Weekly Wrap Up: Hospital Visit During a Pandemic (Shelter in Place Week #4)

I could not call this Friday post our favorites as having a sick kid in the middle of a pandemic is not a favorite, but I did want to record what our week was like.  We had put all sorts of plans in place to have a fun filled week and then ended up spending most of it just ignoring those plans.

The boys were done with their work on Friday in what felt like minutes.  We then cleaned the downstairs and I worked on organizing our junk drawer.  I threw all our reusable grocery bags in the wash and worked quite a bit on my puzzle.  I then headed upstairs to finish my Mother's Day craft project, which I just LOVE, and spent my afternoon blogging.  A full post about my project will be on the blog this week so stay tuned!

Saturday my husband and I were looking at heading back to BJ's for another grocery run now that stores are limiting the number of people allowed in (only 20-50% occupancy depending on the store) we went as soon as they opened. It was mobbed but we got in without a wait!  We managed to get most of what we needed and decided to finish out our morning at Stop and Shop. It sounds like this is the last time we can grocery shop together as all stores are enforcing a 1 person per family/ 1 cart rule going forward.  Most aisles are going to be turned into one ways aisles and we are now encouraged to wear face masks outside the home. It feels pretty crazy and surreal.

My husband headed to work once everything was put away and I sat down to complete my puzzle.  Evan and I went for a walk once the sun came out and then after dinner I finished my latest book.

I started a new puzzle and a new book on Sunday morning.  Ian and my husband both headed off to work and I needed something to do besides blogging.  In the afternoon Alec went to take a nap (which I thought was a bit odd and asked if he was feeling OK) and when he woke up we worked on building a new firepit on the beach.  Our old one kept getting filled with sand each time it rained.

We also worked together to clear off the patio of all the wood we didn't use in our wood stove this mild winter and swept the whole patio so we're ready to bring out our furniture when it finally warms up. Alec admitted just before bed that he's not feeling well; he's extra tired, his stomach hurts, and he's nauseous all the time.  He informed me he's been tired for a good week or two and his stomach has been bothering him for at least a few days.

Alec wasn't feeling well Monday morning when he woke up but he insisted he was OK enough to go hiking so we piled in the car and were out hiking by 9.  When I told him he should stay home and not hike he told me it was too nice and sunny not to go out and he'd walk around here anyway.  I figured he was a teen and knew his own body better than I did.

 We hiked for an hour and Alec was looking pretty pale by the time we finished.  In fact about 30 minutes into the hike he was slowing down and holding onto his sides... at that point we had no choice but to keep walking so we could get to our car.  We did stop and let him rest whenever he felt like he needed to.  We checked him all over for a tick mark or a bullseye because I was thinking Lyme with all the hiking we do but I don't see anything.  With no sign of a fever I'm totally stumped as to what his could be. He took a shower and rested in his room for the rest of the day while the other two boys did their schoolwork.  I cooked up some chicken noodle soup and fresh bread for dinner.

Our day took an unexpected turn when I called the doctor's office on Tuesday and they thought Alec might be having problems with his appendix.  After following all sort of Covid protocols and talking to several different people, we found ourselves at the pediatrician's office for further testing (being told it would be safer than the ER since our office is seeing so few patients) then we were sent to the hospital for some bloodwork anyway.

It was a bit unnerving getting asked so many questions before entry and being asked to wear gloves and masks at all times in the building.  They had to take our temperature and I kept thinking.. what if he had had a temp.? (Which is totally normal with appendicitis!).  Our doctor had been concerned it might be kidney stones if it wasn't appendicitis so they did up a whole workup with his blood and we got the results in just a few short hours (being able to leave after just minutes in the blood lab).

Thankfully the bloodwork came back normal and we were told to watch for some signs but that at this point they think it's probably just a virus.

With Alec still in bed, I started our morning on Wednesday cooking up some blueberry boy bait.  I find cooking/ baking somewhat relaxing and my nerves are just shot this week.

I spent my morning in the craftroom making Easter cards; finally!  Being creative is messy work.

Alec still wasn't feeling any better on Thursday.  After the other two boys finished school for the day, I cooked up another batch of soup for him but he fell asleep and skipped lunch entirely.  I made some 2-ingredient bagels and finished putting my puzzle together.  I put together a vegetable lasagna for dinner and a few birthday cards for our April birthdays.  I also tried my hand at making some fresh French Baguettes to go with our lasagna using this recipe.

