Books I Read in June

I read so many great books this month!  While I tried to keep my boys a bit eclectic I definitely tend to stuck to lighter, summery reads when it's so nice and warm and sunny outside.

1.  Inside Out by Demi Moore-- I read this book in less than a day! I have watched many of Demi's movies, I knew that she had been married to Bruce Willis and had a few kids with him, and I knew she had been with Ashton but other than that I knew very little of her life.  I loved the easy tone and straightfoward manner with which she wrote her autobiography and I enjoyed learning more about her life both the good and the bad. I also learned quite a bit of hollywood tidbits that I didn't know before (mostly because I am awful with names and don't follow much of anything having to do with famous people).

2. The Restaruant Critic's Wife by Elizabeth LaBan-- Lila and her husband Sam have recently moved to Philadelphia where he was offered a job as a restaruant critic.  Determined to keep his identity a secret Sam has asked Lila not to return to work just yet and to keep their new friendships limited to those not in the restaruant business.  As a mother to a toddler and a newborn baby Lila is struggling to obey her husband's wishes, fit into a new neighborhood of supermoms, and not forget who she once was before she was a mom.  It was a really cute and, oftentimes, funny book.

3.  Sweet Success (A Candle Beach novel) by Nicole Ellis-- In the second book of the series (I read book 1 last month) Gretchen is determined that this is the year to move away from Candle Beach and work as a realator in the big city.  But to do that she needs to make money.  She decides to rent out her house and applies for a job selling model homes in a new development just outside town.  She doesn't intend to fall for Parker Gray and is pretty determined that he's not going to stand in the way of her dreams.  A sweet and easy to read romance novel.

4.  Girls of Summer by Nancy Thayer-- Lisa was so busy raising her children and opening up her own business after her divorce that she never made any time for dating.  When her house starts literally falling down around her she hires a local handyman and Lisa finds herself attracted to him despite the fact that he's much younger.  Just as they start to date her grown children decide to move home to Nantucket for the summer.  Another great Nantucket novel that has me dreaming of a day trip there this summer...

5.  Hello, Summer by Mary Kay Andrews-- When Sharah "Conley" Hawkins is at her going away party she gets a text that her new job has gone up in smoke.  Left with no other options she heads to Florida to see her grandmother and sister.  They convince her to put together a story for their family paper about the car accident Conley witnesses on her first night home.  Digging into the story Conley starts to get a sense that there is more than meets the eye.  This was a fun read and I was interested to see what big secrets were going to be uncovered.

6.  Sweet Promises (A Candle Beach novel) by Nicole Ellis-- In the 3rd book in the series Maggie (who has been widowed for several years) is busy trying to juggle being a single mom, running her restaruant, throwing a bridal shower and wedding reception for her friend, and possibly start up a new catering business.  She never counted on her brother in law settling down nearby to help her out and she certainly never expeted to feel anyting but brotherly love for him.

7.  Results May Vary by Bethany Chase-- Caroline's whole life is turned upside down when she discovers that her husband is having an affair... with another man!  She begins to question everything she ever thought she new about her high shcool sweetheart.  As more secrets begin unfolding, Caroline is nt sure if she even wants to work on re-building her marriage.

8.  Table for Five by Susan Wiggs-- Lily has always been afriad of making connections and fiercely guards her independence and single life.  Until her closest friend Crystal & Crystal's soon to be ex-husband Derek die.  Then Lily finds herself drawn to the family of children left behind.  While Derek's brother Sean gains custody of the kids, Lily finds that together the five of them make an unlikely family unit.  Yet, Lily can't help but hold back, afraid of getting hurt.

9.  Feels Like Falling by Kirsten Woodson Harvey-- Diana and Gray are both struggling one summer.  Gray has recently had her mother pass away while she's also facing her divorce.  Diana has decided to leave the latest in her long string of deadbeat boyfriends when she finds herself fired and homeless.  After a change meeting Gray hires Diana and the two become fast friends.  It was a sweet story of friendship, love, and forgiveness.

