Wellness Weekend: Making a Commitment and Sticking With It

I have such a hard time with commitment when it comes to working out and eating healthy.  I was so happy to see that this month's wellness weekend theme was commitment because I really, really needed the reminder that I made a commitment to myself to get and stay healthy.

I have been struggling with eating healthy and making good food choices my whole life but I joined Weight Watchers last March on the 24th and by this March I was down 36 lbs.


I am determined to keep the weight off (or mostly off).  I have enjoyed eating following the WW guidelines and I know I need to get back to tracking everything I eat everyday.  I need to aim for those blue dot days and I need to remember how great it feels to move with such ease.


I feel way to good to backslide now and while I know my eating choices haven't been the best lately I have been adding in a lot more exercise.

In the past week alone I have hiked at least 15 miles! 

I really want to add in more yoga and Pilates and cut sugar out of my diet just for a bit to help me stop those cravings I just can't seem to let go of.  I had been doing so great just a few short months ago and I know that the world is a bit crazy right now so I'm trying to give myself grace.

Many of my favorite WW foods aren't as readily available and I know it might be that way for awhile so I have to adjust and find new foods I enjoy eating.

It may not be easy but I am going to stick with it.

Linking Up With: Spread the Kindness, Midweek link up,


  1. LOOK AT YOU!! You look amazing! I know your journey with WW well from reading this past year plus. I am so happy for you and proud as well because I know how much work is involved. :)

    1. Thank you!! I'm just hoping I can keep it up... it's harder now that I've got to shake things up with what I can do exercise wise and what we can eat depending on grocery store availability but I just ordered myself some new clothes to help keep me motivated too.

  2. You're doing great, Joanne, so keep it up. Place your before and after photos where they're visible to you. Also track your activities and progress. For yoga, you may want to check out Yoga with Adriene on YouTube. Thanks for joining me on this Wellness Weekend. The next link-up is on June 21. Optional prompt Mind exercise. Have a great week! #WW2020

  3. You have done great and yes, give yourself some grace during this time. Congratulations on your hard work this past year!

    1. Thanks! I'm trying to remember that each day and each meal is an opportunity to start again.

  4. You look fantastic!! Thanks for linking up today!

  5. You look amazing, really, it's all about feeling amazing. It's definitely a hard time eat healthy and be active but it sounds like you're on the right track!


    1. I hope so. It's hard to feel amazing right now I think... that's probably a big part of my problem.

  6. You really are an inspiration. I know you'll meet and keep your goals with all that hiking! Thanks for linking up with Hello Monday! Tanya - The Other Side of the Road

  7. Good for you! I miss yoga and pilates since I've been locked up at home.

    1. I did a workout this morning using Youtube and it felt great!

  8. I have the hardest time sticking to low sugar and exercising long term. I usually do well one or two weeks. Right now I have been working on intermittent fasting with a 8 hour or less eating window and have been doing it for about 10 days. Need to stay strong but this is usually when I slide back. Trying to concentrate on not eating after 6:30 pm.

    1. Ugh! Me too! I can keep it up short term but definitely not long term. I did try intermittent fasting last year and really thought it was great (but I didn't keep that up long term either).

  9. You are doing so well! Congratulations on your weight loss. I KNOW it's not easy. You look great. Best of luck cutting sugar out, it can be done!

  10. Time to get out of this chair, lace up my sneakers, and go for that morning run! Thanks for the push out the door!

  11. Wow! What transformation. You should be proud of yourself. Well done!

    1. I am quite proud of myself. I finally took all my clothes from last summer and tried them on to see what still fits and I was pleasantly surprised to find that I am quite a bit smaller still! Shopping for a whole new wardrobe sure spurns me on to eat healthy.

  12. Wow! You look fab. Well done on your weight loss journey. I'm really struggling to stay on plan at the moment.
    My routine has gone to pot!
    Stay safe. x

    1. It is so hard without a definite routine in place.

  13. You look amazing! Well done you! I also walk a lot... but need to lay off the sugary treats a bit more :( #MMBC

  14. Well done, you look great! #mmbc

  15. You look amazing! I was on a pretty decent weight loss journey myself, down about 28 pounds and then quarantine happened and I gained 16 back. But I have made some changes over the past few weeks because I need to get this back under control. The struggle is real! Keep up the great work and thanks for linking up!


    1. I'm trying; I just think I need to get out of the house more. It's so much easier to not snack when I'm out and busy.


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