Linking Up With: Morning Cup of Joe,


  1. So sorry to hear that Alec isn't feeling well. I hope he's back to normal soon!

    1. Thank you; he seems to be finally feeling a bit better today.

  2. How is Alec feeling now? Sending prayers and healing vibes your way.

    That soup and bread looked so good. It's cold here this week, so it hits the spot.

    1. It was pretty cold and miserable here a few days this week too and I have been baking bread and comfort foods like crazy.

      Alec seems to be feeling a bit better today; Thank you.

  3. I do hope Alec is better very soon. That is extra unnerving with the current pandemic.
    Blessings, Dawn

    1. It definitely was; I just kept thinking what surgery and a hospital stay would have looked like... I honestly couldn't imagine it.

  4. Hope he bounces back soon. I know the ER/Hospital was a bit unnerving but know that they only want to keep everyone safe. We have one entrance at our hospital and we have had a few folks not happy with that, but the hospital is in a survival type mode. Hope y'all don't have to go back.
    Love all your baking! yum!
    Take care,
    Melissa | Little Frugal Homestead

    1. I definitely got that vibe of safety but I couldn't help but wonder what would have happened if he was running a fever.. Thankfully it doesn't look like we'll have to go back to worry about that!

  5. I hope Alec feels better soon. That's so unnerving as a parent because you want to solve it, and you can't. I bake constantly during this too. And yes, being creative is insanely messy.

    1. Yeah, I hate that helpless feeling I have whenever my boys are under the weather.

  6. You are probably tired of hearing it, but so sorry your son was ill. We are living in a scary time and even with 37 years as a Nurse, it doesn't make it any easier to deal with it. Stay well and keep your chin up...
    As the scriptures tell us, "This too shall pass."

    1. I have been repeating that like a mantra for a good month now. :)

  7. looks oh so yummy thanks for sharing this to me is comfort at home looks like you are all doing well hope you all stay healthy
    come see us at http://shopannies.blogspot.com

  8. I'm so sorry A wasn't feeling well and hope he is on the mend this weekend!

    1. He definitely seems to be more like his old self; thank you.

  9. Wow, worried about my favorite teen baker. How is he doing? Tried to see if we are friends on FB but I don't think we are. Hope he is doing better. I had Lyme disease twice. No fun. Of course neither are Covid-19, appendicitis or kidney stones.
    All of your soups and baked goods look and sound so good. Can't wait to see what y'all come up with for our recipe swap!

    1. He said he was up for helping me make an Easter dessert today so I think he's finally over this.. whatever it was.

      I've had Lyme once and it was awful... my youngest and husband have had it too. It's actually named after a town here in Ct so it often seems almost impossible not to get Lyme at some point.

  10. I hope Alec is feeling better now. You are certainly making the most of your time at home. Your baking looks delicious and jigsaws are a fab pastime. We're doing a bit of baking today. Stay safe x

  11. So sorry to hear that your son has been sick--how scary, especially right now! I hope he's feeling better soon. Also, I wish I got the gene that makes cooking and cleaning soothing! All I do is pace around, haha!

    1. He is feeling much better. I am just so happy it wasn't his appendix or anything else that would have required him to be hospitalized.

  12. I'm currently 40 weeks pregnant in a pandemic so not ideal either - what strange times! #MMBC

    1. It really is! Wishing you all the best with your pregnancy and new baby.

  13. I thought appendicitis as well when you mentioned the stomach pain. I hope he's doing better now!

    1. He seems to be feeling much better; thank goodness!

  14. my bagels end up coming out like yours, makes me feel great! :) The new puzzle looks like it could be an excellent challenge. I hope your boy is feeling better.

    1. He is feeling much better, thank you. That puzzle was quite a challenge and just what I needed to keep my mind occupied.

  15. I do hope Alec gets better soon. I'm sure it's pretty scary having a sick kid in the midst of the pandemic. I love the flower shadow box and the bread looks yummy.

    1. The bread was fantastic; my husband actually thought I had run out to the store to buy it!

  16. Man that is so scary. I cannot imagine going to the hospital during all of this! How is Alec feeling now? I can totally understand how your nerves were shot! You must have been exhausted by the end of it. Btw, your bread looks absolutely amazing.

    1. He is finally feeling back to his old self; thank goodness.


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