Sentence a Day in March

Wrapping up our month of March with just a single sentence a day... and what a month it's been!

1.  I worked on painting a slate tile for my sister and her family.

2.  The boys and I finished up schoolwork early so we could meet up with friends for a nice hike.

3.  I wore a dress because the temps were supposed to get up into the 60's today!

4.  My mom came over to visit for the afternoon and we all played a game of Clue.

5.  The boys and I headed out hiking after our schoolwork since it was such a warm and sunny day.

6.  The younger boys and I met up with some friends of ours in the afternoon for an afternoon skating session.

7.  We swapped out Ian's rug for laminate flooring and even with three of us working together it took most of the day.

8.  My husband and I took the younger two kids on a nice long hike through the woods to my husband's great aunt's house.

9.  It was such a beautiful day we could not wait to meet up with our homeschooling hiking group after lunch; we hiked for over an hour.

10.  Alec mixed up some bunny chow for us after karate and schooling were all done.

11.  We decided to head out hiking as soon as we finished breakfast and hiked for an hour.

12.  We took a day off from school so we could go clothes shopping; all three boys needed spring and summer wear.

13.  After a crazy early morning grocery run (when it was announced all schools would be closing for a minimum of 2 weeks) the boys and I elected to spend a very rainy day inside.

14.  After baking up some pumpkin muffins, we headed up to Cabela's to buy Ian, Alec, and myself some hiking shoes and boots then headed out to dinner at the Black Dog.

15.  It was a beautiful day so we went hiking after lunch.

16.  Social outings were being discouraged but we did meet up with one mom and daughter we know for a nice long 2 hour hike; restaurants and bars were shut down as of 8pm that night for anything other than take out.

17.  We woke to snow flurries and settled in to celebrate St. Patricks' day with a corned beef and cabbage feast complete with chocolate chip brownie cheesecake that Alec made.

18.  Evan made some zesty ranch Chex mix and while it was cooling we went out on a hike.

19.  A cold and rainy day left us stuck at home so we tackled lots of schoolwork.

20. Though it was wet and drizzly out the boys and I headed out for a hike between subjects; it was announced that all non-essential businesses would be shut down as of 8pm on Monday.

21. My husband got me to go on a ranger ride with him through the woods to his great aunt's house to stock up on coal for our forge.

22.  I worked on the last of my scrapbooking pages and put together a sympathy card for a friend of the family.

23. We had a little mini late season snow storm; my husband's business was on the essentials list so he'll continue to report to work like usual.

24. We went on a hour hike after finishing up our schoolwork for the day.

25. We baked up some cinnamon rolls and I started a new puzzle and a new book.

26. It was a beautiful day to hike; unfortunately everyone else seemed to think so too.

27.  We found a deserted trail to hike today just before lunch; it was such a beautiful day to be outside.

28.  I made a keychain on my Cricut and then tried out my poor hairdressing skills on my husband's new buzz cut.

29.  I began working on a shadow box frame for Mother's day only to realize this craft was going to take much longer than I thought... I love how it's turning out so far though.

30.  Alec finished up his schoolwork for the year!

31.  We went on a very brisk walk after lunch before all the boys were picked up to go and paint picnic tables for the campground.

Linking Up With: Sentence a Day,


  1. Some great pictures of your trail walks! And recipes too - fascinated as to what's in bunny chow. It looks so sunny for most of the month and then snow flurries at the end! I used to do a lot of scrapbooking and crafting but gave away all my supplies a few years ago. I miss it now, would have been good to take up that hobby again. Your Cricut reminded me.

    1. The bunny show is so easy; you combine 1/2 cup peanut butter, 1/4 cup butter, and 1 cup white chocolate chips together and microwave until smooth and melted. Add in one tsp. vanilla extract and pour over 8 cups Chex cereal and 1 cup mini pretzels. Stir until the cereal mix is well coated. Add in 2 cups powdered sugar and keep stirring until all the cereal mix is well coated. I then scoop out the mix into a resealable container (leaving any unused powdered sugar in my mixing bowl) and added a 1/2 bag (though a full bag would be delicious too!) of Reece's peanut butter egg candies to it.

  2. I love how much you get outside and just hike. I wish we had beautiful hiking trails like that around here.

    1. Oh me too! It has been such a sanity saver. I feel like it's the only time I can breathe deeply and let go of that stress and tension.

  3. Your nature pictures are so calming at this time. Thank you for sharing this beauty.


  4. Sounds like you had a pretty nice month with all the being outdoors. Such pretty pictures. Love your scrapbook page and the card. When I retire, I may have to get my scrapbooking stuff out again.

    1. Thanks! I took a good couple of years off from scrapbooking and just recently found my way back to it. I am really enjoying it.

  5. I always love these posts! This is going to be one of those posts you look back on in the years to come and be reminded of when everything started going crazy.

    OK, so pumpkin muffins, so you have a recipe you can share? Also those cinnamon buns look divine!

    1. I definitely think this is one of those posts that I'm going to be amazed by in later years.

      For the muffins I used this recipe from Preppy Empty Nester ( and just made them full size for approx. 4 points each.

  6. There is no problem finding somewhere to walk without getting too close to other people where you live! Isn't it crazy how quickly everything changed? Lots of parents here are struggling with suddenly have to homeschool!

    1. Lots of wide open spaces! I know some of the trails have been pretty crowded so we've been sticking to some of the lesser known trails.

  7. I used to make something similar, puppy chow, for the kids at school. Served it in a dog food bowl. Their little minds would be blown when I would pop some 'chow' in my mouth from the bowl, and then offer some to my kinders. Ha! Fun memory.

    Oh, Joanne, the photos taken from your patio looking out on the lake are just gorgeous. I think you should take photos each season, pick the best one from spring, best from summer, fall and winter and make a framed collage. Those snow serene.

    So strange to read your recap of the month with really no mention of THE VIRUS! By early March, we were already worrying! Ha! And buying groceries!

    Cannot wait to see your finished shadow box. You have inspired me to use my Cricut more! Finished up 2 scrapbook pages last week and have another one almost completed today. Woo hoo! Thanks for being a good influence.

    1. I had an old blog post that was just photos of the lake taken at all different times of the year but I never thought of having any of them framed; that would be a neat collage!

      We were already stocking up groceries by early March too and while I can't say the virus hasn't impacted our lives I still try to keep our lives as normal as possible...

  8. What a great way to get exercise, stay distant from others and enjoy time together! Fantastic to read what you've been up to during the month and snow as well.

  9. What a wonderful way to remember the month! A sentence a day is a great journalling technique, and I loved this little glimpse into your life. Thank you so much for being a part of the Hearth and Soul Link Party Community!

    1. Thank you! I figure it will be particularly neat to look back on these few months years from now..

  10. A fun way to review the month. I'll have to remember that for the end of this month, but most of the pictures and sentences would be from here inside the condo. - Margy

    1. It is a fun way to look back at the month and I think April's is going to be a bit boring.. and probably kind of weird since we hardly leave the house at all unless we're heading out hiking nearby.


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