Prime Purchases in April

For once I can start out my Prime Purchases posts saying I have been ordering a lot less this month!  Our orders have been pretty much all over the place this month too.

I was lucky enough to get 24 rolls of toilet paper-- my biggest and most important purchase for the month!  We were getting down to just a few rolls in the house and I could not find it anywhere.  Thankfully I have seen a few packages in stores here and there since.

I ordered a plain green t-shirt and some vinyl for a Father's day craft I have in mind.

We ordered toothpaste, toothbrushes, and vitamins for all the boys.

I also ordered all the allergy meds. we need for the coming of spring.

Alec needed new pajama pants so I ordered this pair for him to try.
 My husband needed deodorant and Alec needed more lotion. He really loves the vanilla bean Dionis lotion.

I needed some hair products; with my hair getting so long I was looking for headbands, bobby pins, and scrunchies to keep it up and out of my face.  I had long since gotten rid of all mine...

I have been ordering quite a few books for my Kindle and we've been renting movies for streaming to keep busy and I thought I'd link those up for you today too (though I rarely think of including things like that in my Prime Purchases posts).

Where'd You Go Burnadette?

Love on Beach Avenue

A Town Like Alice

The Nantucket Inn- It's part 1 in the series but I downloaded all 4 books.

The Rise of Skywalker

The Gentlemen

Bad Boys for Life

Have you been ordering anything lately?

Linking Up With: Spread the Kindness


  1. Yay on the TP. I shared my Amazon Purchases today too. I really liked Where Did You Go Bernadette and we liked Bad Boys but The Gentlemen was a disappointment. You look cute! Happy Monday!

    1. I don't think I made it through much of the Gentlemen at all because I thought it was very disappointing and not at all my style.

  2. Thanks for the book recommendations- definitely going to check some of them out!

    1. You're welcome! I am loving that Nantucket Inn series; already 1/2 way through book 2 and I just started reading them on Saturday. They remind me a lot of Elin Hilderband and Nancy Thayer's Nantucket books.

  3. Ahh! Toilet paper is so important. hehehe We were struggling to get any a few weeks ago but thankfully my dad had plenty that we could have thanks to him running a business.
    Great buys! I never think of buying things like toothpaste and allergy tablets from Amazon. x

    1. I never have before but have not been stopping at my regular stores and for some reason always forget to add them to my grocery list.

  4. I want to find a vitamin for Gabbie but not the gummy kind. It seems to be a hard thing to locate!

    1. Amazon had quite a few options that weren't gummy but I still have one that can't swallow pills very well yet. I'd like to swap them over to non-gummies soon so I have him practicing with tic tacs and other small, hard candies.

  5. A great idea to buy tp from Amazon. I found a large pack at Walmart the other day and it came home with me. I was shocked at the price (almost $25) not sure I've ever purchased this large of a package before, but I'm sure it'll get used LOL.
    The headband looks wonderful! I've been stealing my daughter's scrunchies recently, should probably buy a pack for myself.

    1. I didn't have anyone to steal them from and really needed something to keep my hair out of my eyes.

  6. I really want to see what you have in mind for the FAther's Day craft. I order all my hair stuff for the girls off of Amazon as well!

    1. I'm hoping to make a Star Wars themed t-shirt.

  7. I'm loving seeing what you ordered. The books you got sound wonderful.

    1. I am really loving that Nantucket series!

  8. Your hair looks so good with that headband - they are so "in" now! You scored some great things that I hadn't even thought of ordering like deodorant and toothpaste! So convenient!

  9. How was The Gentlemen?? Also, your headband is super cute.

  10. Our stores are finally getting toilet paper in stock. You were lucky to get it on Amazon. I love those scrunchies. Have a good week!

    1. I've seen a few stores that are slowly getting paper goods back in stock but others are still totally bare.

  11. Ohhh... Nantucket Inn looks good!! I wish I could say that same in that I ordered LESS from Amazon. Yikes! I would hate to look back at my order history, LOL!

    1. It really does make me cringe most months! It doesn't seem like much when I order a bit here and there but it sure does add up fast.

  12. I've been ordering everything from Amazon lately! Your headband is so cute! Where'd you go Bernadette was a fun read! That body lotion sounds lovely!

    Jill - Doused in Pink

    1. Thanks! I really liked the pearl accents but I wasn't so sure about the big knot on top.

  13. I am so thankful for Amazon Prime! I used it all the time before the quarantine but now I REALLY use it a ton!!

  14. Wow, you got a lot of great things from Amazon Prime! I have been ordering so much more on Amazon than I have ever ordered before. I guess it is the only way we can shop for a lot of things these days, so why not also add some grocery store necessities so you can avoid going out into the madness! I am loving that cute headband and I just ordered some scrunchies for myself as well. They are much gentler on your hair than hair ties. Thanks for linking up!


    1. They definitely are and I am really enjoying having so many different colored scrunchies to pick from.

  15. My hair is making me crazy. I was going through some old pictures today and miss my shorter hair. By the time I can get it cut, I should about be able to cut off the reminder of my old color. That will be a good thing. In the meantime, I need some of those cute scrunchies and headbands!!

    1. Those scrunchies and headbands are helping me maintain my sanity over my hair for sure. Though we did get notice that hairdressers are tentatively opening up at partial capacity by the end of the month (with lots of other stipulations in place to follow).


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