward to and enjoy in the spring has been off limits. Maybe you can bump these activities that you couldn't do onto a summer list. Surely movies will open before long!! In the meantime, keep enjoying that patio, the ice cream and kayaking. And maybe begin making plans for your BBQ.

    1. I definitely plan to bump most of this onto our summer bucket list. Movie theaters opened here this week; at 1/2 capacity.


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