7th Grade Curriculum

I'm not sure why I always seem to have the easiest time picking out Evan's curriculum, but I do.  I think perhaps it's having gone through each grade level with this brothers before.  I have a great knowledge of curriculum available and since Evan learns similarly to Ian, I often have an idea of what would work best for him.

I can't believe my youngest is entering 7th grade this fall!  The time has just flown by and we are both eager to see what talents and interests begin to develop as he matures and grows.

For now we're focusing mostly on the basics and we'll be using these materials.

Math:  We'll keeping using the Key To series and this year we'll focus on Decimals and Metric Measurement.

Spelling/Writing/Grammar/Language Arts--

We're switching to Apples and Pears for spelling this year.  Having completed book A we'll continue on hoping to cover B & C this year.

50 Writing Lessons that Work 

The 100+ Series Grammar grades 7-8

Reading: He'll continue to read books he's interested in making sure to read a minimum of 15 minutes each day.

History/Geography-- We'll be covering world history and government this year using a variety of books, movies, and games along with his older brothers.

Science-- We'll be focusing on biology this year and using Focus on Middle School Biology, the lab workbook that goes along with it, the 100+ Biology series, and The Body Book by Scholastic.

We'll also keep hiking, going on field trips when we can, study nature, art, read wonderful books together, and make his education well rounded as always.

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  1. So impressive and very inpsirational!

  2. You have it all picked for fall? Good for you! I am feeling like I am putting it off because it will be our first year entering high school and I am not sure what to do. Online classes would be great, but man are they expensive!

    1. Picked out and ordered! :) We have learned that online classes do not work well for any of us.. other than duolingo which they seem to like.

  3. Looks like great selections! I've never heard of the Apples and Pears spelling before. The "100" series looks interesting, I'll have to take a look at those closer.

    1. I hadn't heard of Apples and Pears before either; it's a British based company so a few of their words aren't in our language but I love that they teach by morpheme chunks. It seems to be working so much better for him so far.

  4. 50 Writing Lessons that Work looks familiar. I'm pretty sure that's the book that I wore the heck out of back in my previous life of being a teacher. Such a great book that helped my 5th graders really up their game when it came to writing.

    1. OH good; my boys an always use more help with writing. I try to keep it as fun and "real" as possible too.

  5. I have found some of those books for my girls age and have started prepping them for Kindergarten.

  6. I'm so impressed you have this all picked out! I'm so impressed with parents who homeschool!

    1. Thanks! I have always planned one school year just as our current school year is ending and what we like and don't like are fresh in my mind.

  7. I used this post that you wrote LAST year to help me with Ella's current homeschool year! I am taking a look at some of these books for her as well since she is entering 7th grade too. Thank you! :)

    1. You're welcome! I hope you get some ideas that help.

  8. You are amazing Joanne! These are such great learning tools!


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