10.  Valentine by Elizabeth Wetmore-- Set in Texas in the late 70's this story focuses mainly on the women in town and the reactions of everyone to a brutal rape of a 14 year old Mexican girl.  This book deals with racism, class, religion, & the endurance of the human spirit.  I thought it was a pretty good story but not my favorite.

Linking Up With: Spread the Kindness,  A Morning Cup of Joe,


  1. Great selection of reads. I've been reading summery themed books. I've listened to a couple of really good books on Amazon Audible too.
    Have a fab Sunday! :)

    1. Thank you! I love summery books when the weather is nice and warm.

  2. I love Susan Wiggs. I’m adding Table for Five to my to read list. Thank you!

  3. Gah! Saving this post! You have some authors I love and some new books I haven't ever heard of that I want to read now!

    1. LOL. Glad I could help you find some new ones!

  4. I loved Feels Like Falling too. I'm glad you gave Valentine a try, even though it wasn't a 5* read for you. Thanks for all the recommendations!

  5. Wow, you inspired me to read more and more. thank you for sharing your thoughts.i think i will consider two of these books. have a great week ahead.

    1. Glad I could help inspire you to read more.

  6. What a great selection of books. I could see myself reading the Demi Moore one. I used to love her as an actress.

    1. I did too and it was really interesting reading her takes on some of those major rolls too.

  7. Thanks for the suggestions! I just added a couple of these to my reading list!

  8. I read Hello Summer too. It was ok for me.

    1. Oh I enjoyed it; I really liked the whole mystery aspect.

  9. Glad for your review of Valentine. I had it on the consideration list for our book club's June read and it wasn't chosen. Had thought I would enjoy it. Might give it a go if I can get it from the library. When and if the library ever opens again. Pinned The Restaurant Critic's Wife for our July consideration list. It sounds very good!!

    1. It definitely wasn't my favorite; but I couldn't put it down until I saw how/if it was resolved for everyone.

  10. Thanks Joanne for sharing your book suggestions and reviews. I'll check with my library for their availability. Have a fun week!

  11. Oh, I love to read about other people reading. I wish I wasn't such a slow reader. It becomes completely overwhelming to me and a relaxing hobby turns into a huge chore that is totally not enjoyable. I'll just live vicariously through posts like these. ;-)

    1. Oh that is to bad. I have always loved reading; it's my escape. Plus I am one of those lucky people that can read while in a car or just about anywhere really.

  12. These all look like interesting reads! I have been wanting to read some summery novels, so I need to check these out! Here are my June reads, if interested!

  13. I am impressed by how much you have read! I have only managed to finish 3 or 4 books during this time in quarantine and I really wish I had been reading more. Ugh. I do need to make more time for it! I am very interested in the Demi Moore book. I am like you, I don't pay much attention to famous people, but I do always find their stories so very interesting to read (or watch). Thanks for sharing and linking up.


    1. I not only read often but I read pretty fast too. I even brought books with me to the party we attended this weekend! LOL.

  14. Beach reads are so good in the summer. I just finished Feels Like Falling and have some of these other books on my TBR list.

  15. I thought Valentine was excellent but the subject matter was difficult. An important book.

    1. Definitely difficult subject matter but there was something about the story (the way it was written) that I didn't really like either.

  16. Looks like you have a lot of fun, summer reads! That's awesome.


  17. I thought The Restaurant Critic's Wife was just an okay read. Valentine is on my to read list and I just added Results May Vary. Sounds like a book I'd enjoy.

    1. I thought the Restaurant Critic's Wife was cute and fun but nothing to write home about-- I certainly haven't found myself suggesting it to others...

  18. A very summary reading collection! I am intrigued by Valentine... if thats the correct word for such a tough subject.

  19. I have Valentine on hold at the library, and I'm looking forward to reading it.

    I never think about Demi Moore, like ever, but this is the second time she's come up today. Weird.

  20. Sounds like some good reading :) I've been imagining traveling to the places of all the books I'm reading - yay for feeding the imagination while we're staying home. Thanks for sharing and enjoy your month!

    1. Yes, I imagine traveling o many of these places too as I'm reading.

  21. The Restaurant Critic's Wife sounds like such a good book.


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