How I De-Stress and Recharge

I thought that his week's 26 lists assignment could not have been more perfectly timed.  I don't know about you but for the past few weeks I have really been focusing on those things that help me de-stress and recharge.

Not all of these things help every time I am stressed but I have a variety of coping mechanisms and techniques I like to pull from that include:

1.  Baking and cooking-- creating in the kitchen calms me like nothing else.  Just check any of my Friday favorites these past few weeks or check out my sentence a day post to see all that we have been making.

2.  Reading!-- I am almost always able to get lost in a book. Lately I'm reading through this series and I just love it!

3.  Working on puzzles-- Though they can frustrate me at times (like the latest one I'm working on) I do find working on puzzles switches off that worry side of my brain as I focus on details.

4.  Going hiking & getting out in nature-- Seeing the natural beauty around me and soaking in the sunshine and fresh air always helps me to relax.

5.  Taking pictures-- putting myself behind the lens forces me to focus on lighting, composition, and other aspects of photography that help take my mind off whatever it is that is stressing me out.

6.  Beauty care (like painting my nails, giving myself a facial, taking a bubble bath)-- I know some people might say go to a spa but for me that's stress inducing.  I find I am more comfortable at home giving myself spa like treatments.

7.  Spending time with family and friends laughing-- Laughing, in general, is a great mood booster but throw in some faun with the family that includes laughing and it's almost guaranteed to help me forget whatever it was that I was fretting over.

8. Listening to the ocean and breathing in the salty sea air-- I love the sound of the waves crashing against the shore and my favorite times to walk on the beach are early in the morning and anytime after dinner.

9.  Going on vacation-- Not ever vacation is relaxing but I do try to find moments or even days on ever single one where we can all just refresh and recharge.

10.  Swimming in a pool-- I had to specify pool since swimming in the ocean or in lakes tends to make me nervous; I don't like to think about what I'm swimming with.  But ever since I can remember I have found being in the pool, especially by myself, very calming.  Floating on top with a book in hand is a very close second.

11.  Retail therapy-- I do love to shop and there are days when I like to just head out and hit the stores to see what I can see.

12.  Practicing deep and mindful breathing-- When I am at my most stressed I find the simple act of taking deep breaths and releasing them slowly helps calm my racing heart.  Throwing in an added bit of yoga or mediation is great too.

13.  Hugging my husband or a friend-- There is nothing quite like a good hug!

14.  Eating-- This may not be the healthiest choice on my list but comfort foods are called that for a reason.

15.  Belting out the lyrics to a favorite song--

How do you like to de-stress and recharge?

Linking Up With: Spread the Kindness,


  1. Yes yes yes to all of these- I decompress the same way- swimming, cooking, reading all top my list too :)

  2. I think it's great to have a go-to list so you don't have to think of things on the fly. When we're stressed, we don't think our best. :) I have puzzles and books at the ready as well.

    1. Yeah, it took me a few years I think to really figure out what worked and what didn't.

  3. Such a great list! Nature, the ocean, books, and baking are some of my favorite go-to's as well!

    1. You just can't beat nature and the ocean!

  4. I like all your ways of de-stressing! I need to look into the series that you’re reading.

    1. Thank you! It's a really cute series; I read all 4 books in just under 4 days.

  5. Some of these are on my list too, reading, puzzles, eating - but that's not a good thing! and also writing it down!

    1. Eating is a tough one for me too; I know it works but I HATE that it does.

  6. These are all ways that I definitely destress. I am glad I am able to do some more beauty care now. I love to read the most though!

    1. Reading is great because I can pretty much read anywhere! For example I take a book to the doctor's office with me and it helps ease my anxiety while waiting.

  7. I have been cooking up a storm since lockdown and cooking helps me keep the worries of the pandemic off my mind.

    Happy Wednesday!

  8. Reading and walking are definitely at the top of my list.
    And just doing the next thing on my list, getting involved in a project, takes my mind off the anxiety.

    1. Yes, tackling a project (like painting a room!) is a great way to distract myself from anxiety too.

  9. These are great! Heading to the beach tomorrow so I’ll get to do a lot of these!!!

    1. I am so jealous! Our beaches are still closed.

  10. Even being stressed right now I've managed to stop biting my nails. Maybe having time "on my hands" has helped, plus having an emery board next to my chair. - Margy

    1. That's fabulous! It's such a hard habit to break too. I used some behavior mod self-therapy in college to help me kick the habit.

  11. These are great I needed these idea with my 6 year old here most of the time homeschooling thank you

  12. Great post!! I de-stress by getting busy!! Thanks so much for stopping by!!
    Stay safe, healthy and happy!!

  13. So many great ideas! I have been enjoying video chatting with friends and family. That human connection really does feed the soul. I also love to get lost in a book or a movie or get out into nature. Thanks for sharing all of your wonderful ideas and linking up with me.


    1. I have been talking on the phone at least once a week with my mom, my father, and even my sister. I can easily spend an hour on the phone with my mom or sister!

  14. I can relate to all of these - I love baking! I also like puzzles and challenges, I have Nonogram on my phone and do the puzzles each day. Sometimes if I'm in a work meeting I do them!

    1. LOL! I used to be like that in my college classes. I often played puzzle games in class.

  15. Baking is something that helps me de-stress as well. There's something so therapeutic about kneading bread dough. My husband loves puzzles too, but I can't focus on it at all. Thanks for linking up and sharing some super ideas!

    1. I'm actually finding puzzles easier to focus on than reading lately! I never thought that would be the case.

  16. Yes to every single one of these! This is a great list! I've been loving meditation and yoga so much lately. They are my first go-to when I get stressed and need to relax.


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